A hierarchically arranged subject guide and search service of Internet resources, news, maps, clasified advertising, stock quotes, sports
scores, businesses, telephone numbers, personal World Wide Web pages, and e-mail addresses. Browse or search through category
labels and link titles. If no results are retrieved, the search is automatically passed to Alta Vista.
One of the largest, fastest, and most powerful and sophisticated search engines. Allows searching of both the World Wide Web pages
(31 million as of May 1997) and the full-text of over 14,000 Usenet newsgroups updated in real-time.
Indexes World Wide Web pages and Usenet newsgroups. Retrieval of all the words, any of the words, phrase, person, and URL. One
of the best for a precise and relevant result.
Indexes World Wide Web pages, last two weeks of Usenet news, maps, yellow pages, shareware, stock quotes, TV listing, weather,
e-mail addresses, and airline flights. Offers selection between keyworkd search and concept search on the initial screen. Automatic query
term expansion with related terms.
An interface for searching through multiple engines on a single search.
Both a search engine and a large subject directory to World Wide Web pages, Usenet news, InfoSeek Selected Sites (reviewed), e-mail
addresses, company profiles, FAQs, and images.
Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the
Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library
Sam S. Manivong, Illinois Periodicals Online Coordinator