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Early Childhood Education
At Its Best By Michelle Jenkins An early childhood education center should offer love, fun, and learning experiences on a daily basis and park districts can help provide these for our children. Let me explain the programs our center offers. Toddlers can join our Moms/Dads & Tots program, which offers an opportunity to socialize with other children and gives parents a chance to share common concerns. Older toddlers participate in "Creative Corners" which lets them interact with each other and with teachers. These programs are offered during the day as well as evenings and Saturdays. Preschool is an integral part of our program as it is in many park districts. We offer a.m. and p.m. classes for three-and four-year-olds, two or three times a week. The program runs from September through May and provides a great learning environment. Special days, field trips, interesting guests are all a part of this program. Grandparents and dads also have a special time set aside during the school year to share with their preschooler. Our center is fortunate to be able to offer full day-care services for children ages two to eleven, daily from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. I am always pleasantly surprised at the variety of activities my staff offers the children. A typical morning finds make-believe astronauts exploring space, a beach party to welcome summertime, grandparents visiting, estimating and patterning of Valentine candy, a volcano being readied for eruption, relay races in the hallway, computer classes, easel painting, stories, and even class-made snacks. Their day also includes lunch, a nap, and playtime. Our older children are taken by park district vans to their elementary schools in the morning and are picked up after school. They spend their afternoons at the center cooking, doing arts and crafts, playing in the gym, and even participating in special carnival or "double dare" days. In summer, we shift gears and invade the park district. Our children enjoy daily outdoor activities, athletics, playground time, swim lessons and a fun swim. We are very fortunate to work with a school district that lets us offer our programs in a school building providing self-contained classrooms for all ages. The building is bright, clean, safe and well-maintained. Our staff numbers 56 and almost doubles in the summer. Our teachers are certified in Early Childhood Education, and teaching assistants are working towards their college degrees, Our highly qualified staff attends workshops and conferences to keep current on needs and changes in education. Working with staff, school boards and school districts may help your park district develop a similar range of learning and care opportunities for your district's children. We offer a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to enjoy the best care. What makes our center "early childhood education at its best" is not only the dynamic program, the people we hire, and the people we serve, but the laughter and smiles that are part of our every day. Shouldn't they be part of yours, too? About the Author Michelle Jenkins is superintendent of the Preschool/Day Care Center, Norridge Park District. She has taught elementary school and has worked for the park district for the past eight years in a number of capacities.