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New friends, new faces

New members are the foundation of the Illinois State Historical Society. We welcome both new and returning members, and encourage all to take an active role in preserving and promoting our state's rich heritage.

Adrian Alexander, Chicago Richard Blankenship, Coffeen
Daniel R. Buck, Springfield
W.W. Bull, Morrison
Robert and Rosemary Caroll, Western Spring
Roma L. Chenoweth, Champaign
Vikki L. Cleveland, Salem
Anne B. Craig, Springfield
Douglas Criner, Westmont
Roland R. Cross, Springfield
Melinda S. Delong, Springfield
East St. Louis Community College, East St. Louis
Eastland Disaster Historical Society
Historical Society of Fort Hill Country, Mundelein
Jennifer French, Belleville
David L. Jostes, Rochester
Lionel Kimble, Jr., Chicago
Albert R. Link, Springfield
Chandler Lyons, Peoria
Rev. Dr. W. N. Malottke, McLeansboro
Mark McCarthy, Mackinaw
Donald McCluskey, Wilmette
Krista Kay McGee, Caflin
Don Monteith, Indianapolis, IN
Lisa M. Morgan, Plano, TX
Ann M. Mueller, Hayworth
Haley Hughes Overbeek, Bloomingdale
Robin L. Roberts,Bloomington
William Schaller, Lake Forest
Lillian Snyder, Nauvoo
Urbana Free Library, Urbana
Michael Tow, Vergennes
Russell D. Williams,
Marion Deborah Ziegenmeyer, North Beach, MI
John and Janice Murphy, Pawnee

Illinois Heritage is published by The Illinois State Historical Society and is printed by William Street Press, Decatur. The Society is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting the heritage and culture of Illinois. Articles and reviews appearing in Illinois Heritage are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and in America: History and Life.

Illinois Heritage (ISSN 1094-0596) is published by The Illinois State Historical Society, 210-1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503. It is distributed without charge to members of The Illinois State Historical Society. Membership dues are: Student $20.00 Journal only (Full time-current I.D. required); General-Individual-AIMHS-Teacher-School-Libraries, $35; Family-$45; Sustaining-Supporting-Organizational Partner-$55.OO; Donor-Contributing-Business Partner-$ 100.00; Patron-$500.00; Lincoln SiIver-$1,000.00 Single issues, when available, are $5.00 each postpaid. A limited number of back issues are available.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Illinois Heritage, The Illinois State Historical Society, 210-1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503.

Copyright ©2003 The Illinois State Historical Society.

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