A Location Guide to the General Land Office (GLO) Survey Plats
Tom Huber
"The surveyors, as they are respectively qualified, shall proceed to divide said territory into townships of 6 miles square, by lines running due north and south, and others crossing these at right angles, as near as may be, unless where the boundaries of the late Indian purchases may render the same impracticable, and then they shall depart from this rule no further than such particular circumstances may require. ...As soon as 7 ranges of townships and fractional parts of townships, in the direction from south to north shall have been surveyed, the geographer shall transmit plats thereof to the board of treasury, who shall record the same, with the report in well bound books to be kept for that purpose."
Land Ordinance of 1785
With the Land Ordinance of 1785, the need for an organization to carry out the newly created mandates became vital. A vast amount of land had to be surveyed, maps drawn, meticulous records kept, along with a considerable degree of oversight. Therefore in 1812, Congress, with the Act of April 25, 2 Stat. 716, created the General Land Office (GLO) and placed it under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department. A couple of weeks later, President Madison appointed Edward Tiffin as the first commissioner. He was able to organize a structure, pull the immense number of land records together and begin the Herculean operation of surveying newly-acquired territories, the Louisiana Purchase in particular.
Along with a new organization, a new method of surveying was employed. Previously, land had been surveyed using a system called metes and bounds, in which surveyors start at a fixed point, usually determined by a local natural or artificial monument, and ran lines by compass course and distance. But the land ordinance of 1785 also mandated that surveyors use the new (at that time) rectangular system, whereby the land was partitioned into township and range, with 36 parcels per township, each one square mile or 640 acres. Each township itself is six miles square and based on a series of principal meridians and baselines running across the land.
There are only 30 states, known as the Public Land states, which were surveyed using the rectangular system. The original 13 colonies and their then territories (the states of Kentucky, Maine, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia) also Hawaii and Texas were surveyed with metes and bounds or other methods. The original plat maps drawn by GLO geographers have become very valuable resources to a wide range of scholars and professionals, from archaeologists and historians to engineers and surveyors. Initially, three copies were struck: one for the surveyor general, one for the GLO office in Washington, and one for local land offices. More recently, these plats have been committed to microfilm, microfiche and electronic formats such as CD-ROM and Web-based documents. While this sounds like many copies abound and access is abundant, these plats actually can be very hard to find because they are held by a wide variety of organizations - governmental bodies, libraries, archives and historical societies. Nor do they have a title proper, so many times they fall under different categories within an organization, such as manuscripts collections, map collections or microfilm collections.
The purpose of this guide is to list all the organizations that own these plats, whether they be originals or copies; the formats they will be found in; the respective organization's contact information, such as address, phone #, e-mail address, price of copying, etc. This information was put together through e-mail and phone-call contacts as opposed to personally visiting each location; hence, some errors are possible. Please report any
* Tom Huber, Library Technical Specialist, Illinois State Library, Springfield.
errors or omissions to:
Tom Huber
Map Department
Room 305
Illinois State Library
300 S. Second St.
Springfield, IL 62701-1796
(217) 782-5823
Fax (217) 782-4446
E-Mail: asherwo @ library, sos. state.il.us
Bureau of Land Management
Eastern States
Division of Cadastral Survey & GLO Records
7450 Boston Boulevard
Springfield, VA 22153
(703) 440-1600
FAX: (703) 440-1609
E-Mail: records@es.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2.75 per 18X24 plat
This office owns the plats for Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas,
Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North and South
Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington,
Wisconsin, Wyoming, and some Texas
National Archives & Records Administration
Cartographic and Architectural Branch (NWDNC)
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
FAX: (301) 713-7488
E-Mail: carto@arch2.nara.gov
Hours: 8:45-5, M & W; 8:45 am-9pm, Tu. Th, F;
8:45-4:45, Sa.
www.nara.gov/research/bymedia/cart int.html
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $25 for paper copies from the
original plats; $34 for microfilm rolls
This office owns plats for Alabama, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin, parts of
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon & Washington
Alabama Department of Archives and History
624 Washington Ave.
PO Box 300100
Montgomery, AL 36130-0100
(334) 242-4435
FAX: (334) 240-3109
E-Mail: agis01@archives.state.al.us
Hours: 8-5, Tu-F; 9-5, Sa
Owns: originals & copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2-$4 per copy
Office of the Secretary of State
Lands & Trademarks Division
Room 127
Alabama State house Building
US. Union Street
PO Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616
(334) 242-5325
FAX: (334) 240-3138
E-Mail: www.sos.state.al.us/webforms/com-corp.htm
(on-line form)
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per copy
The University of Alabama Libraries
Scientific Collections Facility
William Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library
500 Hackberry Ln.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
(205) 348-0500
E-Mail: rroberts ©bama.ua.edu
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F; Th until 8:45pm
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
The library also owns plats for Florida, Louisiana, and
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 W. 7th Avenue, #13
1st Floor, Room 148, New Federal Building -
U.S. Courthouse
Anchorage, AK 99513-7599
(907) 271-5960
FAX: (907) 271-3684
E-Mail: akiac@ak.blm.gov
Hours: 8-3:45, M-F (except holidays)
www. ak.blm. gov/pic
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Alaska Region (Anchorage)
654 West Third Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501-2145
(907) 271-2441
FAX: (907) 271-2442
E-Mail: archives@alaska.nara.gov
Hours: 8-4, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (paper
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2.50 per 22X34 sheet
Arizona Department of Library, Archives & Public Records
Research Library
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-4343
FAX: (602) 542-4400
E-Mail: rerefde@diapr.lib.az.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .25 per 11x17 sheet; written and
e-mail requests must pre-pay
Bureau of Land Management
Arizona State Office
Public Lands Information Center
222 N. Central Ave.
Phoeniz, Az 8500-2203
(602) 417-9300
FAX: (602) 417-9399
E-Mail: Central_files_az@blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:15, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfiche, electronic [near
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page; soon to have
microfiche copying available @$ .50 per fiche
This office owns some California plats
National Archives and Records Administration
Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel)
24000 Avila Rd.
1st Floor, East Entrance
PO Box 6719
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-3497
(949) 360-2624
FAX: (949) 360-2641
E-Mail: archives@laguna.nara.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F; 4:30-8:30 1st Tu each month
(microfilm research only)
www. nara.gov/regional/laguna.html
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2.50 per linear ft.
This office also owns the plats for the San Bernardino Base & Meridian in California
University of Arizona
University of Arizona Library
Special Collections
University Blvd. & Cherry Ave.
P.O. Box 210055
Tucson,AZ 85721-0055
(520) 621-6423
FAX: (520) 621-9733
E-Mail: kwirtz@bird.library.arizona.edu
Hours: 9-6, M-Th; 9-5, F; 12-4, Sa
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: not available
Arkansas History Commission
Room 2B-215
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-6900
FAX: (501)682-1364
TDD: (501) 682-6900
E-Mail: russell.baker@mail.state.ar.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-Sa
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .50 per page; by mail: $5 instate, $10 out-of-state.
Arkansas State Lands Commission
Real Estate Sales and Minerals Management Office
109 State Capitol Building
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 324-9422
FAX: (501) 342-9424
E-Mail: land@aristotle.net
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfiche,
electronic [near future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $5 per map
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Division of Geology and Land Survey
Land Survey Program
111 Fairgrounds Rd.
P.O. Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402
(573) 368-2300
FAX: (573) 368-2111
E-Mail: landsurv@mail.dnr.state.mo.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per 18X24 pate; $2 per microfiche
This office owns some plats along MO-ARK boundary.
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
Branch of Geographic Services
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1834
Sacramento, CA 95825-1886
(916) 978-4330
FAX: (916) 978-4327
E-Mail: dconklin@ca.blm.gov
Hours: 8-30:4:30, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices:
$1.10 per plat map
$1.10 per page of field notes
$ .50 per page of microfiche
Bureau of Land Management
Arizona State Office
Public Lands Information Center
222 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2203
(602) 417-9300
FAX: (602) 417-9399
E-Mail: central_files_az@blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:15, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfiche, electronic [near future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page. Soon to have microfiche copying available; $ .50 per fiche
California State Lands Commission
100 Howe Ave
Suite 100-South
Sacramento, CA 95825-8202
FAX: (916) 574-1810
E-Mail: scottc@sic.ca.gov
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche, color transparencies, aperture
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Region (Laguna Niguel)
24000 AvilaRd.
1st Floor, East Entrance
PO Box 6719
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-3497
(949) 360-2641
FAX: (949) 360-2624
E-Mail: archives@laguna.nara.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F; 4:30-8:30, 1st Tu each month
(microfilm research only)
Owns: Originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2.50 per linear ft.
This office also owns plats for the Gila and Salt River
Base & Meridian in Arizona
Regional Records Services
Pacific Region (San Francisco)
1000 Commodore Dr.
San Bruno, CA 94066-2350
(650) 876-9001
FAX: (650) 876-0920
E-Mail: archives@sanbruno.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-4, M-F; 4-8 W (microfilm research only)
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2.50 per linear ft.
This office also owns plats for Nevada
The nine universities that make up the University of California system pooled their funds to purchase the whole set of California maps, then disseminated them according to local geography. So depending on which area of the state you are interested in, you must contact the university located there.
The universities have both originals and copies, with the copies existing on paper, microfilm, and microfiche. Some of these copies circulate, but check with the corresponding university in order to find out which do. Copies can also be made - $.50 fiche-to fiche, and $.05 - .10 per paper copy.
University of California, Berkeley
East Sciences & Map Library
50 McCone Hall #6000
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
FAX: (510) 643-6576
E-Mail: jcreaser@library.berkeley.edu
Hours: 9-5, M-F
University of California, Davis
Peter J. Shields Library, Lower Level
Government Information Department
Comer of West Quad St. & Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-1624
FAX: (530) 752-3148
TDD: (530) 752-1523
E-Mail: govdocref@ucdavis.edu
Hours: 9-5, M-F
University of California, Irvine
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-4976
E-Mail: www.lib.uci.edu/serv/ask/html (on-line form)
Hours: 10-5, M-F; 1-5, Sa & Su
University of California, Los Angeles
Henry J. Bruman Library
Maps and Government Information
Young Research Library
Box 951575
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
(310) 825-3135
E-Mail: mgi-general@library.ucla.edu
Hours: 9-7, M-Th; 9-5, F; 1-5 Sa-Su; Summer Sessions:
9-5, M-F; l-5Sa
University of California, Riverside
Map Collection, Science Library
3401 Watkins Dr.
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside, CA 92517-5900
(909) 787-6423
E-Mail: Sciref@citrus.ucr.edu
Hours: 9-5, M-F
University of California, San Francisco
Library & Center for Knowledge Management
530 Parnassus Ave.
San Francisco. CA 94143-0840
(415) 476-2337
FAX: (415) 476-4653
E-Mail: archives-info@library.ucsf.edu
Hours: 7:45-9, M-F; 10-7, Sa; 12-9, Su
University of California, Santa Barbara
Davidson Library
Map and Imagery Laboratory
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 893-2779
FAX: (805) 893-8799
E-Mail: mil@sdc.ucsb.edu
Hours: 9-5, M-F
University of California, San Diego
Maps & Spatial Data
Geisel Library
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-1248
FAX: (858) 534-4970
Hours: 10-4 M-F
http .//gort.ucsd.edu/mw/maproom/maproom.html
University of California, Santa Cruz
McHenry Library
1156 High St.
First Floor, Room 191
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(408) 459-2364
E-Mail: cjahns@cats.ucsc.edu
Hours: 9-12, 1-5M-F
Bureau of Land Management
Colorado State Office
2850 YoungfieldSt.
Lakewood, Co. 80215-7093
(303) 239-3900
FAX: (303) 239-3933
TDD: (303) 239-3635
E-Mail: coweb@co.blm.gov
Hours: 7:45-4:14, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm, microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page; microfilm is
available for purchase at $ .50 per sheet
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)
Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25307
Denver CO. 80225-0307
(303) 236-0804
FAX: (303) 236-9297
E-Mail: center@denver.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-3:45, M-F; Microfilm research until 4:45, W
www. nara.gov/regional/denver.html
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $4 per copy
This office also owns plats for Montana, New Mexico,
Utah & Wyoming
University of Colorado
Benson Earth Science Building
Colorado Blvd.
Campus Box 184
Bolder, CO 80309-0184
(303) 492-7578
E-Mail: maplib@colorado.edu
Hours: 9-8, M-Th: 9-5, F; 12-5, Sa; 12-8, Su
www Libraries.colorado.edu/ps/map/frontpage.htm
Owns: originals & electronic copies in near future
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .20 per 11X17 page
Department of Environmental Protection
State Lands Division
Bureau of Surveying & Mapping
3900 Commonwealth Blvd. M.S. 10
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000
(850) 488-8123
FAX: (850) 488-7093
www.dep.state.fl.us/stland/emailus/feedback.htm (On-line form)
Hours: 8-5 , M-F
Owns: originals (microfilm, electronic)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2 per plat
State Archives
R.A. Gray Building
1st Floor
500 South Bronough St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
(850) 487-2073
FAX: (850)488-4894
E-Mail: barm@mail.dos.state.fl.us
Hours: 8-5 , M-F; 9-3, Sa (closed on the Sa of F or M holidays)
The Archives holds the original plats, but refers the public wishing to use and or copy the plats to the Bureau of Surveying & Mapping, State Lands Division of the Department of Environmental Protection
The University of Alabama Libraries
Scientific Collections Facility
William Stankley Hoole Special Collections Library
500 Hackberry Ln
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
(205) 348-0500
E-Mail: rroberts@bama.ua.edu
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F; Th until 8:45pm
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
The Library also owns plats for Alabama, Louisana, &
Bureau of Land Management
Idaho State Office
1387 South Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709-1657
(208) 373-3895
FAX: (208) 373-3899
E-Mail: IACJdaho@blm.gov
Hours: 7:45-4:15, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, paper)
Access: must examine on-site (appt. only for originals)
Copy Purchase Prices: | $1.10 per page
$ .50 per fiche copy
$4 per entire map
Idaho State Historical Society
Library/Historical Collection
450 N. Fourth St.
Boise, ID 83702-6027
(208) 334-3356
FAX: (208) 334-3198
E-Mail: Ishsref@micron.net
Hours: 9-5 , Tu-Sa
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2 (copying dependent upon map condition)
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle)
6125 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-7999
(206 526-6501
FAX: (206) 526-6575
E-Mail: center@seattle.nara.gov
Hours: 7:45-4, M-F, 4-9 1st and 2nd Tu each month
(microfilm research only)
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $.50 per page (max. 11x17); $10
minimum mail order
This office also owns plats for Washington & Oregon
University of Idaho Library
Corner of University Ave. and Raybum St.
Moscow, ID 83844-2350
FAX: (208) 885-6817
E-Mail: libref@uidaho.edu
Hours: 8-5 , M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: Prices have not been determined
at the present time, but paper as well as fiche-to-fiche
copies will be offered
Illinois State Library
Map Reading Rm.
300 S. 2nd
Springfield, IL 62701-1796
(217) 782-5823
FAX: (217)782-4446
E-Mail: asherwo@library.sos.state.il.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: originals (microfilm, some paper)
Access: microfilm can be interlibrary loaned
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .25 per copy
Illinois State Archives
Margaret Cross Norton Building
Capitol Complex
Springfield, IL 62756
FAX: (217)524-3930
E-Mail: ccali@ccgate.sos.state.il.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F. 8-3:30, Sa
www.sos.state.il.us/depts/archives/arc home.html
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, electronic
Access: must examine on-site Copy Purchase Prices: $2 per plat
Illinois State Geological Survey Library
469 Natural Resources Building
615 East Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
FAX: (217) 244-0802
E-Mail: library@geoserv.isgs.uiuc.edu
Hours: 8-12, 1-5, M-F
Owns: originals (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per plat
The Newberry Library
Special Collections
Rand McNally Map Reading Room
4th Floor
60 W. Walton St.
Chicago, IL 60610
E-Mail: smithctr@newberry.org
Hours: 10-6, Tu-Th; 9-5, F-Sa
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $. 50 per page
Illinois Regional Archives Despository (IRAD)
Northeastern Illinois University
Ronald Williams Library
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
(773) 794-6279
FAX: (773) 794-2715
E-Mail: p-stearley@neiu.edu
Hours: 9-4, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 for first 5 copies; $ .10 thereafter
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Morris Library
Science Division, Map Library
Mailcode 6632
Carbondale, IL 62091-6632
(618) 453-2705
FAX: (618) 453-2704
E-Mail: hdavis@lib.siu.edu
Hours: 7:45am-llpm, M-Th; 7:45am-9pm F; 10-6, Sa;
1-9, Su
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per 8.5 x 11; $15 per 11x17
University of Illinois at Chicago Library
Richard J. Daley (Main) Library
Map Section (m/c234)
Third Floor west
801 S. Morgan St.
Chicago., IL 60607
FAX: (312) 413-0424
E-Mail: lib-maps@uic.edu
Hours: 8-5 , M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per copy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Main Library
Illinois Historical Survey
346 Library
1408 West Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-1777
FAX: (217) 333-2214
E-Mail: hoffmann@uxl.cso.uiuc.edu
Hours: 8:30-5, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .10 per page
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Great Lakes Region (Chicago)
7358 S. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL 60629-5898
FAX: (312)353-1294
E-Mail: archives@chicago.nara.gov
Hours: 8-4:15, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .25 per page (done by patron);
$.50 (done by staff)
Indiana State Archives
117 State Library Bldg.
140 N. Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
FAX: (317) 233-1085
E-Mail: arc@icprlan.state.in.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1. per page; $20 per roll.
The State Historical Society of Iowa Library and Archives
Des Moines
600 E. Locust
Des Moines, IA 50319-0290
FAX: (515) 282-0502
Iowa City
402 Iowa Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52240-1806
E-Mail: smagalha@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Hours 9-4:30, Tu-F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Assess: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price $ .25 per page
Kansas State Historical Society
6425 SW Sixth Avenue
Topeka, KS 66615-1099
(785) 272-8681
FAX: (785) 272-8682
TTY: (785) 272-8683
E-Mail: Referenc@hspo.wpo.state.ks.us
Hours: 9-4:30, M-Sa
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices; $2 per plat
The University of Kansas
The Kansas Collection
Kenneth Spencer Research Library
Lawrence, KS 66045-2800
(785) 864-4274
FAX: (785) 864-5803
E-Mail: bschulte@mail.lib.ukans.edu
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals (microfiche_
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .13 per page
This office also owns paper copies of plats for Oklahoma
Bureau of Land Management
Tulsa Field Office
7906 E. 33rd St., Suite 101
Tulsa, OK 74145-1352
(918) 621-4100
FAX: (918)621-4130
E-Mail: jelkins@blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:15, M-F
www.nm.blm.gov/www/tufo/tufo home.html
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: not available; copying dependent
upon map condition
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office
Public Lands Information Center
1474 Rodeo Rd.
P.O. Box 27115
Santa Fe, NM 87105
(505) 438-7542
FAX: (505) 438-7582
Hours: 8-5 , M-F (Sa during summer)
www.publiclandsinfo.org/htmVexplore/nm splash.asp
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic [future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page
This office also owns plats for New Mexico & Oklahoma
Louisiana State Land Office
State Land and Natural Resources Bldg.
Historical Land Title Records Section - Rm. 1205
625 N. Fourth St.
P.O. Box 44124
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
(504) 342-4586
E-Mail: gwelch@doa.state.la.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (paper, electronic [DC-ROM]
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $10 for a full-scale (usually
18x24) full-color print
Louisiana State University
Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
Rm. 313
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
(225) 388-6247
FAX: (225) 388-4420
E-Mail: janders@lsu.edu
Hours: 8-12, 12:30-4:30 , M-F
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: copying not available
The University of Alabama Libraries
Scientific Collections Facility
William Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library
500 Hackberry Ln.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
(205) 348-0500
E-Mail: rroberts@bama.ua.edu
Hours: 8-4:30 , M-F; Th until 8:45pm
Owns: copies (paper
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
The library also owns plats for Alabama, Florida, &
State Archives
(517) 373-1408
FAX (517) 241-1658 (the Archives generally does not
respond to requests via FAX)
E-Mail: Archives@sos.state.mi.us
Hours 10-4, M-F
Owns: Originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $.20 per page; $.25 per microprint
Department of Consumer & Industry Services
Corporation, Securities and Land Development Bureau
Manufactured Housing and Land Development Division
Subdivision Control
6546 Mercantile Way
P.O. Box 30222
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 334-7750
FAX: (517) 241-1580
E-Mail: csidbinfo@cis.state.mi.us
Hours: 8-12, 1-5, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.50 per copy
University of Michigan
Bentley Historical Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
(734) 764-3482
FAX: (734) 936-1333
E-Mail: www.umich.edu/~bhl/bhl/refhome/refform.htm (on-line form) or coombs@umich.edu
Hours: 8:30-5, M-F; Sept-April: 8-12:30, Sa; March & April: 6-9, W
www.umich. edu/~bhl
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $61 per 24"x20" copy approximately original size). Copies of a large number of the entire series can be arranged to have them microfilmed at the researcher's expense.
The library also owns copies of a few townships in northwestern Ohio that were part of Michigan at the time of the survey
Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Real Estate Management
500 Lafayette Rd., Box 30
St. Paul, MN 55155-4030
FAX: (651) 297-3517
E-Mail: kathy.strauch@dnr.state.mn.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
www.dnr/state/mn.us/real estate/index.html
Owns: copies (microfiche, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1. + .25 per copy (minimum);
maps are not in good shape and copymaking is discouraged
Secretary of State
Division of Business Services
180 State Office Bldg.
100 Constitution Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55155-1299
FAX: (651) 215-0683
E-Mail: business.services@state.mn.us
Hours: 8-4, M-F
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2 per plat; $1 per page
University of Minnesota
Wilson Library
Government Publications Library
309 19th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-5073
FAX: (612) 626-9353
E-Mail: govref@tc.umn.edu
Hours: 9-8, M-Tu; 9-5, W-F; 1-5 Sa
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices; $ .20 per paper copy
Secretary of State
Public Lands Division
401 Mississippi St.
P.O. Box 136
Jackson, MS 39201-1004
FAX: (601) 359-1461
E-Mail: gmcwhorter@sos.state.ms.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals & electronic copies in near future
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ 2.40 per township if copying
done by staff; $.50 per page if done by patron
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Archives and Library Division
Charlotte Capers Bldg.
100 S. State St.
PO Box 571
Jackson,MS 39205-0571
(601) 359-6876
FAX: (601) 359-6975
E-Mail: refdesk@mdah.state.ms.us
Hours: 9-5, M; 8-5, Tu-F; 8-1, Sa
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .25 per page
The University of Alabama Libraries
Scientific Collections Facility
William Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library
500 Hackberry Ln
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266
(205) 348-0500
E-Mail: rroberts@bama.ua.edu
Hours; 8-4:30 , M-F; Th until 8:45pm
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
The library also owns plats for Alabama, Florida, &
State Archives
600 W. Main St.
PO Box 778
Jefferson City, MO 65102
FAX: (573) 526-7333
E-Mail: archref@mail.sos.state.mo.us
Hours: 8-5, M-W, F; 8am-9pm, Th; 830-3:30, Sa
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .50 per page; $15 per reel of
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Division of Geology and Land Survey
Land Survey Program
111 Fairgrounds Rd.
PO Box 250
Rolla, MO 65402
(573) 368-2300
FAX: (573)368-2111
E-Mail: landsurv@mail.dnr.state.mo.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per 18x24 page; $2 per microfiche
This office also owns some plats in Arkansas along MOARK boundary
Bureau of Land Management
Montana State Office
5001 SouthgateDr.
PO Box 36800
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 896-5298
E-Mail: mtinfo@mt.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page; $.50 per fiche
This office also owns plats for North & South Dakota
Montana Historical Society
225 N. Roberts
P.O. Box 201201
Helena, MT 59620-1201
(406) 444-2696
FAX: (406) 444-2696
E-Mail: mthislib@mcn.net
Hours: 8-5, M-F & 1st Sa each month
www.his state.mt.us/front.html
Owns: copies (microfilm, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .50 per page
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)
Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center
PO Box 25307
Denver, CO 802250-0307
(303) 236-0804
FAX: (303) 236-9297
E-Mail: center@denver.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-3:45, M-F;
microfilm research until 4:45 on W.
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $4 per copy
This office also owns plats for New Mexico, Utah & Wyoming
University of Montana
Mansfield Library
Government Documents and Maps
32 Campus Drive #9936
(406) 243-6700
FAX: (406) 243-2060
E-Mail: ml_dir@ selway.umt.edu
Hours: 8am-9pm, M-Th; 8-5, F; 1-5, S
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: not available; library directs
patrons to the BLM office for copies.
Nebraska State Historical Society
1500 R. St.
PO Box 82554
Lincoln, NE 68501
FAX: (402) 471-3100
E-Mail: lanshs@nebraskahistory.org
Hours: 9:30-4:30, M-F; 8-5, Sa; 1:30-5, Su
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: microfilm can be interlibrary loaned
Copy Purchase Price: $ .40 per copy of microfilm; $50
per roll of 35mm microfilm; $5 for mail requests to copy
from microfilm; copies from the original handled case by
Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors
555 N. Cotner Blvd. - Lower Level
Lincoln, NE 68505
(402) 471-2566
FAX: (402) 471-3057
E-Mail: kmartin@sso.state.ne.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic [CD-ROM])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per photocopy; $20 per roll 35
mm; $30 per fiche; $5 per digital disc or $10 per set of digital discs
Bureau of Land Management
Nevada State Office
1340 Financial Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502-7147
FAX: (775) 861-6634
TDD: (775) 861-6760
E-Mail: r3brown@nv.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4, M-F (could change to 7:30 to 4:30 in
near future.
Owns: copies (microfiche, aperture cards)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page; $ .50 per fiche
State Library and Archives
100 N. Stewart St.
Carson City, NV 89701-4285
FAX: (775) 687-8330
E-mail: jmkintop@clan.lib.nv.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals (They do not have a complete set; only
about 100 of the originals were given to the state of
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1 per square ft.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Division of State Lands
Rm. 118
333 W. Nye Ln.
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 687-4363
FAX: (775) 687-3783
E-Mail: nvlands@govmail.state.nv.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $2 per plat; $5.50 per certified
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Region (San Francisco)
1000 Commodore Dr,.
San Bruno, CA 94066-2350
(650) 876-9001
FAX: (650) 876-0920
E-Mail: archives@sanbruno.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-4, M-F; 4-8 W (microfilm research only)
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $2.50 per linear ft
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office
Public Lands Information Center
1474 Rodeo Rd.
PO Box 27115
Santa Fe, NM 87105
(505) 438-7542
FAX: (505) 438-7582
Hours: 8-5, M-F (Sa during summer)
www.publiclandsinfo.org/html/explore/mn splash.asp
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic [future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page
This office also owns plats for Kansas and Oklahoma.
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)
Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25307
Denver CO 80225-0307
(303) 236-0804
FAX: (303) 236-9297
E-Mail: center @ denver.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-3:45, M-F; (microfilm research until 4:45, W
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $4 per copy
This office also owns plats for Montana, Utah & Wyoming
University of New Mexico
Centennial Science & Engineering Library
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1466
(505) 277-5738
FAX: (505) 277-0702
E-Mail: mwyant@unm.edu
Hours: 10-6, M-Th; 10-5, F; 11-5, Sa
Owns: originals & copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $3 per plat
Bureau of Land Management
North Dakota Field Office
2933 3rd Ave. W.
Dickinson, ND 58601
(701) 225-9148
FAX: (701) 227-8510
E-Mail: ndfoweb@mt.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page; $ .50 per fiche
Bureau of Land Management
Montana State Office
5001 Southgate Dr.
P.O. Box 36800
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 896-5000
FAX: (406) 896-5298
E-Mail: mtinfo@mt.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per paper page; $. 50 per
This office also owns plats for Montana and South
University of North Dakota
Chester Fritz Library
Elwyn B. Robinson Dept. of Special Collections
PO Box 9000
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9000
(701) 777-4625
FAX: (701)777-3319
E-Mail: slater@plains.nodak.edu
Hours: 8-5, M-Tu & Th; 8am-9pm, W; 8-4:30, F
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase prices: $ .10 per page
State Water Commission
900 E. Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58505
(701) 328-2752
FAX: (701) 328-3696
E-Mail: swc@water.swc.state.nd.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
www. swc.state.nd.us
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1 per 8.5x11; $2 per 11x17
State Land Department
1707 N. 9th St.
P.O. Box 5523
Bismarck, ND 58506-5523
(701) 328-2800
FAX: (701)328-3650
E-Mail: desi@ poldy.land.state.nd.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
www. land.state.nd.us
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: call for prices (public usually
directed to the BLM office)
Ohio Historical Society
Archives/Library Division
Columbus, OH 43211
(614) 297-2510
FAX: (614) 297-2546
E-Mail: ohsref@ohiohistory.org
Hours: 9-5, Tu-Sa
www. ohiohistory.org/resource/archlib/index.html
Owns: originals & copies (mylar)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .25 per copy; $.50 for larger
sizes. They offer a full array of copying choices, from
slides to microfilm, prices varying
University of Michigan
Bentley Historical Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
(734) 764-3482
FAX: (734) 936-1333
E-Mail: www.umich.edu/~bhl/bhl/refhome/refform.htm
(on-line form) or coombs@umich.edu
Hours: 8:30-5, M-F; Sept-April: 9-12:30, Sa; March &
April: 6-9, W
www. umich.edu/~bhl
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $61 per 24z20 (approximately
original size) copies of a large number or the entire series
can be arranged to have them microfilmed at the
researcher's expense.
The library owns a few plats for townships that were part
of Michigan at the time of the survey.
Bureau of Land Management
Tulsa Field Office
7906 E. 33rd St. Suite 101
Tulsa, OK 74145-1352
(918) 621-4100
FAX: (918) 621-4130
E-Mail: jelkins@blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:15, M-F
www.nm.blm.gov/www/tufo/tufo home.html
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $.13 per page
This office also owns microfiche copies of plats for
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office
Public Lands Information Center
1474 Rodeo Rd.
PO Box 27115
Santa Fe, NM 87105
(505) 438-7542
FAX: (505) 438-7582
Hours: 8-5, M-F (Sa during summer)
www.publiclandsinfo.org/html/explore/mn splash.asp
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic [future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page
This office also owns plats for Kansas
Department of Libraries
State Archives & Records
200 NE. 18th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298
(405) 521-2502, ext. 203
FAX: (405) 525-7804
E-Mail: tkremm@oltn.odl.ok.us
Hours: 8-5, M-F
Owns: copies (paper, microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.50 per sheet; $.50 per fiche
Oklahoma Historical Society
Library Resources Division
2100 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4997
(405) 522-5225
FAX: (405) 521-2492
E-Mail: libohs@ok-history.mus.ok.us
Hours: 9-8, M; 9-5, Tu-Sa
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: copying not available
University of Oklahoma
Bizzell Memorial Library
Western History Collections
Monnet Hall, Rm. 452
Norman, OK 73019
(405) 325-3641
FAX: (405) 325-6069
E-Mail: Melanie.G.Cartwright-1@ou.edu
Hours: 8-5, M-F; 8-12, Sa
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $6-12 per plat
Bureau of Land Management
Oregon State Office
PO Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
(503) 952-6001
FAX: (503) 952-6308
E-Mail: or912mb@or.blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page
This office also owns plats for Washington
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle)
6125 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-7999
(206) 526-6501
FAX: (206) 526-6575
E-Mail: center@seattle.nara.gov
Hours: 7:45-4, M-F; 4-9, 1st & 2nd Tu each month
(microfilm research only)
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .50 per page (max. 11x17); $10
minimum mail order.
This office also owns plats for Washington & Idaho
University of Oregon
Map and Aerial Photography (MAP) Library
165 Condon Hall
Eugene, OR 97403-1251
(541) 346-4565
FAX: (541) 346-1958
E-Mail: pstark@oregon.uoregon.edu
Hours: 8-9, M-Th; 8-5, F; 12-5, Su
Owns: copies (microfiche, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .25 per page; $1 per fiche
University of Washington
Suzzallo Library
Microform and Newspaper Collections
Rm. 150
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-4164
FAX: 685-8049
E-Mail: mcnews@u.washington.edu
Hours: 8am-10:00pm, M-Th; 8-6, F; 9-5, Sa; 12-10, Su
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: call for prices
State Archives
900 Governors Dr.
Pierre, SD 57501-2217
(605) 773-3804
FAX: (605) 773-6041
E-Mail: Archref@state.sd.us
Hours: 9-4:30, M-F & 1st Sa each month
Owns:originals & copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $3 per plat
Bureau of Land Management
South Dakota Field Office
310 Roundup St.
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
(605) 892-2526
FAX: (605) 892-4742
E-Mail: sdfoinfo@mt.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F www.mt.blm.gov/sdfo
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page; $ .50 per fiche
Bureau of Land Management
Montana State Office
5001 Southgate Dr.
P.O. Box 36800
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 896-5000
FAX: (406) 896-5298
E-Mail: mtinfo@mt.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page; $. 50 per fiche
This office also owns plats for North Dakota
See footnote at end of article.
Brigham Young University
Harold B. Lee Library
Science & Map Dept.
Level 2
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-2987
FAX: (801) 378-6708
E-Mail: richard_soares@byu.edu
Hours: 8am-10pm, M-Th; 8-6, F; 10-6 Sa
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .50 per square ft., b&w
Bureau of Land Management
Utah State Office
Information Access Center (UT-942)
324 S. State St.
PO Box 45155
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0155
FAX: (801) 539-4013
E-Mail: livie@ut.blm.gov
Hours: 8-4, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche, electronic [near future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page, $ .50 per fiche
Family History Library
35 NW. Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84150 (801) 240-3702 FAX: (801) 240-1927
E-Mail: www.familysearch.org/feedback/feedback register.asp?from=feedback
Hours: 7:30am-10pm, Tu-Sa; 7:30-5, M
Owns: copies (microfilm)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .20 per page; $3.50 per microfilm roll
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)
Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25307
Denver CO 80225-0307
(303) 236-0804
FAX: (303) 236-9297
E-Mail: center @ denver.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-3:45, M-F; (microfilm research until 4:45, W
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $4 per copy
This office also owns plats for Montana, New Mexico &
Bureau of Land Management
Spokane District Office
Spokane,WA 99212-1275
FAX: (509) 536- 1275
E-Mail: Spokane_Mail@ or.blm.gov
Hours: 8:30-4, M-F
www.or.blm. gov/Spokane
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $2 per page; $ .50 per fiche
Bureau of Land Management
Oregon State Office
1515 SW. 5th Ave.
PO Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208
(503) 952-6001
FAX: (503) 952-6308
E-Mail: or912mb@or.blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfilm, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per page
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle)
6125 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115-7999
(206) 526-6501
FAX: (206) 526-6575
E-Mail: center@seattle.nara.gov
Hours: 7:45-4, M-F; 4-9, 1st & 2nd Tu each month
(microfilm research only)
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $ .50 per page (max. 11x17); $10
minimum mail order.
This office also owns plats for Oregon & Idaho
Department of Natural Resources
Olympia Headquarters
1111 Washington St. SE
P.O. Box 47007
Olympia, WA 98504-7007
(360) 902-1000
FAX: (360) 902-1775
E-Mail: connie.manson@wadnr.gov
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $3 per map
State Historical Society
Research Center
315 Stadium Way
Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 798-5914
FAX: (253)272-9518
E-Mail: researchcenter@wshs.wa.gov
Hours: 12:30-4:30, Tu-Th
www.wshs.org/text/res wshrc.htm
Owns: copies (paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: not available (public usually
directed to the BLM office)
University of Washington
Suzzallo Library
Microform and Newspaper Collections
Rm. 150
Box 352900
Seattle, WA 98195-2900
(206) 543-4164
FAX: 685-8049
E-Mail: mcnews@u.washington.edu
Hours: 8am-10pm, M-Th; 8-6, F; 9-5, Sa; 12-10, Su
Owns: copies (microfilm, microfiche)
Access: only microfilm can be interlibrary loaned
Copy Purchase Prices: call for prices
The Library also owns plats for Oregon on microfiche
Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
Room 200 125 S. Webster St. PO Box 8943
Madison, WI 53708-8943
(608) 266-1370
FAX: (608) 267-2787
E-Mail: travis.olson@bcpl.state.wi.us
Hours: 8-4:30, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, electronic [CD-Rom])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .50 per copy; $50 per county on CD-ROM
State Historical Society
816 State St.
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 264-6470
FAX: (608) 264-6472
E-Mail: archref@mail.shsw.wisc.edu
Hours: 8am-9pm, M-Th; 8-5, F-Sa
www. shsw. wise .edu
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, paper)
Access: microfilm can be interlibrary loaned
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .25 from microfilm (done by
patron), $ .50 (done by staff, plus a copying charge of $5
for Wisconsin residents and $15 for non-residents); $12
for slides; prints - sizes vary, call for prices.
Bureau of Land Management
Wyoming State Office
5353 Yellowstone Rd.
PO Box 1828
Cheyenne, WY 82003
(307) 775-6256
FAX: (307) 775-6129
E-Mail: wyinfo@wy.blm.gov
Hours: 9-4, M-F
Owns: originals & copies (microfiche)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $1.10 per 24x18 sheets
National Archives and Records Administration
Regional Records Services
Rocky Mountain Region (Denver)
Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center
P.O. Box 25307
Denver CO 80225-0307
(303) 236-0804
FAX: (303) 236-9297
E-Mail: center @ denver.nara.gov
Hours: 7:30-3:45, M-F; (microfilm research until 4:45, W
Owns: originals
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Price: $4 per copy
This office also owns plats for Montana, New Mexico &
University of Wyoming
Coe Library
13th & Ivinson St.
Box 3334 University Station
Laramie, WY 82071-3334
(307) 766-2070
FAX: (307) 766-3062
E-Mail: CoeRef@uwyo.edu
Hours: 7:30-5:30, M-F
Access: can be interlibrary loaned
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .10 per page
Without the help and inspiration of many people, this project would not have reached fruition, much less even begun. First and foremost, I would like to thank Arlyn Sherwood Booth, map librarian of the Illinois State Library, for first suggesting this project, then shepherding me through the process, including long hours of editing and shaping the document. I'd like to thank Professor Linda Smith of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Graduate School of Library and Information Science for serving as my faculty supervisor, as this project was part of a practicum I did in order to fulfill the requirements needed for an MLS from said institution. I would also like to thank Dr. Ronald Grim of
the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress for providing the original inspiration for this project. It was Dr. Grim who first published a guide of this kind in From Sea Charts to Satellite Images: Interpreting North American History through Maps (1990). Dr. Grim's basic work was impeccable; I could only hope to update and expand his information.
Finally I would like to thank the staff of the Illinois State Library for accommodating me through the time it took to put this project together, hence putting additional burdens on their already weighty duties, and the professors, staff, and students of the UIUC/GSLIS LEEP3 program, who have been dedicated teachers and supportive colleagues for the past two years. I never would have reached this point without you gang!
1. Some of Texas was surveyed using the rectangular system. In order to access there plats contact the following:
Bureau of Land Management
Tulsa Field Office
7906 E. 33rd St. Suite 101
Tulsa, OK 74145-1352
(918) 621-4100
FAX: (918) 621-4130
E-Mail: jelkins@blm.gov
Hours: 7:30-4:15, M-F
www.nm.blm.gov/www/tufo/tufo home.html
Owns: copies (microfiche, paper)
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $ .13 per page
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State Office
Public Lands Information Center
1474 Rodeo Rd.
P.O. Box 27115
Santa Fe,NM 87105
(505) 438-7542
FAX: (505) 438-7582
Hours: 8-5, M-F (Sa during summer)
www.publiclandsinfo.org/html/explore/mn splash.asp
Owns: originals & copies (microfilm, microfiche, electronic [future])
Access: must examine on-site
Copy Purchase Prices: $1.10 per page