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1991 Park District Legal Calendar


1. The American Flag must be displayed and flown each day of the week from each City Hall or Village Hall and Village Square and at the principal entrance to all public parks. (Chapter 1, paragraph 3305.).

2. Those park districts that have elected to place their employees under social security must send in contributions at such times as may be designated by the State Social Security Agency. (Chapter 108-1/2 paragraphs 7-132 and 7-172).

3. Contributions to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund must be deducted each pay period from covered employee's pay and remitted to the Retirement Board along with the contribution of the municipality. This requirement is mandatory for municipalities over 5,000 population where Social Security is not provided, and elective for others. (Chapter 108-1/2, paragraphs 7-132 and 7-172).


1. Unpublished written minutes of all closed meetings are to be reviewed not less than semi-annually. Minutes are to be reviewed to determine if (A) the need for confidentiality with respect to unpublished minutes still exists, or (B) the minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. The results of the review are to be reported in the open session of the Board of Commissioners. (Chapter 102, paragraph 42.06).

Illinois Parks and Recreation                      38                      January/February 1991

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