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Blueprint for Illinois' Economic Development Future Released

Director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs (DCCA) Steven D. McClure recently released DCCA's blueprint for the future of Illinois' economic development.

The Illinois Target Industry Report is a comprehensive document that details research, opportunities and strategies for enhancing Illinois' leadership in 10 industries —electronic components, food processing, health care products, hospitality, industrial machinery, metal finishing and fabrication, plastics, printing and publishing, services, and transportation equipment — deemed crucial to the Illinois economy.

"More than three years ago, DCCA began to shift its marketing efforts towards industry targeting," said McClure. "Our research staff, working with PHH Fantus, the Corridors of Opportunity and the agencies that contribute to the annually-updated Five Year Plan, have developed detailed reports on each of these 10 key industries — reports that contain valuable background date, information on trends and resource materials, and strategic action plans for capitalizing on future opportunities.

"This Illinois Target Industry Report is the base upon which DCCA's economic development efforts are now structured. Each economic development representative works within a target industry 'team' comprised of industry leaders, academic experts and private-sector 'mentors' lending their expertise."

McClure cited the formation of the Illinois Food Processing Task Force, a statewide coalition of leaders in economic development, agribusiness and education, as a tangible result of the state's target industry efforts. The Task Force is currently planning and preparing for a major Illinois exhibit at the 1991 International Exposition for Food Processors which will be held in March.

McClure also said DCCA is pioneering new ground in an effort to make Illinois' economic development efforts more focused, cost-effective and research-based.

"Illinois was the first state to regionalize its economic development efforts — an effort we accomplished through the Corridors of Opportunity," McClure said. "We also are the first to concentrate our marketing efforts, by specifically targeting industries with potential for future development in our state.

"These reports are only the beg inning. As the Illinois economy changes, the information contained within these reports will change so that we can anticipate new trends and update our strategies to ensure that Illinois continues to encourage the retention, location and expansion of firms within these targeted industries."

Copies of any or all segments of the Illinois Target Industry Report may be received by contacting the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Bureau of Marketing, 620 East Adams St., Springfield, 111. 62701.


DePhillips joins NEDSRA staff

Danny DePhillips has joined the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association as Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. DePhillips, a resident of Wood Dale, is a graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., majoring in Therapeutic Recreation with a minor in psychology.

He will be working primarily on integration projects for individuals with disabilities along with supervising the leading school programs.


Illinois Delegates Meet Congressional Leaders in Washington, D.C.

Some members of the Illinois Delegation who attended the Great Lakes Regional Council Breakfast in Washington, D.C., pause for a photograph with U.S. Rep. John Porter, standing sixth from left, and U.S. Rep. Harris Fawell, standing, fifth from right. Porter received the Legislator of the Year Award for his outstanding service to the parks, recreation and conservation field. He has been the moving force behind the Volunteer Protection Act. Porter was also sited for his efforts to preserve Ft. Sheridan which will be used for open spaces and recreational purposes.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 March/April 1991

People, Places & Things


FOR SALE OR ASSUME LEASE: One #339 Soft Serve Twist Machine; water cooled; one year old. (217) 732-8770, between 9 a.m. — 5 p.m., weekdays.

FOR SALE: Gymnastic uneven parallel bars. Full size set, great condition. Cost $2,000 new. Call Gary Kasanders, Westchester Park District, (708) 865-8200.


Harold C. Hawkins, 75, of Springfield, 111., died Saturday, Feb. 23, at 8:30 a.m. at Memorial Medical Center. He was Treasurer of the Illinois Association of Park Districts for 17 years and a Springfield Park Board Trustee for 24 years.

Surviving are his wife, Bonnie; two daughters, Alice Smith of Overland Park, Kan., and Dana Masinton of Leawood, Kan.; three grandsons; two granddaughters; one sister, Catherine Salkeld of Springfield; and three nieces.

Iron Oaks Environmental Learning Center Wins Second National Take Pride In America Award

In a special ceremony held Dec. 17, 1990, at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, 111., Take Pride in America certificates were presented to the Iron Oaks Environmental Learning Center and to the Southwestern Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council AFL- CIO.

Lincoln Home Superintendent Norman Hellmers, representing Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan, was joined by Illinois Department of Conservation Director Mark Frech in making the presentations.

The Iron Oaks Environmental Learning Center, located in the communities of Flossmoor and Olympia Fields in southern Cook County, was created through public and private sector efforts. The Southwestern Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council received the certificate for its volunteer work in the creation of Gordon F. Moore Community Park in Alton.

Take Pride in America is a national public awareness campaign to encourage wise use of the lands and resources shared by all Americans. Many federal, state, local, and private organizations have responded to the call to action and are working together to Take Pride in America.

Matching financial assistance under the Land and Water Conservation Fund (L&WCF) program was instrumental in each of the projects that the Take Pride in America recipients worked to make a reality.

Now celebrating its Silver Anniversary, the L&WCF program has provided nationally, more than $3.1 billion in assistance to the states and local units of government. This money has been used to acquire more than 2.3 million acres of land for public outdoor recreation and open space and to develop a wide variety of outdoor recreation and support facilities.

Final FY91 State and Private Forestry Funding Amounts Announced

The following are the final amounts for FY 1991 State and Private Forestry funding. The Conference Committee finished with the Interior Appropriations bill in late October. There were several earmarks under the urban forestry line item in the budget including $100,000 for Chicago, $50,000 for St. Louis, $500,000 for Phoenix, Ariz., and $270,000 for New Jersey. Under the rural revitalization mark, Iowa received $1.1 million.

Congress recognized that the rural tree planting and community trees components of America the Beautiful are to be implemented through traditional programs. This recognition is the basis for the increases in programs such as urban forestry.

The Working Committee of Plant Illinois has formulated a mission statement, investigated funding possibilities, researched projects, built a library of information and investigated what other agencies of state and federal government are, or could be doing to further accelerate reforestation in Illinois.

For the first time, there is an urban forestry program in the 1990 Farm Bill and urban forestry dollars have increased from $2.7 million to $21.1 million. There is also a one-time grant of $20 million to establish a National Tree Trust Foundation, In all $73.7 million for trees plus a Small Business Administration program for trees at $15 million for FY91 with language to indicate that that amount will increase to $30 million in each of the next three years.

$22 Million Available for Funding Drug, Alcohol Abuse Programs

The Office for Substance Abuse Prevention has announced the availability of $22 million for funding of Drug Use and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Demonstration grants in the Community Partnership Program. Funding will support approximately 65 grants at an average award amount of $300,000.

Grants will be awarded to local governments and private nonprofit entities which represent broad-based community coalitions inclusive of health and human services, law enforcement and education services family/youth groups as well as businesses and community sectors.

In order to qualify for funding, grant recipients must be designated as the lead agency for the program by the appropriate head of local government, such as the mayor or county commissioner. Additionally, grantees must represent coalitions consisting of at least seven other partners from both the public and private sectors.

Applications must be received by the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention no later than April 24. Grant kit applications may be obtained by contacting The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, Rockville, Md. 20852, or by calling (301) 468-2600.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 34 March/April 1991

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