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In This Issue

By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor

This special focus edition of IPR magazine highlights Therapeutic Recreation. The membership of the Illinois Therapeutic Recreation Section of IPRA produced a fine lineup of articles that discuss trends, issues and challenges in the therapeutic recreation field:

• Should SRA's deny non-resident handicapped persons from participating in their programs? Thomas M. Wheeler and Jon D. Sommer create an interesting Point/Counterpoint feature beginning on page 10.
Ted Flickinger

Greg Meyer illuminates the necessity of providing recreational opportunities for all people, beginning on page 14.

William Higelmire, Ed.D., CTRS, reports on the success of Camp New Hope, a residential camp for disabled persons near Mattoon.

Jeff Levy, M.S., CTRS, discusses the merits of applying therapeutic recreation programming in residential treatment centers that serve disadvantaged and "special needs" youth.

You'll enjoy looking through the 1989 IPR Convention Highlights beginning on page 4. The 1988 Parks and Recreation Award Winners are presented on pages 6-8.

Peter M. Murphy reports the 86th General Assembly convened on January 11, 1989, and introduces you to the new roster of elected officials in the House and Senate. He presents a House Schedule and highlights new bill introductions and upcoming legislative events.

• As a legal-focus feature, Michael S. Reich, J.D., LLM, reveals some basic issues that park districts need to address when considering any contractual agreements.

• Legal definitions and non-discriminatory requirements are defined in a report. Disability Discrimination, from the Office of Attorney General Neil Hartigan.

We hope you find this issue insightful and informative. Pleasant reading, and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!

On The Cover

Indigenous to Illinois, the redheaded woodpecker provides a colorful contrast to January's chilled landscape. Our cover illustration, "Redhead Winter", (Acrylic, orig. 11" x 14"), has been created by American wildlife painter Jan Martin McGuire. A nationally renowned artist, McGuire is a Colorado native and a dedicated conservationist. Interested parties can contact McGuire through her publisher: Fox Hollow Studio, 337 S.E. Fenway Place, Bartlesville, OK 74006.


Illinois Parks and Recreation                      5                      January/February 1989

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