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By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor

Recreational programming is the focus of this issue, and we are pleased to present three articles which reflect the outstanding services and programs offered by Illinois park, recreation, conservation and forest preserve agencies:

Sandra Whitmore, Park District of Highland Park, explains how the district and a private organization combine their energies and talents to produce a successful cultural event.

Daniel Gibble, Wheaton Park District, and Tim Rhodes, Iron Oaks Adventure Center, outline 10 classic outdoor trips which provide enjoyable and affordable recreational opportunities.

Gary Balling, Morton Grove Park District, reports on the value of participant questionnaires in program evaluations.

This issue also contains two "firsts" — an article about Illinois' first Trail Appreciation Day by Maria Gursh, the Illinois Department of Conservation, and the Illinois Parks and Recreation magazine's first point/counterpoint column. Robert Porter, director of ihe Lemont Township Park District, and Richard Johns, general superintendent of the Glenview Park District, debate the question, Should park professionals run for public office?

In addition, this issue examines:

• negligent hiring in the first of a two-part series by Janet Goldberg and Constance Bauer of Sachnoff Weaver & Rubenstein, Ltd.

• the most recent legal/legislative developments at the State and federal levels in a column by Peter Murphy, IAPD's legal/ legislative counsel.

We welcome your comments. Please let us hear from you !

The cover collage was
created by Tom Kelly,
KER Marketing Services,
Inc., Springfield, IL.


Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 March/April 1988

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