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Guidelines for Illinois Libraries Manuscripts The purpose of Illinois Libraries is to publish articles of general interest to library staff and library governing officials in Illinois, representing all types of libraries and library consortia. Every effort is made to provide a balanced treatment of library-related issues. Articles are solicited that will address the interests of the publication's audience. Individuals are also encouraged to submit unsolicited articles for consideration. Articles are not limited to Illinois contributors. Length: Articles should be no less than five and no more than 15 double-spaced typewritten pages on white 8 1/2" X 11" paper. Style: For uniformity purposes, all manuscripts should follow the Associated Press Stylebook, if possible. Graphics and Illustrations: All graphs, illustrations and photos must be camera ready. Original copies, apart from the manuscript, should be included for all graphs and illustrations. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE TABLES. Author information: The article should include a title and information about the author: author's name, position and where position is held. Footnotes: Footnotes should be listed at the end of the article instead of at the bottom of each page. Editing: The editors reserve their right to make minor editorial changes. Acceptance of manuscripts: The Illinois State Library reserves the right to accept or reject articles. Number of copies: One original and one photocopy of the manuscript should be submitted. Additionally, one copy on a floppy disc (Word or WordPerfect format) is encouraged.
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