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May 1988 Municipal Calendar

This calendar is based upon the most current information, court decisions and legislation of which the League has knowledge as of the date of this publication. It supercedes similar information contained in all other League publications.

The Annual Appropriation Ordinance must be passed during the first quarter of the fiscal year. In municipalities over two thousand in population, the corporate authorities shall make available for public inspection the proposed appropriation ordinance not less than ten days prior to adoption and shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper published in the county and having a general circulation in the municipality at least ten days prior to the time of the public hearing.

Prior to the adoption of the annual appropriation ordinance, the corporate authorities of municipalities over 2,000 in population at least 10 days prior to such adoption shall make such proposed appropriation ordinance or formally prepared appropriation document upon which the annual appropriation ordinance will be based conveniently available to public inspection and shall hold at least one public hearing thereon. Notice of this hearing shall be given publication in one or more newspapers published in the municipality, or if there is none published in the municipality, in a newspaper published in the county and having general circulation in the municipality, at least 10 days prior to the time of the public hearing. Such notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and the place where copies of the proposed appropriation ordinance will be accessible for examination. Subsequent to the public hearing and before final action is taken on the appropriation ordinance, the corporate authorities may revise, alter, increase or decrease the items contained therein. (Chapter 24, paragraph 8-2-9.)

The annual appropriation ordinance, as well as an estimate of revenues, certified by the Chief Fiscal Officer, by source, anticipated to be received by the municipality in the following fiscal year must be filed with the County Clerk within 30 days of the adoption of the appropriation ordinance.

The tax levy ordinance must be passed and a certified copy thereof filed with the county clerk on or before the second Tuesday in September. (Chapter 24, paragraph 8-3-1.)

Within thirty days after the expiration of the fiscal year of the city or village, the library board shall submit to the council or board of trustees and the Illinois State Library an annual statement of liabilities including those for bonds outstanding or due for judgments, settlements, liability insurance or for amounts due under a certificate of the board. (Chapter 81, paragraph 4-10.)

Every public officer who receives or disburses money and who does not file a report with the board or council shall within 30 days after the expiration of the fiscal year, cause to be published an account of all money received and spent and shall file the same with the county clerk. (Chapter 102, paragraphs 5 and 6.)

The comptroller (or clerk) shall make out an annual report and estimate of expenses and submit it to the council or board of trustees on or before the fifteenth of May. (Chapter 24, paragraph 3-11-24.)

The treasurer of the police pension funds—all cities and villages between 5,000 and 500,000 population— shall file an annual report with the trustees and council on the second Tuesday of May. (Chapter 108'2, paragraph 3-141.)

The term of office of the inspectors of the house of correction, appointed by the Mayor, begins the first Monday in May. (Chapter 24, paragraph 11-4-2.)

Trustees of the police pension fund are to be appointed before the second Tuesday in May. (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraph 3-128.)

Conference attendance resolution—approve resolution authorizing delegates from your municipality to attend the annual conference of the Illinois Municipal League, usually held in the fall—advance notices of the place and date will be sent to you.

April 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 25

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