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1989 Illinois Parks and Recreation
Conference Highlights

Delegates, speakers, guests, exhibitors and professionals created a record-breaking attendance at this year's Illinois Parks and Recreation Conference held January 5-8 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Rosemont. Participants were offered 8 pre-conference workshops, 74 educational sessions, 8 conference workshops, 4 potpourri sessions and 114 exhibits.

For evening entertainment, attendees were treated to a Casino Night on Friday evening, sponsored by the Illinois Conservation, Park and Recreation Foundation. On Saturday night, "The Great Gallup" staged a trip back to the wild, wild west and dancing until the wee hours.

The following photos recapture some of the highlights of this year's conference. See you again next year!

Gov. Thompson and Doug Heir

Governor James Thompson and keynote speaker, Doug Heir, strike a pose during Friday's Luncheon festivities.
(Photo by Nancy Uszler.)

Mike Cassidy being honored
Mike Cassidy, Freeport Park District, was honored by the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) as"Commissioner of the Year." IAPD President Sandra Fernstrom presented the Allan Weissburg Award to Cassidy during Friday's luncheon. (Photo by Nancy Uszler.)

Sandra Fernstrom is honored
Incoming 1989 IAPD President Kenneth Van Nattan and Executive Director Ted Flickinger presented outgoing President Sandra Fernstrom with a plaque, honoring her service and contributions to IAPD during 1988.

Group photo
Governor James Thompson attended Friday's luncheon and enjoyed lunch with (left to right) IDOC Director Mark Frech, IPRA Executive Director Kay Forestand IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger. Also seated, but not shown, were Peter M. Murphy, IAPD Legal/Legislative Counsel, IPRA President Connie Skibbe and IAPD President Sandy Fernstrom. (Photo by Nancy Uszler.)

Kevin T. Kendrigan is honored
Kevin T. Kendrigan, Northwest Special Recreation Association, received IPRA's distinguished Fellow Award. Presenting Kevin's award is (left) IPRA President Connie Skibbe and (right) IAPD President Sandra Fernstrom. (Photo by Nancy Uszler.)

More 1989 IPR Conference photos on page 32.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 January/February 1989

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