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In This Issue

Ted Flickinger

By Ted Flickinger
Managing Editor

Celebrating Governor James R. Thompson's proclamation of July as "Parks and Recreation Month", the IPR magazine is proud to feature the new marketing theme and logo, "TAKE TIME FOR FUN!"SM on our cover. This month's issue offers an outstanding lineup of articles and news items:

How can agencies determine their own needs and applications for playground safety concerns? Larry Bakanec and Steve Plumb have contributed an interesting and informative Point/Counterpoint feature.

Gary Zuercher introduces a revolutionary water safety system based on advanced solar technology.

Brenda Segal outlines how to cultivate networks of support in your community and guarantee your future fundraising success.

Lisle Park District's Director, Steve H. Hartman. shares the story of their award-winning success in the revitalization of Sea Lion Aquatic Park.

Representative Lee A. Daniels highlights Holmes School's playground in Oak Park — a playground for children of ALL abilities.

IAPD General Counsel, Peter M. Murphy, illuminates the end-of-session results of the 86th General Assembly — a banner year for parks and recreation in Illinois! You'll also find his inclusion of the 1989-90 Legal Calendar.

"Fitness Leads The Way" to the Illinois State Fair for the third year in a row! Read how you can be a part of it in People, Places and Things. Local Officials Day is August 12. Make plans now to invite your local officials for a day of fun and entertainment at the Fair!

Illinois Tourism is red hot . . . and parks and recreation is playing a central role in its success! In my article we will explore the positive benefits of mutual cooperation with the tourism industry.

You'll enjoy this issue's mix of diverse topics. Be sure to "TAKE TIME FOR FUN!" this July. Support our fitness teams in any way you can as they bike, walk, push and run to the Illinois State Fair!

On The Cover

The new statewide marketing theme for Illinois Parks and Recreation encourages everyone to "TAKE TIME FOR FUN!" this summer and participate!

Take Time for Fun

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 July/August 1989

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