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J. Hedges

Assistance Provided by DCCA's Office of
Local Government Management Services

By JAY HEDGES, Director

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs' primary mission is to foster and enhance economic development. One might feel that some very basic objectives may have been "lost in the shuffle" because of the merger of three separate departments into this one department in 1979. This is not the case, for further examination reveals that the scope of the department's objectives has broadened and the degree of activity to attain them has expanded.

Pragmatically, the separate activities of each of our various offices, divisions, and bureaus of the department are directed to attain specific objectives that are self-justifying which also may be contributory to the fulfillment of our primary mission.

For example, we know what an industry or business looks for in a municipality that is being considered as a location for a new facility or the expansion of an existing one. We are also aware of the pure business logistic and economic factors that are considered in making such a decision. Finally, we realize that it is a self-justifiable objective for a municipality to practice sound fiscal management and to utilize efficient budgeting, accounting, purchasing, and service delivery techniques. It is only through the application of these procedures that a municipality can provide the maximum in facilities, services, and amenities from the resources available. These municipal objectives are self-justifying regardless of economic development. However, they are an important contributing factor in the propagation of economic development within a community.

DCCA's Office of Local Government Management Services (LGMS) provides a variety of services and assistance to municipalities in achieving the objectives that are necessary for community and economic development. These include:

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT — Staff regularly make recommendations to municipalities on budgets/appropriations, levies, financial reports, accounting systems, and local revenue sources. They can also assist in the application of our Financial Health Analysis Program which helps municipalities avoid financial problems before they arise.

PROJECT FINANCING - LGMS staff help municipalities identify local revenue sources to improve streets, construct water and sewer facilities and undertake other local projects. Staff also work with municipal officials to develop alternative financing strategies so they may choose the most equitable and desired procedure.

WATER/SEWER RATE REVIEWS — This service assists communities in reviewing their user charges to ensure that sufficient revenue is available to provide adequate maintenance, meet debt and operation expenses, and create reserves for future improvements.

GRANTS INFORMATION — Information is provided to municipal officials on the availability of state and federal grant and loan programs. Eligibility, application, and deadline information is included. DCCA's monthly newsletter, Illinois Economic Report, features "Grants Corner", a section which focuses on specific grant and loan programs.

CERTIFIED CITIES — The Certified Cities Program formally recognizes municipalities that have met specific requirements in their preparation for economic development. A municipality must document accomplishments in meeting these requirements within sev-

November 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 15

eral economic development categories. Each community that is certified as an Illinois Certified City receives a plaque and a road marker to designate the achievement. Additionally, the community is identified as a Certified City in a computer profile containing data relating to economic development capability. At the present, 35 municipalities have achieved Certified Cities status.

TEL-DCCA — A telephone tape information service enables callers to listen to recorded messages on a variety of topics, including business financing, local government revenue sources, tourism events, community related topics and more. Messages are updated regularly to provide up-to-date information. Simply call 1-800-835-3222 ("TEL-DCCA") at no charge.

TOLL-FREE NUMBER — A department toll-free number allows local governments to call, at no charge, to get information or request assistance. Staff is ready to help callers on a wide variety of issues which are important to local government. Call 1-800-562-4688 ("LOC-GOVT") during normal business hours for assistance.

LEGISLATIVE REPORT — Each spring, a legislative report is prepared outlining all legislation from the previous General Assembly session which became law that affects local government. The report lists the bill number, public act number, sponsor, and intent. The report is distributed to over 3,000 local officials annually.

MANDATES PROGRAM — DCCA prepares fiscal notes on the estimated costs of proposed state legislative mandates that would affect local government. Also, notes are prepared on proposed state rules that affect local government.

WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS/CONFERENCES — Each year, the Office of Local Government Management Services conducts a series of workshops throughout the state on subjects relative to statutory requirements and duties, management procedures, fiscal management, and financing public works projects. These are provided at no charge and are attended by officials from municipalities of all sizes. Staff participate as panelists at the Illinois Municipal League Annual Conference and at its special seminars. Staff also serve at meetings of regional associations and specialized workshops for treasurers and clerks.

You can readily discern that the efforts of the Office of Local Government Management Services are directed at three functions for the benefit of municipalities, namely, informational, educational, and technical assistance. We firmly believe that it is our departmental responsibility to improve municipal capability which enhance economic development.

For information or assistance, call our toll-free number, 1-800-562-4688 ("LOC-GOVT"). •

Page 16 / Illinois Municipal Review / November 1988

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