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Decatur Park Singers Perform and Promote Park Districts throughout Illinois

Decatur Park Singers Decatur Park Singers

In 1972 it was only an idea, only one microphone, only an acoustic guitar, only voices in unison.

But, as with all great ideas, the Decatur Park Singers snowballed into a huge success story—a top quality ensemble with full vocal and instrumental arrangements backed up by a state-of-the-art sound system and lighting up the stage with professionalism, polish and pizzazz. A few songs for fun metamorphosized into a variety show featuring solos, ensembles, full company numbers, children's medleys, audience participation and a wide range of musical styles from top 40's to the 1940s love songs, Broadway to Dixie.

Over the last 25 years, the original idea of creator (then director of recreation) Jerry Menz dovetailed with a multitude of new ideas as talented young musicians joined the corps. Together they saw the potential for providing the Decatur area with great local entertainment, statewide public relations and a wealth of college-age staff qualified to work in a broad array of recreation programs.

Initially the cast was comprised of park leaders and remained as such throughout the seventies. At one time as many as 32 singers crowded the stage. In the mid-1980s, however, this leveled off to the 16 vocalists and 9 instrumentalists you see today. The "Summer Park Singers" as they were first called, evolved into the Decatur Park Singers and branched out to perform not only in Decatur, but also at festivals, company functions, conventions and celebrations throughout Illinois and into Missouri. The group has performed at the 1982 Knoxville World's Fair, President Reagan's 1984 campaign stop in Decatur, the 1987 International Special Olympics, a 1988 visit to Decatur's sister city of Tokorozawa, Japan, and on Park District Conservation Day at the Illinois State Fair in 1995 and 1996.

Cast members are all college-age students from throughout Illinois and surrounding states. The talented young adults "make music" by night, but by day they make fun and learning and summer activities happen all around the Decatur Park District. To the Best of Summer Stock musical theatre programs, to Camp-I-Can and Summer Arts Jamboree for children with disabilities, special events and more, they bring the same youthful, energy that shines from the stage. It's a performing-working combination that has set the Park Singers apart as a unique summer job experience benefiting both the cast and the city of Decatur. 

"The Decatur Park Singers are great ambassadors
for the Decatur Park District and park districts
throughout the state of Illinois."
Ted Flickinger, executive director Illinois Association of Park Districts

Adapted from "Our Story—The Decatur Park Singers," a publication of the Decatur Park District. For booking information, contact David Alderman, director of the Decatur Park Singers, 217/422-8535.

Illinois Parks & Recreation * November/December 1996 * 39

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