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By Dave Weigand and Karen Correll 1985 Conference Co-chairs

"Leisure: Choice and Challenge" is the theme of the 1985 Illinois Park and Recreation Conference to be held Nov. 21-24 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Rosemont.

Conference details are included in the insert of this magazine. Members of the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD), Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) and the Joint Conference Committee have worked since December to put together a conference package that meets the variety of interests within the leisure field.

The agenda

Educational sessions have been developed by a subcommittee representing all IPRA sections and IAPD. This task is accomplished under the guidance of committee vice-chairs Arlene Mulder, commissioner from the Arlington Heights Park District, and Steve Persinger, director of the Geneva Park District.

New to this year's program will be a legislative breakfast on Saturday morning which will enable delegates to meet with a panel of legislators for discussion and questions. This session has a separate fee.

Several sessions will highlight fi-

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Illinois Parks and Recreation                                 4                                     September/October 1985

1985 IPR Conference
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nancing trends and new investment options. Dr. James Hagerbaumer, an economic forecaster, will speak about the "Economy of the '80s" and "Great Classics on Success." Ernie Nance, formerly from Illinois, will discuss "Management By Perspective."

Rod Aiken and Del Siebert will highlight their travels in a session entitled "International Park Systems." Jim Ruth, NRPA's president-elect, will present "New Directions for NRPA."

Conflict and cooperation problems with the private sector and the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) will be discussed as well as arts programming and current research in therapeutic recreation. The union/non-union controversy will be featured along with its practical implications.

Students may attend the William Freeburg Seminar on Friday, and there are an increased number of sesions dealing with senior programming. Last, but not least, a wide variety of potpourri programs offer an opportunity for small group interaction.

Preconference workshops

In addition to the educational sessions, there will be nine preconference workshops on Thursday and two on Saturday. Workshops have a separate fee and registrations are processed through the IPRA office. A workshop registration form is included in this issue's insert.

Preconference workshop titles include "Dynamics of Motivational Management," "Capital Development Project Administration and Construction," "Linking Generations: Inter-generational Programming," "Leadership and the One Minute Manager," "Skills for Dealing with People," "Your Supervisory Bole Today," "Communications, Personalities, Work Priorities — Why Do Breakdowns Occur With Staff/Elected Officials," "Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation" and golf workshop "From Tee to Green $$$."

The speaker for one of Saturday's workshops — "Humor, Creativity and Change Adaptation" — will be C.W. Metcalf. Metcalf, founder/director of Body English in Ft. Collins, CO, was the keynote speaker at the 1984 NRPA Congress in Orlando. In this workshop he will provide a rare insight toward understanding and communicating with others.

The second Saturday workshop is a "Volunteer Youth Sport Coaches Training Workshop." The speakers will be Rainer Martens, founder, and Bob Levin, national director, of the American Coaching Effectiveness Program (ACEP).

Volunteer coaches for local youth sport programs are encouraged to attend. The Hyatt is offering a special overnight package of $85 single and $99 double, including Sunday brunch, for the attending volunteer coaches. All workshops will be assigned Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

The opening all-conference luncheon on Friday will feature Metcalf as the keynote speaker. In his presentation of "Laughter Is Legitimate As Some Fine Medicine," Metcalf will show how humor and joy are contagious and help stimulate the work environment.

Final reminders

Each agency will receive a final copy of the program one week prior to the conference. This will enable staffs to see the detailed listing of programs, speakers, times and locations before arriving at the conference. This will also help advance planning.

We feel that this year's conference will provide you with a combination of quality education and social enjoyment. "Leisure: Choice and Challenge" not only applies to those in our local communities, but also to ourselves involved within the profession.

Take this opportunity to choose to attend the IPR Conference, challenge yourself to learn more about this vast leisure field, and meet many new fellow professionals and elected officials. We'll see you in November!

Other highlights

• The agency intern mart will again be held on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. This provides an opportunity for agencies and students to meet and discuss job opportunities in the leisure field. (Agencies should have received a special application for the intern mart. These forms are also available from the IPRA office.)

Agency Showcase entries will be displayed in the main lobby of the hotel. Judging will take place prior to the conference; awards will be presented at the Saturday awards luncheon. Entry forms, due by Oct. 1, are available from the IPBA office.

Many exhibitors will be in the exhibit hall throughout the conference, Take the time to browse and meet the persons who provide financial support to both IAPD and IPRA.

Social activities are planned for all three evenings. Thursday's opening mixer will feature the music of Atlantic City and a return of the Chevy Show. On Friday, the Student Section will sponsor a Trivial Pursuit contest. Southwick and Stevenson will entertain after Saturday's banquet. Then it's time to put on the dancing shoes for the Joe Cantafio '50s and '60s show and, later, the Miracle DJ.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Karen Correll is superintendent of recreation at the Woodridge Park District. Dave Weigand is president of the Board of Commissioners for the Chicago Ridge Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation                                 14                                     September/October 1985

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