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Mobilizing Communities for

'Today can mark the beginning of a new effort in Illinois to bring the police community together, the schools, the park districts and social service providers to work together, to collaborate on innovative programs that will improve the quality of life for Illinois children. I am glad to be a very small part of this effort."
—Attorney General Jim Ryan
Speaking at Mobilizing Communities for Youth: Partnerships and Park District Programs thai Work, held March 20, 1996, and co-sponsored by the Attorney General and the Illinois Association of Park Districts.

IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger discusses youth-at-risk issues with Attorney General Ryan and Alex Kotlowitz, best-selling author of There Are No Children Here.

Teenager Alicen Santas shares her achievements in the Chicago Park District's "Reaching Out To Teens" program, one of seven youth-at-risk programs featured at the conference.

Jerry Stermer, president of Voices for Illinois Children, presents one of five sessions designed to help agencies form successful neighborhood partnerships.

Howard A. Peters III, Governor Edgar's deputy chief of staff, reflects on the teachings of the Masai and asks "How are the children?"

William Clevenger, CLP, director of the Decatur Park District, leads a lively discussion on overcoming regulatory hurdles to serving youth-at-risk.

Look for IAPD's new publication entitled Mobilizing Communities for Youth: Partnerships and Park District Programs that Work—a resource for youth-at-risk initiativesavailable early summer.

Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1996 * 53

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