Illinois Roster of Certified Leisure Personnel
In 1982, Illinois was the first state approved for participation in the National Certification Plan established by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).
Certification is important because it provides a means of attesting to the educational and experience qualifications of personnel employed full-time in the leisure service field. This gives employers a guarantee that certified personnel have attained the stated minimum educational and experience qualifications.
In addition, certified personnel must attain two units of continuing education every two years to maintain their certification. This requirement recognizes the importance continuing education plays in helping keep employee skills current.
Participation in the Illinois Park and Recreation Certification Plan is totally voluntary. Individuals certified under the plan are included in the National Roster of certified recreation, park resources, conservation and leisure service personnel. The following individuals who make up the Illinois roster of certified leisure service personnel should be recognized for their high level of professionalism.
Certified Professionals
Alan H. Burton
Cheryl Dralle
James R. Grove
Rod Aiken
Barbara Byrne
Peter C. Drogos
James H. Gruenwald
Vernon Alexander
Gerard J. Byrne
Denise Drucker
Linda L. Gryziecki
Dennis Alldridge
Cynthia N. Capek
Frank Duis
Ronald J. Gunter
Barbara Altwies
Angelo J. Capulli
Ron Dumke
Mark J. Guthrie
Athena Ames
Debbie Carlson
Robert Dunsmuir
Denise Haack
Donna L. Andrasco
Jan Carlson
Patricia F. Eagleton
Edward Haag
Thomas Angelos
Jayne B. Carstens
William F. Earl
Fred P. Hall
Robert Lee Angleton
Thomas L. Carstens
Barbara L. Eaton
Leane Hall
Gerard I. Armstrong
Kim Cashmore
James C. Eby
Robin Hall
Phyllis Arntzen
Grant A. Casleton
Alan L. Efflandt
R. C. Hallberg
Cory Atwell
Alien Cassady
Glen A. Ekey
James L. Hammontree
Rodney D. Auxier
Kathleen Cassens
Matthew O. L. Ellmann
R. Milton Hand
Mark E. Badasch
Vincent Castellanoz
Robert Ems
Jerry Handlon
Jerome Baer
Michael Christopher
Robert D. Espeseth
Michael W. Haptonstahl
Gary Baker
Jack A. Claes
Michael P. Evans
Vicki Milligan Hardey
Ray H. Baker
Andy Clark
Lynn Diana Faber
Rita M. Hardy
Brian J. Baldea
Virginia M. Clark
Susie K. Field
Leslie S. Harrison
Jim E. Ball
Terry Clarke
George C. Fink
Steve Hartman
Chuck Balling
Edward C. Clift
Joanne M. Finn
Carl P. Hartmann
Gary Balling
Bernard B. Clousing
Kenneth Fiske
Edward Harvey
Joseph J. Bannon
Joseph N. Cogley
Jack Fogel
Alvin Hattendorf
Joann Barfield
Jonathan R. Cohn
Gary T. Foiles
Patricia Hayes
Nancy Barrett
Thomas E. Connolly
Patrick J. Foley
Jerry Hayner
Jill Bartholomew
Walter L. Cook
Bruno Fontana
John L. Hedges
Ginny Bateman
Karen Correll
Colette Foreman
David M. Hefternan
Reid Bateman
Brenda Sue Cresap
J. Karl Foss
Paul E. Heinkel
John H. Beaman
Robert D. Croft
Jeff Fougerousse
Dale M. Hench
Larry K. Belknap
Gene Cromwell
Keith Frankland
Patricia M. Hensley
Penny Belknap
Dennis R. Crowe
Sheila Franklin
Bobbie Herakovich
Ned F. Bell
Kathleen Cunningham
Dan W. Frase
Helen O'Connor Herbst
Debra Bemm
John Curran
Susan Freeberg
Daniel Herring
Rick Bemm
Betty L. Currie
Claudia Freeman
Sheri Herring
Thomas Benefiel
Peggy Ann Curtis
Laurie L. Freeman
Ann C. Hildreth
Phil Bennett
James T. DaBosa
Sheri Freid
Susan Hill
Ira Marvin Berke
Kathy Sue Daichendt
Susan Friend
Jane Hodgkinson
Thomas K. Bernahl
Robert C. Dannys
David H. Fritz
Nancy Hohs
James L. Berousek
Tom Dattalo
Robin J. Fritze
Mary Jayne Holley
Kathleen C. Bingham
Frank DeAtley
Therese M. Fritzmann
Gary Hopfinger
Vern W. Bissett
Dennis J. DeLance
Michael A. Fugiel
W. Hopkins
Ronald W. Blemler
Robert A. DeLeonardis
Steve Furlong
Heather J. Hoppe
Richard M. Blust
Ronald J. Deboer
Carolyn S. Garofalo
Matt Horbas
Raymond M. Bohne
Scott R. Dell
William C. Geihsler
Charles Hoscheit
Dennis Bokemeier
Jim Delmotte
Denise Maria George
Duane S. Hosimer
Rick Bold
Cheryl Loudon Deom
Evelyn (Harney) Getty
Jeanne Hosier
Gregory B. Bott
Vito W. DiCanio
Karen Getzendanner
John Hovde
Jeff Boubelik
Dorothea DiGuido
Arthur A. Gill
Craig D. Hubert
Evelynne H. Bowman
Bill Dice
Laura Lynn Glazier
Suzette Huckstadt
Ann E. Braatz
Ronald E. Diehl
Lori Glazik
William E. Hughes
D. James Brademas
Diane Dillow
Tom Gordon
Cheryl Hurst
Wm. A. Brauer
Gayle Dixon
William M. Grady
Daniel L. Hypke
James O. Breen
Janet M. Dolan
Michael Grandy
Frederick E. Jackson
Geralyn Marie Brescia
Judith Dolan Mendelson
Robert K. Gray
Jon Jackson
Marc Brogan
Diane Dolce
Margaret Green
Douglas Jacobs
Mary Brosious
Dick Dooley
Ronald Greenberg
R. Jarecki
Daniel D. Brown
Nancy L. Dorfman
Charles R. Greene
Betty Lou Jenkins
George H. Bryant, Jr.
Rick Dorsey
Daniel J. Griffin
Richard E. Johns
Ewen Bryden
Joe H. Doud
Steve Grimes
Tanya Johnson
Michael E. Brzezinski
John W. Downs
Richard Grodsky
Annie Lee Jones
Illinois Parks and Recreation 36 March/April 1986
Beth Stelle Jones
James W. Miller
Greg Repede
Charles J. Szoke
John P. Joyce
Jennifer Nolan Miller
Dr. Donald Rezab
Thomas Tayler
Judy A. Julison
Mary Mistro Miller
Keith Rich
Mary Susan Teresi
Cynthia M. Jump
Richard E. Miller
Thomas J. Richardson
David Thomas
Peg Kallio
Nancy J, Miner
Scottie Ricker
Ted Thomas
Thomas M. Kalousek
Sally Mintern
Walter C. Righton
Frederick C. Thompson
Donald W. Kappel
Richard A. Missing, Jr.
Alexander L. Roberts
Robert F. Toalson
Steven Karoliussen
David W. Mogle
Roy C. Roberts
William S. Tookey
Deborah A. Kash
Renee Moloznik
Harold L. Robson
Patricia McKanna Trindl
Ginny Keefe
John (Bill) Moran
James Rock
Terry Turnquist
Kevin T. Kendrigan
Patrick B. Morley
Julie J. Rock
Jerome Tutskey
Peggy Kennedy
Ray Morrill
Robert W. Rolek
Marilyn Twining
Leiand O. Kew
Anthony J. Moseley
Sue Rolf
Carol Unsicker
Roger Key
Patrick L. Moser
Angie Roman-Staiger
Donald P. Van Arsdale
Karen A. Kiester
Linda Brougham Naatz
Ralph V. Rosser
Robert Vaughan
Patricia Klawitter
Tom Naatz
Patricia Roth
Marilee Verdu
Gary Koren
Jim Nejedly
Mary Ann Rowe
Ralph J. Volpe
Robert Kotula
Deborah D. Nelson
Thomas E. Rowe
Ralph D. Voris
Kimberly An Kovac
James R, Nelson
June Rowley
Michael B. Walger
Jerry Krewer
Rudy Nelson
Robert W. Ruhe
Richard Walker
Thomas Kruse
John Nemerovski
Betty Russell
Gary M. Watson
Ronald Kubicki
Molly Neuleib
Michael Rylko
Linda Watts
Michael Kudla
William C. Neumann
Gregory G. Sagen
Tom Weathers
Daria Kay Kuhs
Dan Newport
Gene D. Sanks
Richard Well
Greg Kuhs
David J. Nolan
Sevan Sarkisian
Marvin S. Weiss
Robert Kunkel
Richard D. Norris
Walter Schamber
Charles E. Westphal
Thomas W. Kurow
Dave Novak
Randall L. Schawel
Laura Jean B. Whalen
Sharon Kus
Janet Nowers
Preston W. Schellbach
Larry R. Wheeler
Betsy Kutska
Robert J. O'Brien, Jr.
Gary Schiefer
Thomas C. White
Ken Kutska
Gerald M. Oakes
Michael S. G. Schiller
George Whitehead
Robert Lashbrook
Ray Ochromowicz
Dan Schimmel
Sandra Whitmore
Chris Lear
D. James Oerkfitz
Jean Schlinkmann
Debra L. Wienecke
Jack Lepper
Karan L. Onstott
Len Schmidt
Jeanine Wilcox
Janice M. Linduska
Robert Orsi
Tim Schmidt
Ann Wilkins
John F. Linxwiler
James H. Oster
Kay J. Schneegas
Kerry Willey
Thomas J. Lippert
Daniel Otto
Michael Schneider
Kristin Ann Williams
Joann Lodine
Cathy Pacetti
Mark Schneiderman
Raymond G. Williams
Janet Lonergan
Demetra Parashos
Stephen C. Scholten
John W. Wilson
Ralph Lonergan
Lynn Parfitt
David Schroeder
Linda Wiltberger
Sandra Long
Rich Partak
Jeffrey Schryver
Donald J. Wirth
Ronald Lorenzo
Jerry E. Pask
Larry A. Schuldt
Jo Ann Witucki
Ken Lusinski
Steve Patterson
Joe Schultz
Marvin Wolf
Thomas G. Lovern
Efstathios L. Pavledes
Terry G. Schwartz
Ed Wolfenbarger
George Lowrey, Jr.
Chuck Paxton
David W, Schweitzer
Max L. Woods
Michael S. Lucchesi
Arlene G. Perry
Richard Sedowski
Richard J. Wulbecker
Dr. Frank D. Lupton, Jr.
Stephen D. Persinger
Patricia M. Sergeant
Pat Yeager
Joyce Magsamen
Greg Petry
James R. Sharp
Teresa A. Yerly
Tony Malcak
Robert A. Phelps
Cathy Shekleton
Sandra Young
Thomas A. Mammoser
Jack F. Philbrick
Michael Shindler
Randi Zalas
Janet Manson
David F. Phillips
Charles J. Siegler
Raul Zaldivar
David Markworth
Lawrence Piekarz
Billy Sim Sisler
Richard J. Zarr
Danielle Marsico
Kenneth Lee Plesha
Benny Skeldon
James M. Zawlocki
Mike Martino
Fred Ploegman, Jr.
Connie Skibbe
Mary Ann Zednik
Alex J. Marx
Steven S. Plumb
Pam Smalarz
Edward A. Zelenka
Jean Massa
Steve Pohlman
Brian T Smith
Ann S. Zito
Gerard P. McCord
Theresa Tolle Pohlman
Kermit J. Smith
Anthony J, Zito
Diane McCray
Mick Pope
Robin Coe Soderquist
Jerome Zobrist
Michael McElligott
Robert A. Porter
Jon D. Sommer
Judith Zopp
Liza McElroy
Terrence Porter
Sue Spangler
Carol McEvoy
Joyce L. Pottinger
Robert Spencer
Certified Provisional
Wendy McKiernan
Leslie Powell-Finkel
Thomas R. Spika
Dr. William R. McKinney
Todd D. Pratt
Dennis R. Stein
Bruce E. Baum
Mark M. McKinnon
Daniel R. Prezell
Michael P. Sterba
Beth A. Beyerl
Mary Pat McNicholas
Cathy Puchalski
Thomas R. Sternloff
Laura J. Brown
Steve Megginson
Mark W. Purcell
Ted R. Sterrett
Jane Christensen
Jerry Menz
Bob Pushee
Linda Mulkerin Strass
Barbara Christian
Vince Merenda
Richard Pyle
William H. Sturgis
Merridy Anne Clem
Pete Merkel
Robert D. Quill
Thomas S. Suhs
Kent C. Deal
Jan D. Mersmann
Sue Quill
William R. Sujka
Evonne Eidsvoog
Greg Meyer
Randy Ralston
Phillip G. Svetich
Jim Ensign
Steven Meyer
Ray T. Randall
Sheila Swann
Linda M. Focht
Sue A. Micklevitz
Mary K. Rascher
Debra Swanson
Lynn Mikels
Larry Reiner
Paul V. Swanson
John Milano
Randy Reopelle
Stephan Swanson
Illinois Parks and Recreation 37 March/April 1986
Martin Larson
Vera Hesse
Jan Lewis
Lyle Hicks
Jan Monroe
Ruth Ann Iwanski
Mark Hale
Peggy A. Suhling
Steven Morella
Susan K. Janes
Kerry Patrick Hays
Lois B. Tyznik
Sharon O'Connell
Martha T. Judge
Tom Holleran
Elizabeth A. Wendel
Barbara O'Rahilly
Julia A. Karnstedt
Todd Hopkins
Michael Wett
Nancy J. Phillips
Allison Kosty
Kim I. Jarvi
James Wiseman
Steve Reggi
Jeffrey R. Levy
Patty Johnson
Joan M. Zimmermann
Kirk Reimer
Carolyn Mallaney
Mary E. Kaufman
Karen Roche
Donna Sheehy McCauley
Deborah S, Klemmer
Certified Technicians
Wilma Turner
J. Ann McGugan
Dawn E. Lemme
Jeffrey Acks
Ed Wille
Twyla M. Misselhorn
Jennifer Lurquinn
Mary Jo Bailey
Danelle Wonderlick
Nancy Navar
Maureen McNicholas
Mary E. Beaver
Dr. Carol Ann Peterson
Alice Michaud
Nina Buzgariu
Certified Professionals withTherapeutic Specialty
Robert B. Pindar
Catherine Ann Morava
Jeffrey R. Clark
William J. Popelar
Tamara L. Newquist
Emil Esposito
Barbara Alldridge
Donna L. Schimmel
Robert M. O'Shaughnessy
Vernon Faust
Charlene Kay Basham
Susan L. Schroeder
Linda Pietrini
John P. Finn
Mary Berman
Shelley S. Schultz
Kathy Riley
Mary Beth Flagg
Myrna Haimowitz Besley
Dr. Barbara Sirvis
Rick Robbins
Judith D. Fruchil
Marianne Birko
Myra A. Tanenbaum
Lynnaia Ross-Haugen
Annette Fuchs
Fred C. Boch
Gail E. Terwilliiger
Cynthia Ruff
Robert Brian Green
Juman Collier Bruce
Shelly Thurston
Laura Seri
Pat Jacobs
Louis Carpino
Marilyn F. Vogus
Susan J. Stapleton
Grace M. Kiehl
Lynne Cimino
Elaine Weil
Jonathan Stumpf
Peggy Krauch
Ann Gillespie
Marcia Yamashita
Illinois Parks and Recreation 38 March/April 1986