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1996 OSLAD Grant Recipients

1996 OSLAD Grant Recipients
1996 OSLAD Grant Recipients

Representing the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Deputy Director John Comerio distributed 9 OSLAD (Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development) and Bicycle Path grant checks at the IAPD Legislative Conference on April 17.

A total of $12.9 million in state and federal grants have been approved for 70 projects throughout the state to create and improve park lands and preserve natural areas for Illinoisans. Combined with the local 50% funding, the grants will result in nearly $26 million worth of land acquisitions and park improvements. The 19 acquisitions and 51 development projects will be funded by $12.7 in state OSLAD revenues and $232,500 in federal Land and Water Conservation funds (LAWCON).

Since the program was initiated in 1986, $58.2 million has been awarded for local park projects.

Local governments interested in applying for grants for the coming year should contact IAPD at 217/523-4554 or IDNR's Division of Grant Administration, 217/782-7481.

14 * Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1996

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