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Illinois Parks & Recreation
May/June 1995 • Volume 26, Number 3

IPRA/Chicago Bulls Youth Basketball Tournament
The Broadview Park District's 5th and 6th grade basketball team, the Explorers, gather for a group picture in front of the United Center.

An empty United Center court before the winners of north and south regional tournaments compete, prior to the Chicago Bulls vs.Atlanta Hawks game.

South winner Broadview Park District battles north winner Elgin Parks & Recreation in the 5th and 6th grade age group.

South winner Blue Island shoots against the north winner Chicago Park District's Wicker Park 7th and 8th grade team.

Bill Wald (sitting), IPRA Deputy Director, Tim Ritter (standing), Glenview Park District and volunteer Tournament Coordinator, along with volunteer Bob Sergent (background) man the scorer's table.

Sue Gager, IPRA Membership Coordinator, finally gets her picture taken with a Chicago Bull—Benny!

46* Illinois Parka & Recreation* May/June 1995

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