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Build Illinois: Abundant Opportunities For Local Governments

By GEORGE H. RYAN, Lieutenant Governor

The "Build Illinois" program bodes well for our State's local communities and their economies. This undertaking — the largest of its type in Illinois' history — will help provide infrastructure and physical improvements for schools, roads and sewer systems, increase the housing stock in Illinois, and improve our environment and recreational facilities. And in the long term, it ensures job creation, a larger tax base for local governments and an overall improved economic climate.

These benefits of "Build Illinois" are significant overall for two reasons: They help create an aggressive local campaign in economic development and help maintain an important link between Springfield and local governments.

"Build Illinois" also furthers one of this Administration's goals: aiding localities in improving their ability to react to economic development opportunities. In this way, local governments become less reliant on federal assistance, while enhancing their bridge of communication with the State.

And it is critical that local governments do indeed become less dependent of federal outlays, because they are markedly decreasing. Just during my term as Lieutenant Governor, federal intergovernmental aid to cities and towns has fallen considerably: Overall assistance, since 1981, has been reduced by 20 percent. This leaving the States to pick up the tab for programs such as economic development. Because of this trend, Illinois' cities and counties are seeking guidance from Springfield to counter the reductions posed by Washington. Through the "Build Illinois" program, Illinois will have the opportunity to develop economic strength without much Federal assistance.

As Chairman of the "Build Illinois Task Force", I see the necessity for a close-working relationship between the State and its localities. "Build Illinois" could provide the needed incentive for local governments to launch a strong drive for economic revitalization — a drive that eventually stimulates new industries, growth and jobs.

Illinois is preparing to help local governments improve their ability to react to economic development opportunities by providing a base in which funding projects can occur. Through the funding. State and local officials would be able to find innovative approaches in financing local economic development needs. "Build Illinois" will help local governments meet economic development challenges of the future as it will provide cities and towns with the financial resources to create new revenues and promote a better economy.

Illinois' largest public works and building program in 15 years is helping the State and its communities prepare for long-term development. Of the $2.3 billion appropriated through "Build Illinois", $1.278 billion has been directed toward projects ranging from restoration of the infrastructure to small and large business revitalization. The effects of these endeavors hopefully will attract new industry to Illinois, creating permanent jobs and enhancing the businessman's incentive to expand his work.

Site visits and hearings conducted by my office will present me with a first-hand look into a community's determination to improve its economic condition. These visits and hearings demonstrate how the Lieutenant Governor's Office remains personally involved in economic development and committed to working with local and county officials to promote business expansion. The opportunity to view these areas helps assess the needs and concerns of a community, as it is a step in promoting business and economic development through the Lieutenant Governor's Office.

Illinois is in a position to have a major impact on its economic health. Its communities have the chance to design an overall economic development plan using "Build Illinois" as a base to enhance their local revenue structures, induce business investment, create jobs and revitalize economically deprived areas. The State has provided a favorable legislative program in influencing

November 1985 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 11

economic enhancement and economic development strategies.

My involvement in economic development opportunities and "Build Illinois" helps demonstrate the Lieutenant Governor's commitment to improve Illinois' business climate. Local leaders need not go through a bureaucratic maze when communicating their desire to enhance their community's economic well-being. They will be provided with information and direction to State agencies that deal with Illinois economy.

The high visibility presented to a statewide elected official helps place the Lieutenant Governor's Office in a better position to review the statewide atmosphere and to cut across jurisdictional lines to ensure that various State agencies and departments are working in a cooperative and coordinated manner assisting in economic development and expansion.

Why does Build Illinois offer such unlimited opportunities to expand and improve Illinois' economic base?

Because it provides a wide variety of programs which include small and large business loans, offering incentives for business start-ups and consolidation. In addition to the loans, the legislation will allow for an infrastructure assistance program, making financing available to local governments on a specific project basis. The local governments themselves will show that the public infrastructure financing is essential to initiate expansion of an existing business or the attraction of a new one.

Support for local economic development from Springfield is evident with the passage of "Build Illinois" legislation. The State is preparing itself for long-term growth and short-term planning as it provides the incentives for local government involvement in both intergovernmental cooperation and business improvement.

The prognosis for the future is good because local economic development programs are receiving a great deal of emphasis and attention. Moreover, local and state officials are meeting and working together on common regional economic problems. "Build Illinois" has brought these individuals closer with the goal to improve all Illinoisans standard of living and increase the State's competitiveness throughout the nation.

Page 12 / Illinois Municipal Review / November 1985

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