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New and renewing members

The lifeblood of any organization is its membership. We extend our thanks to the following individuals and organizations whose continuing support and generosity contribute significantly to the mission and goals of the Society.

Bryan Soady, Springfield Massac County School District, Metropolis
Gene Coots, Winnebago Donna Johnson, Belleville
Matthew W. Robinson, Jr., Shiloh
Daniel L. Milligan, Springfield
Lonn Pressnall, Forsyth
Kevin E. White, Chicago
Richard E. Pearson, Galesburg
Tom Wilson, Galesburg
Erik Woehrmann, Arlington, VA
W.G. McNeese, MD, Springfield
Joe Krawisz, Chicago
Rebecca L. Dye, Quincy
Marian Jones, Chicago
James Bakunas, Springfield
Robert Neal Stanford, Rosiclare
Lisa Pease, Seattle, WA
William M. Vala, Cantrall
Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield
Kenneth E. Highsmith, Mt. Vernon
Brian Moore, Springfield
David C. Knight, Bloomington
Nathan C. Whittom, Chicago
Penelope Cansler, Taylors, SC
Mark Roehrs, Springfield
Melody Herr, DeKalb
Michael T. Gregory, Elgin
William E. Little, Neoga
Dr. Greg Behle, Santa Clara
Lionel Kimble, Jr., Chicago

Note: New members for November also include the Centennial Award winners listed on page 10.

Illinois Heritage is published by The Illinois State Historical Society and is printed by William Street Press, Decatur. The Society is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting the heritage and culture of Illinois. Articles and reviews appearing in Illinois Heritage are abstracted old indexed in Historical Abstracts and in America: History and Life.

Illinois Heritage (ISSN 1094-0596) is published by The Illinois State Historical Society, 210-1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503. It is distributed without charge to members of The Illinois State Historical Society. Membership dues are: Student $20.00 Journal only (Full time-current I.D. required); General-Individual-AINHS-Teacher-School-Libraries, $35; Family-$45; Sustaining-Supporting-Organizational Partner-$55.00; Donor-Contributing-Business Partner-$ 100.00; Patron-$500.00; Lincoln Silver-$ 1,000.00 Single issues, when available, are $5.00 each postpaid. A limited number of back issues are available.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Illinois Heritage, The Illinois State Historical Society, 210-1/2 South Sixth Street, Suite 200, Springfield, IL 62701-1503.

Copyright ©2003 The Illinois State Historical Society.

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