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1992 Illinois Parks & Recreation State
Conference Pictorial

More than 3,300 individuals attended the 1992 Illinois Parks & Recreation State Conference, making this the most successful Conference to date. The Conference, held at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel, Rosemont, also boasted a total of 600 exhibitors. Many park and recreation professionals and board commissioners were honored and recognized for their commitment and leadership to the field at the annual awards luncheon. Following is a pictorial of just a few who received awards.

1992 IAPD Board of Directors

IAPD directors

The 1992 IAPD Board of Directors are, seated from left. Immediate Past President Mike Curtis, Ed Kaloustian, Cynthia Peterson, Donna Chavez, Maureen McCord, Phyllis Cossarek, Kathleen Schebler, IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger; standing from left. President Ron Lehman, Treasurer Thomas K. Cavanagh, Ernest Shymanik William E. Tucknott, Lyle J. Reedy, Gary Hasselbacher, President-Elect Don Jessen, Bruce Larson. Anthony Varchetto, and IAPD General Counsel Peter M. Murphy. Not pictured are Judy Beck and Sylvia Herrera.

1992 IPRA Board of Directors

IPRA directors

The 1992 IPRA Board of Directors are, seated from left, President-Elect Steve Persinger, Regina Glover, Steve Scholten, Liza McElroy, Cheryl Deom, Cathy Puchalski, Carolyn Nagle; standing from left, Tom Shuster, IPRA Immediate Past President Keith Frankland, IPRA President Terry Schwartz, Mike Rylko, Ed Clift, Steve Pohlman, Gary Baker, Ralph Volpe, Rod Aiken, and IPRA Executive Director Kay Forest. Not pictured are Rick Pyle, John Curran, and Student Representative Jelena Koledin.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 March/April 1992

Mike Ronald Ernest
1991 IAPD President Mike Curtis was awarded the Allan A. Weissburg "Commissioner of the Year "Award. Joliet Park District Director Ronald Dodd received the Robert M. Artz Award from IPRA. Oak Lawn Park District Director Ernest W. Nance was awarded the IPRA Fellow Award.

Three Commissioners from the Channahon Park District received 20 Year Service Anniversary Awards from the Illinois Association of Park Districts. From left. Dale Stokes, 1992 IAPD President Ron Lehman and George McCoy were among the many Commissioners honored by the IAPD for their dedication and leadership at the Annual Awards Luncheon at the Illinois Parks & Recreation State Conference.

At the right, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District Director Greg Meyer, right, accepts the IPRA Professional of the Year Award from 1991 IPRA President Keith Frankland. The Homewood-Flossmoor Park District was also honored earlier in the year as being the only Park District in Illinois to win the Gold Medal Award. Peoria, Arlington Heights, Hoffman Estates, Norridge and Alsip park districts were Gold Medal Award Finalists.

IPRA professional award

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 March/April 1992

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