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By JAY R. HEDGES, Director, DCCA

Next month, the Illinois Municipal League, at its Annual Conference in Chicago, will commemorate seventy-five years of uninterrupted service to municipalities in Illinois. This forthcoming, momentous occasion serves to remind me of my personal responsibilities and those of the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.

Some time ago, I was privileged to serve as an assistant city manager. One of my most gratifying experiences was having spent, upon assignment of the city manager, a good portion of a legislative session in Springfield learning about and assisting, where possible, in the operation of the Illinois Municipal League.

Later, as Assistant to Governor James R. Thompson for Intergovernmental Relations, and as Assistant to the Governor for Economic Development, my relationship with the League continued because of its important and respected input on legislative, local government, and economic development matters.

It is unequivocally clear that economic development and municipal capabilities are interdependently responsible for the quality of life experienced. A commercial or industrial complex is left wanting if the public infrastructure and facilities are inadequate for the needs of its employees and their families. A municipality is prone to deterioration if there is not sufficient income because of unemployment.

Money, credit, revenues and expenses, sound management practices, efficient operational procedures, and employee/citizen commitment are necessary for the success of any business, whether private or public.

A municipality is a public business. Like any private business, it is regulated by law, it has a management and policy structure, it has supervisory personnel, it has employees, and it has specific objectives.

The Illinois Municipal League does an outstanding job of representing the interests of Illinois' municipalities before the General Assembly and at the national level.

The League provides valuable information and training through its publications and conferences.

The League avidly pursues its objectives of supporting sufficient revenues, efficient management, and practical procedures so municipalities may effectively provide services and facilities for the benefit of their constituencies.

The primary mission of the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs is to foster and enhance economic development in Illinois. At the same time, we fully realize the importance of municipal involvement in that process. For this reason, the Department offers informational, technical, and financial assistance to municipalities. The Department is in constant contact with the League relative to a variety of issues and programs. In short, we work together for the common good of the people of this great state.

On this occasion of your Diamond Anniversary, we extend our sincere congratulations and thanks for a job well done. We wish you continued success in the future. •

September 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 5

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