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December 1988 Municipal Calendar

This calendar is based upon the most current information,
court decisions and legislation of which the League has knowledge
as of the date of this publication. It supercedes similar information
contained in all other League publications.

In Cook County, a certificate that there has been no change in the ownership of property or use thereof must be filed before January thirty-first to preserve the tax-exemption status of municipal property. (Chapter 120, paragraph 500.)

At the beginning of each calendar or fiscal year municipality must prepare a schedule of all regular meetings for the coming year and post notice thereof together with time and place of said meetings. Said schedule shall be given to all news media requesting it. Notice shall also be given of special, rescheduled or reconvened meetings. (Chapter 102, paragraphs 41,42, 42.01, 42.02, 42.03, 42.04 and 43 and Chapter 24, paragraphs 3-11-13 and 4-5-12.)

Page 16 / Illinois Municipal Review / November 1988

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