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Finding and keeping qualified workers is a major challenge for any business, but hiring dependable employees with disabilities is made easy for Illinois employers who use the Illinois JOBS NOW network.

With a single toll-free phone call to 1-800-JOBS-NOW, employers may tap into a free placement service that provides a selection of qualified job candidates within 72 hours. Information is also available on money-saving tax credits of up to $2,400, on-the-job training dollars, customized support services, assistance with architectural barriers, disability awareness seminars, and other benefits and savings to employers.

The JOBS NOW network, a quick and easy, no obligation service provided by the Illinois Jobs Committee and the Department of Rehabilitation Services, is operational statewide and in communities bordering Illinois. JOBS NOW screens and matches jobs with qualified job candidates from the community, then a local placement expert works to ensure a smooth transition for the employer, employee and co-workers.

JOBS NOW is a uniquely designed placement program created by the Illinois Jobs Committee. This Committee is co-chaired by Governor James Thompson, Secretary of State Jim Edgar and Ronald Gidwitz, the President of Helene Curtis, Inc. There are 43 members including corporate presidents and CEO's, and representatives from business associations, civic groups and labor unions. Their business expertise has helped to ensure that JOBS NOW is responsive to employers.

JOBS NOW offers far more than fast service, free screening, extra training and tax savings. Research and experience have shown that people with disabilities are efficient and extremely loyal, but the enthusiasm and reliability of these job candidates is the greatest advantage of all.

E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company, with more than 100,000 employees, surveyed 1,452 workers with disabilities. The results:

— no increase in workers compensation costs or lost time to injuries;
— 96% of the workers with disabilities rated average or above in job safety;
— 93% rated average or better in job stability;
— 91% were average or better in job performance;
— 79% were average or better in job attendance;
— most required no special work arrangements.


Businesses who are presently benefiting from using the JOBS NOW service include: Montgomery Ward, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, AON Corporation and subsidiary Rollins Burdick Hunter, Gilster-Mary Lee Corporation, Loyola University, Lutheran General Hospital; restaurants like Wendy's, Taco Bell and Bennigan's; and major hotels including Marriott, Hyatt Regency and Holiday Inn. We have matched PhD's as well as unskilled workers with employers who make calling 1-800-JOBS-NOW their first resource to fill a job.

Employers and personnel representatives call 1-800-JOBS-NOW during business hours to list a job or for more information. •

Page 16 / Illinois Municipal Review / April 1988

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