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April 1988 Municipal Calendar
This calendar is based upon the most current information, court decisions and legislation of which the League has knowledge as of the date of this publication. It supercedes similar information contained in all other League publications.

The annual report of the collector is to be made between the first and tenth of April and is to be published by the clerk. (Chapter 24, paragraph 3-11-26.)

The municipal fiscal year begins on election day unless otherwise provided by ordinance. (Chapter 24, paragraph 1-1-2.)

Commission form councils must meet and appoint officers and assign departments at the first meeting after their election, or as soon as practicable thereafter, except where candidates for Commissioner are required to run for a specific office. (Chapter 24, paragraphs 4-5-3; 4-5-4.)

Elections for members of boards of trustees of the police pension funds in cities and villages between 5,000 and 500,000 in population, shall be held biennially on the third Monday in April. (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraphs 3-103; 3-128.)

Members of the board of trustees of firemen's pension fund (all municipalities between 5,000 and 500,000 population) are to be chosen the third Monday in April in each applicable year. (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraphs 4-103; 4-121.)

The quarterly report by the board of inspectors of the house of correction must be made and filed with the corporate authorities. (Chapter 24, paragraph 11-4-5.)

A person subject to the filing requirements of the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act must file a statement on or before May 1 of each year, unless he has already filed a statement in relation to the same unit of government in that calendar year. (Chapter 127, paragraph 601-101.)

Page 10 / Illinois Municipal Review / March 1988

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