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Grants Worth
Grants Worth $12.9 Million Distributed for Park Development, Acquisition

A total of $12.9 million in state and federal grants have been approved for 70 projects throughout the state to create and improve park lands and preserve natural areas for Illinoisans.

Combined with local 50 percent funding, the grants actually will result in nearly $26 million worth of land acquisitions and park improvements. The 19 acquisitions and 51 development projects will be funded by $12.7 million in state Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) revenues and $232, 500 in federal Land and Water Conservation Funds (LAWCON).

The funds are administered by the Department of Natural Resources and must be used for parks and outdoor recreation projects.

Communities of all sizes throughout the state benefit from the grant programs—from the Chicago and the Cook County Forest Preserve District, which provides programs to millions of citizens, to communities such as Camden in Schuyler County with a population of 100 residents.

Eight of the acquisition projects will preserve nearly 700 acres of high quality natural areas, including some which are home to endangered and threatened wildlife, and 26 development projects will create new parks for their communities.

Other projects will assist in the construction of new swimming facilities, the designation of safe space for in-line skating and roller hockey, and the development of new facilities for fishing.

Fourteen local agencies will develop interpretive trails, wildlife observation stations, wetland enhancement and prairie restoration areas to be used for environmental study.

Both OSLAD and LAWCON provide up to 50 percent reimbursement of eligible costs incurred by local governments for approved recreational land acquisition and development work.

For the 1996 round of grants, IDNR received 129 applications from local agencies requesting nearly $20 million in grant funds.

Since the OSLAD program was initiated in 1986, $58.2 million has been awarded for local park projects. The program is funded by a dedicated percentage of the state real estate transfer tax.

Financed through federal funds, LAWCON has been in existence since 1965 and has made nearly $134 million available for state and local park projects in Illinois.

To qualify for a grant from either program, an agency must show need for its project and the ability to carry it through to completion.

Other factors include the agency's record in maintaining its other programs, the amount of local planning involved, and a project's ability to address regional and statewide outdoor recreation priorities.

Local governments interested in applying for grants for the coming year should contact the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Grant Administration, 524 S. Second St., Room 315, Springfield. Illinois, 62701-1787, or call 217/782-7481.

Maximum grant awards are $400,000 for acquisition projects and $200,000 for development projects.

Illinois Parks & Recreation * May/June 1996 * 59

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