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Get An Answer At The Fair

By GEORGE H. RYAN, Lieutenant Governor

While the State Constitution directs that the Lieutenant Governor — as the State's second-ranking official — is designated to assume the Governorship should a vacancy occur, on a day-to-day basis my office is involved in a variety of activities. These areas of involvement are the result of assignments made by the Governor, responsibilities prescribed by the legislature, and initiatives I have undertaken.

And precisely because the duties originate from several sources, I feel my office is afforded a latitude not enjoyed by other Statewide elected officials or members of the Illinois General Assembly. Indeed, the diversity of my office's undertakings has enabled me to criss-cross the State to meet with a variety of Illinois citizens and learn of their concerns and needs.

One of the initiatives we have undertaken — to accomplish direct citizen contact — is the Citizens' Advocate Summer Program at County Fairs and Festivals.

This program is an outreach effort; allowing citizens across the state to become acquainted with the range of governmental services available. It also provides a chance to assist citizens with any difficulties they are experiencing.

Why is this needed? State government is so big, Illinois citizens aren't sure where to find the services available to them. Staffing fairs and festivals is an excellent way to bring some answers directly to citizens. Every year, college students from around the state are employed to staff office booths at county fairs and festivals. The booths have brochures on Illinois tourism information, drug and alcohol prevention programs, and senior citizen services. Also included are various other office program areas, such as economic development, abandoned mined lands reclamation, international trade, intergovernmental affairs and the Rural Affairs Council.

Summer interns are excellent spokespeople who help bridge the gap between Illinois citizens and state government. They have been trained and often can answer questions right on the spot. In addition, they can refer a citizen to the proper office, often with direct phone number and contact, so that the citizen does not become lost amid a maze of bureaucracy and red tape.

In return the summer staff learns about state government and the different programs available through it, as well as having the satisfaction of helping others. The interns become knowledgeable of the concerns of all citizens, from rural communities to urban centers, and convey these on to my staff and me.

Last year the office booth was staffed at 14 county fairs, both the Illinois and DuQuoin State Fairs, and 6 festivals. In addition to several thousand inquiries for assistance and information that were processed by the interns, over 134,000 pieces of state-related literature was distributed directly to Illinois citizens attending these events. This year's program has been scheduled for 22 county fairs, both the Illinois and DuQuoin State Fair, and the Momence Gladiolus Festival. •

July 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 7

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