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Dear Illinois Heritage:

I enjoyed reading the September-October 2003 issue of Illinois Heritage. Are there awards or recognition (similar to Centennial Awards for business) for farms that have been in business for 150 years or more? I own a farm near Springfield that has been in business for 151 years (same family ownership) and was curious whether farms received a similar recognition.

Robert F. Hall
Bluffton, South Carolina

Editor's note: We recognized two Centennial farms this year at our Centennial Awards Banquet in Chicago (see page 10). For more information on how to apply, visit our website at

Dear Illinois Heritage:

I am tracing my family tree. I hope that I am at the right place. My great-grand parents were married in the Shawneetown Courthouse (1892). I have been looking for more information, preferably photos of the courthouse. I have not had any luck. Do you know where I can find a photo or do you have one that you could e-mail to me? Please let me know.

Sandra Bratcher
Via e-mail

Editor's note: We have forwarded your request to Mary Michals, iconographer for the Illinois State Historical Library, and to Gary DeNeal, editor of Springhouse magazine and an excellent source for southern Illinois heritage. Between them you should have no trouble locating a photograph of the old courthouse.

Dear Illinois Heritage,

I notice that the picture on the back cover of the last Illinois Heritage has a picture of a toddler standing behind the steering wheel of a car, labeled in the caption as "her roadster." That seems to me incorrect. I believe the word roadster in the early 20th century referred to a one-seated car with a cloth top, while two-seated cars with cloth tops of the type in the picture were called "touring cars." In any event it is a cute picture and an interesting issue.

Robert W. Frizzell
Director of Libraries
Northwest Missouri State University
Maryville, MO 64468

4 Illinois Heritage

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