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G. Ryan

Publications Available On
Wide Variety of Topics

By GEORGE H. RYAN, Lieutenant Governor

To many Illinois citizens, there is a wealth of information available to them through state government just for the asking. In my office alone, a number of publications can be obtained on a variety of subjects — all of them related to the activities and programs that are available through the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.

During the summer months, we try to inform more residents about the availability of the literature through our office booth, which is displayed at a number of county fairs all across Illinois, as well as at the State Fairs. College interns oversee the booth and are available to both answer questions about the services the Office provides and to distribute the various reports and newsletters on the program areas.

This "outreach program" has proven to be quite successful and popular. For example, this past summer the office was represented at 23 county and both State Fairs, where we distributed a great deal of governmental and tourism literature. In all instances, of course, we worked to acquaint people with the toll-free number to dial to reach our office with any government-related problems that they might be experiencing: 1-800-252-6565.

Exactly what do we offer information on? In general, there are six areas. These include: senior citizens; substance abuse; economic development; small business; exporting and rural affairs.

Consider for a moment the area of senior citizens. By overseeing the Senior Action Centers, and chairing the Senior Legislative Forum as well as the Technical Advisory Committee on Aging, I've come to more fully appreciate that many seniors are unaware of the many programs and services that the state offers them. As a result, the Guide to Senior Services, which has proven to be one of the most well-received pieces of literature, was compiled. This 65-page publication serves as an excellent source of information for senior citizens and the handicapped individuals of Illinois. Whether they are facing financial, legal, or medical problems, or if seniors are simply interested in taking college courses and want to know about tuition-reduced or tuition-free programs offered by several colleges and universities throughout the state, the Guide to Senior Services could be an invaluable resource for them to keep on hand.

In addition, my office helps promote the Circuit Breaker tax relief and pharmaceutical assistance measures — and can provide both instruction booklets and application forms.

Another publication seniors have responded positively to is entitled, "I Have Put My House In Order." This booklet is designed to help save family members time and alleviate grief at the time of the loss of a loved one. This record-keeping document represents one of the most thoughtful gestures an individual can make for his family to provide an accurate, comprehensive listing of personal data and financial information when death occurs.

I'm especially pleased with the first effort of a brand new publication as well. I'm referring to the project my wife, Lura Lynn Ryan, organized and helped launch — the Made in Illinois Gift Guide. Made in Illinois has become available just in time for Christmas shoppers, offering a wealth of unique gift ideas. The purpose of the gift guide is to promote the many fine small producers in Illinois and introduce their products to a larger market. By sharing advertising costs with many businesses, these small businesses are able to market their products in a first-class, color catalog.

Another program area for which we offer information is drug and alcohol abuse prevention. This office believes that prevention is the best weapon for combat-

November 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 7

ing substance abuse in both the young and elderly populations of Illinois. As a result of this belief, S.T.O.P. Substance Abuse was developed. Standing for "Sports Teams Organized for the Prevention of Substance Abuse", this program involves appearances made by professional athletes and me in an effort to help promote prevention programs underway by school and community groups. Incidentally, the month of October was designated "Prevention Month" in Illinois and a proclamation issued by Governor James R. Thompson. Various events were held to commemorate "Prevention Month" throughout the entire state of Illinois. Every quarter we also issue a newsletter on prevention efforts.

I had also mentioned that information is available in the area of rural affairs. Overseeing the Rural Affairs Council is one of my responsibilities, and that State effort has a report on its activities. We also are working to develop a newsletter in this program area by the end of the year.

Economic development has also emerged as a very important area of involvement for this office. Specifically, efforts are underway to heighten exporting activities by smaller businesses. To that end, the annual report on the Illinois Export Development Authority has been well received, as it reviews the highlights of this state agency that provides low-risk, competitive rate financing to small firms wishing to conduct overseas sales. Or, by reading the pamphlet on Shared Foreign Sales Corporations, business people of the state can consider taking advantage of this tax-cutting measure available to exporters.

Finally, through the Illinois Export Council, which I chair, the state is reviewing the policies it has towards exporting, working to make certain that they are supportive of increased overseas sales. The Export Council also puts out a monthly newsletter, Update, highlighting the various events of interest to exporters, including the newest opportunities available to them throughout the world via international business conferences, and seminars during which an exporter has an opportunity to get matched up with an interested importer. An overview of the Council's work during the last year is contained in yet another publication that is offered through this office, "Illinois Export Council, Annual Report of 1987".

Again, the information is available; the assistance is available. All that any citizen need do is let us know how we can help. Contact my office at Room 214, State Capitol, Springfield, Illinois 62706 or call toll-free at 1-800-252-6565. I look forward to providing you with these publications or some other assistance. •

Page 8 / Illinois Municipal Review / November 1988

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