Legislative Reception Honors Lawmakers
Standing left to right: Brian Sullivan, Leonard Hines and Duncan
Guild (Country Club Hills PD), Sen. William Shaw (D-15), Sandra
Duffin, Curtis Harris and Sherman Williams (Country Club Hills
PD); Seated: Sen. Emil Jones, Jr. (D-14)
Michael Gilfillan (Arlington Heights PD), Bob Picket {Oregon PD),
IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger and Sen. Toad Sieben (R-37)
Ernest Nance (Oak Lawn PD) and Rep. Maureen Murphy (R-36)
Kevin Kendrigan (NWSRA), Rep. Terry Parke (R-53), Roger Florey
and Rudy Nelson (Rolling Meadows PD) and Allen Baker (Salt
Creek Rural PD)
IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger, Ado Rugai (Chicago PD), IAPD President Bruce Larson, IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy and Gene Lee (Chicago PD)
Pamela Newton (Lake County FPD) and Rep. Thomas Lachner (R-59)
12 * Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1996
Governor and Comptroller Praise Park District Advocacy
Comptroller Loleta Didrickson shares personal anecdotes about her
experience growing up at her local park district and playing
half-court basketball, and she emphasizes the positive impact park
districts have on the state's economy and quality of life.
"Our system of park and forest preserve districts is among
the best in the nation, but we can do more. We need to
build on that system and work more closely with government,
park officials and the private sector to do an even
better job of protecting, maintaining and restoring our natural resources."
— Governor Jim Edgar
(Pictured here with IAPD President Bruce Larson)
IAPD's annual Legislative Conference is designed to provide opportunities for board
members and professionals to meet with legislators who represent their districts to talk about legislative issues that impact their local communities.
At the 1996 conference, more than 45 legislators attended the Legislative Reception held at Illini Country Club on the evening of Tuesday, April 16. Pictured above, from left to right, are Sen. Kirk Dillard (R-41), Sen. Beverly Fawell (R-20), Sen. John Cullerton
(D-6). and Rep. Mary Lou Cowlishaw (R-41).
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