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Winfield Police Facility

Completed and occupied in early 1987 Winfield's new police facility houses the complete administrative function of the Police Department. A general office and private office space for the Chief, Sergeants, Juvenile Officer and Investigator are provided in the two level 2,500 square foot building. In addition there is a public reception area, a private interview room, storage rooms and a large room with accommodations for the Department's employees to use as a staging and training area.

Significant cost reductions for a police facility were realized by the municipality as a result of Winfield's participation in the DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) network and the Village's proximity to the DuPage County Sheriff's Office. The entire dispatch function including the usual radio room, LEADS interface equipment and computer equipment to track daily activities are absent from the facility and are provided by Du-Comm. Booking activities, fingerprinting and photography, are currently done for the Village at the Sheriff's Office where holding facilities are also utilized precluding the present necessity for equipment and space for these normal police functions.

Significant consideration was given to choosing the site of the new Police Station. Utilizing municipal property adjacent to the Village Hall eliminated the need to purchase real estate and afforded the opportunity for the Village to continue the economies of administrative functions by keeping major Village departments in close proximity. An added benefit to the municipal complex resulted from the necessity to reconfigure the parking areas. The new building occupies a former parking lot. New municipal complex parking was created to the rear and combined with the existing area resulted in a 20% increase in space. To complete the project considerable landscaping of the municipal site was completed effectively creating a pleasing quarter in the center of the community and augments Winfield's aggressive Town Center Plan which calls for street, commuter parking, sidewalk and landscape work in the downtown area.

In addition to the police facility Winfield's Public Works Department also took possession of an 8,000 square foot concrete and steel building in 1987. The structure was designed to be a centralized facility for the operations of the Department and replaces several scattered buildings which housed a myriad of functions which are now concentrated under one roof. Garage space for twelve vehicles and other road maintenance equipment is provided. Office space for the Superintendent, employee accommodations, locker room and kitchen facilities are in the building. Also housed are supplies and areas for vehicle and equipment maintenance and a sign shop.

Winfield's continued rapid growth has dictated the need for a succession of purchases of vehicles and equipment to address the need to maintain the ever increasing miles of public way and utilities. The heated facility should greatly enhance the life expectancy and efficiency of this equipment.

The building is located on existing municipal property at the west end of the Village surrounded by the DuPage County Forest Preserve District. A negotiated land trade with the District allowed construction of the facility without the need to purchase additional real estate thus adding to the economy of construction. •

November 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 19

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