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Our cover photograph is a dramatic peak at hole five on Shepherd's Crook Golf Course, which got its name after much deliberation over other names with biblical references.

"The Zion community was founded as a theocracy," says Rich Walker, superintendent of special facilities for the Zion Park District. "So all the street names, the park names are biblical."

"We wanted to maintain that....Our theme is minimalist, using more natural amenities on the course and the checkered flag ties back to the tartan plaids of Scotland."

He adds: "The origin of golf is shepherds playing around in the pastures of Scotland and Ireland."

Shepherds started the game of golf? Well, that revelation led me on a search for the history of golf and it's a bit murky on that point. An article by Malcom Campbell of Scotland Golf (found at indicates that how golf started remains a mystery. There are conjectures about Scottish fisherman in the l4th century inventing the game using driftwood and pebbles. Tough to shoot par with sticks and rocks!

Most agree that the Scottish game of golf is the direct ancestor of the modern game with St. Andrews—or the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews—as the first official ruling organization of the sport. Many courses, such as Shepherd's Crook, pay homage to the greens of Scotland in their design. I know there's a bridge (not for sale) on the Rockford Park District's Aldeen course that's a replica of one at St. Andrews.

So, there you have it: another example of why I've loved being the editor of this magazine for the past eight years. In every issue I get to explore the treasures available at park districts and forest preserves and meet the people responsible for them.

With great respect and gratitude, I say good-bye to the magazine readers, its authors, artists and advisors, and my many friends in the field of parks and recreation. This is my last issue. I start a new job as senior editor for the Illinois Association of Realtors in mid-March.

A thousand thank-yous for sharing your stories, opinions and ideas with me over the years. I'm looking forward to receiving my new park district license plate in the mail and visiting your community treasures as a tourist with my family. Keep up your very good work!


4     Illinois Parks and Recreation

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