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Greenways and Trails Council Formed to Protect Greenways

A coalition of special interest groups has joined together to form the Illinois Greenways and Trails Council, a 15-member organization established to promote the development, use and preservation of trails and greenways in Illinois.

Greenways are linear natural resources such as streams and river corridors, historic canals and railroad rights-of-way that may include long-distance trails. Oftentimes, greenways offer a combination of natural, recreational and cultural resources. The Fox River in northeastern Illinois is one of the state's best known and most popular greenway and trail systems, with trails alongside the river having been developed by a variety of local and county agencies.

With interest in both greenways and trails growing rapidly throughout Illinois and the nation, recommendations for the establishment of a Greenways and Trails Council were made by Governor Jim Edgar's Water Resources and Land Use Priorities Task Force, as well as the Illinois Department of Natural Resources' 1993 and 1994 Conservation Congress.

The Council will be helpful in guiding the development and enhancement of the state's greenway network. Council members include:

• Ders Anderson (of Chicago) Openlands Project

• Jack Cook (Batavia) Illinois Association of Conservation and Forest Preserve Districts

• Ted Flickinger (Springfield) IllinoisAssociation of Park Districts

• Vem Geilow (Davenport, Iowa) Grand Illinois Trail Coalition

• Kandee Haertel (Clarendon Hills) Illinois Trailriders

• Ron Hambly (Plainfield) Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs

• Richard Mariner (Chicago) Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission

• Gary Mechanic (Chicago) Illinois Paddling Council

• Robert Neal (Wadsworth) Illinois Prairie Trail Authority

• Don Palermini (Chicago) Recreation for Individuals Dedicated to the Environment

• Janice Roehll (Glen Ellyn) Conservation Congress Trails and Greenways Committee

• Ellen Schmidt (Springfield) Illinois Environmental Council

• Al Sturges (Park Forest) League of Illinois Bicyclists

• Mike Ulm (Springfield) Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Illinois Chapter

• Steve Weller (Ringwood) Illinois Association of Conservation Districts

Illinois Parks & Recreation • January/February 1996 • 53

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