Gold Marketing:
Advice from the PROs

We asked golf professionals from park districts, forest preserves, recreation
and conservation agencies to share their best marketing tips. Many said: "Provide
a quality facility, fair prices and a friendly staff."
Read on for more winning advice.

Guide the staff by one mission statement.
- Nick Hoffman, director of golf Lincoln Greens Golf Course City of Springfield

The most effective means of marketingyour course is not for sale. It can't beordered by the case or sold by the pound.It's word of mouth. If you can get gueststalking about your facility in a positivemanner, they will beat a path to your door.
- Tom Tierney, head golf professional,Orchard Valley Golf CourseFox Valley Park District

A comprehensive yardage marking systemis essential for both pace of play and golferenjoyment. We installed color-codedmarkers on both sides of the fairway in 25 yard increments. Also, we have four teesper hole and each yardage is marked at thepoint from which it was measured with anin-ground plaque of the same color as thetee marker. This is particularly helpful onpar-three holes. In addition, there is avertical 150-yard marker in the center ofeach fairway, which is visible fromanywhere, including the tee, so it serves asan aiming target.
-Jerry Moody, golf operations managerSteeple Chase Golf Club, Mundelein Parkand Recreation Department

Space your tee times at a minimum of nineminutes apart. If the first fairway seemsopen on busy days do not stick in extragroups. Stay to your nine-minute teetimes. This creates proper spacing andprevents backups later on in the day.Everyone will play faster, enjoy their roundof golf and will return while telling theirfriends.
- Bolingbrook Park District

Propose fore caddies on difficult holes tohelp maintain pace of play; having a nonmetal spike facility; player assistanceinstead of rangers to help in speed of play;giving a ball to someone who lost one;and, the best possible service a guest canget, so even if they play bad, they want tocome back and play again.
- Mark FehrenbacherHeritage Bluffs Public Golf ClubChannahon Park District

Develop a partnership with radio, TV andnewspaper. We trade or barter services tomarket our facility.
- Mark Robertson, director of golfWinnetka Park District

Strive to be progressive and innovative.Golfers are always looking for somethingbetter; stay on the cutting edge.
- Jim Karras, director of golf operationsHoffman Estates Park District

With the shift of golf away from theprivate country clubs towards the publicfacilities, the competition for green fee

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dollars has become fierce. We believe that providing services usually found at private clubs coupled with our more affordable pricing has created a terrific incentive for golfers to come to and continue to visit our courses. Every year we break down all facets of the operation and look for ways to improve, including:
• staff to customer friendliness
• tournament/outing operations
• bag service
• quality brand merchandise for the pro shops
• manicured course conditions
- Frank Chieppa, director of golf Dundee Township Park District

Our customer service rules are very simple:
1. Pay attention. Give your customer your full, undivided attention and listen positively and proactively to their problem.
2. Be nice. Be "customer-friendly" and treat your customer's concerns with respect while always keeping the Golden Rule in mind.
3. Solve the problem. Solve your customer's problem on the spot. If you can't, explain why in a positive and tactful manner.
- George Bell, general manager Golfl Restaurant Operations Wilmette Park District

The keys to getting golfers to your course and keeping them coming back is twofold:
• Having your product, "the golf course," become known as a well-maintained layout. The reputation of your golf course in the minds of the golfer is: "It's always in good shape."
• Providing a full-range of services from a fully stocked pro shop, complete lesson program, to an active events schedule.
- Lean McNair, pro/manager Fox Bend Golf Course, Fox Valley Park District and Oswegoland Park District

The customer may be wrong, but they are still the customer.
- Jim Barlow, golf course manager Glenview Park District

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