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By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor

Is your agency prepared for the busy summer season? Two of our guest writers offer information which can assist your programming efforts.

Andrew Johnson provides an overview of the important safety considerations included in the Illinois Department of Public Health's new pool and bathing beach requirements.

Tom Richardson and Jerry Oakes debate the question of whether public park and recreation agencies should run child day care centers.

And if you're already thinking ahead to fall, Brenda Segal explains how the Deerfield Park District improved its local image and its communication with other public agencies through a special Halloween party.

Lastly, Robert Papich provides an economic perspective of how sports and leisure programs and facilities favorably impact the Rockford area.

This issue also contains the final segment of Janet Goldberg's and Constance Bauer's series about employee background checks, an article about the role of park police by William McCamey, and Peter Murphy's Legal/Legislative Scene.

We hope you find this selection of articles both interesting and informative.

The cover artwork was created by Patrick Walsh, a self-taught artist who works in pen and ink, and in acrylics. His specialties are wildlife and outdoor scenes. Based in Springfield, IL, he can be contacted at either (217) 544-9500 or (217) 544-3971.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 May/June 1988

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