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By Ted Flickinger, Managing Editor

This issue of the magazine deviates from our traditional Illinois theme by offering a glimpse of England's Royal parks and the parks in West Germany. IPR Editor Barb Valiukenas and IAPD Business Manager Bill Bodine had the privilege of recently interviewing the bailiff of the Royal parks, while I visited with officials from the West German parks. I hope you find our articles interesting.

Closer to home, our colleagues are sharing information about cooperative efforts to promote wellness and effective law enforcement in parks, the fiscal impact a gifts catalogue can have on your agency, and ways to effectively market your programs and projects. The importance of the team concept to successful management and the need to preserve our rich heritage are also explored.

Our article on the upcoming holiday season represents the first in a series of stories for which we polled various park and recreation agencies statewide. We hope you find the wide array of ideas useful.

Your support for the IPR this past year has been most appreciated. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the magazine in 1986.

On The Cover

The Christmas tree at the Richard J. Daley Center in Chicago is shown on the cover. The photo was furnished by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.

Illinois Parks and Recreation                                 5                                         November/December 1985

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