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By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor

We are pleased to share with you five of the many outstanding therapeutic recreation programs and services available in Illinois:

Gary Koenig explains how computers expand the dimensions of day camp programs at the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association.

Kevin Kendrigan and Susie Field discuss the impact of foundations on community-based therapeutic recreation programs.

Julia Karnstedt and Carol Krashen introduce a toy library that meets the needs of special children.

Dennis Alldridge reviews Illinois' role in the 1988 Special Olympics.

David Espeseth explains the impact of the Special Outdoor Adventure Recreation (SOAR) program sponsored by the Maine-Miles Association of Special Recreation.

Also included in this issue are the 1988 Park District Calendar, compiled by Peter M. Murphy, legal/legislative counsel, Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD); Mary Fernandes' account of intergovernmental cooperation in Naperville, and a look back at special moments from the 1987 Illinois Park and Recreation Conference.

Pleasant reading, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!

The cover photo was taken
in Galena, IL, by Terry Farmer,
Illinois Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs.


Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 January/February 1988

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