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August 1988 Municipal Calendar

This calendar is based upon the most current information, court decisions and legislation of which the League has knowledge as of the date of this publication. It supercedes similar information contained in all other League publications.

The tax levy ordinance must be passed and a certified copy thereof filed with the county clerk on or before the second Tuesday in September. (Chapter 24, paragraph 8-3-1.)

Nominations for the board of trustees of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund are to be made between August first and September fifteenth. (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraph 7-175.)

NOTE: All cities and villages having a population of over 5,000 come automatically under the Act (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraph 7-132) and each may nominate and vote for a member of the seven member board of trustees which manages the Fund for the entire State. (Chapter 108 1/2, paragraph 7-175.)

In counties other than Cook County, the collector shall advertise delinquent special assessments, preparatory to sale after August fifteenth. (Chapter 24, paragraph 9-2-84.)

Page 12 / Illinois Municipal Review / July 1988

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