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Illinois Heritage is published bimonthly by The Illinois State Historical Society and distributed free to the Society's 2,400 members. Conceived is a vehicle to bring to the public excellent narrative and analytical his-tor\ about Illinois in its local and broader contexts of region and nation, the magazine explores the lives and work of architects, artists, entrepreneurs, homemakers, laborers, naturalists, performers, politicians,

reformers, soldiers, and writers. It traces the impact of Illinois on the nation and the world through events that took place here and through well-known figures such as Jane Addams, Jack Benny, Black Hawk, Gwendolyn Brooks, William Jennings Bryan, Al Capone, Richard J. Daley, John Deere, Everett Dirksen, Stephen Douglas, Ulysses Grant, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Ingersoll, John A. Logan, Elijah Lovejoy, Cyrus McCormick, Fibber McGee & Molly, George Pullman, Carl Sandburg, Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Harold Washington. Illinois Heritage examines the influence on the state of non-lllinoisans such as George Rogers Clark, Eugene V. Debs, Enrico Fermi, Mary Garden, Louis Jolliet, Charles Lindbergh, A. Philip Randolph, and Joseph Smith. Just as important, it features ordinary Illinois men and women, bringing to light obscure lives and mirk. In this vein, the editorial staff seeks nonfiction articles that are solidly researched, attractively written, and amenable to illustration. Scholars, journalists, and freelance writers are encouraged to contribute to the magazine.

New members

New members are the future of the Illinois State Historical Society and we have several to acknowledge as of October 21, 2002. As always, we thank you for your trust and support and encourage you to play an active role in preserving and promoting Illinois history.

1.   Lee Rollo, Shabbona
2.   Molly Vehlow, Decatur
3.   Doris Leonard, Springfield
4.   Karen Camille, New Berlin
5.   Emmett J. Slingsby, Riverton
6.   Stephen Hansen, LaGrange Park
7.   Suzanne Crandall, Rockford
8.   Timothy Klitz, Minneapolis, MN
9.   Mike Shepherd, New Berlin
10.   James F. Jones, Chicago
11.   William A. Peters, Chicago
12.   Laura M. Rogers, Chicago
13.   Richard Schmidt, Batavia
14.   Ryan J. Russell, Woodridge
15.   Cord A. Scott, Chicago
16.   Eric Minde, Chicago
17.   Dirk Miller, Charleston
18.   Charles Atteberry, Tremont
19.   James Neilsson, Mokena
20.   Kathleen Reum, Gibson City
21.   Kelley Sullivan, Metropolis
22.   Paul Anthony Golladay, Springfield
23.   Robert Guritz, Evanston
24.   Rev. D. H. Langstraat, Peoria
25.   Stacy Pratt McDermott, Springfield
26.   Job Conger, Springfield


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Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library