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Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave

The Fun, Fast, Friendly and Comprehensive IPRA Web Site

William L. M. Wald
IPRA Chief Executive Officer

Once upon a time, two million hits referred to a Consumer Reports crash dummy test result. The web belonged to Charlotte. Visiting a site had more to do with turf evaluation than an Internet portal. Time, it seems, has deeply affected our language but it doesn't hold a candle to the impact millions of web site launches have had on the way we communicate.

IPRA is no exception. Without our web site, we would likely lose our ability to interact with a huge segment of our membership.

Given that reality, IPRA has placed maintaining and enhancing our web site at the top of our list of priorities. Our aim? Making sure visitors can point and click their way to job opportunities, networking news, membership data, late-breaking bulletins and timely notifications in quick order. We're eager to help you do your job faster, more efficiently and, above all, with better information.

Since this issue of Illinois Parks & Recreation focuses on technology, I'm happy to grab the opportunity to spotlight the IPRA web site. I've wanted to do it for years, but I'm glad I waited, because this facet of our communications mix continues to evolve at warp speed.

If you visit on a regular basis, you know changes are the order of the day, whether you're dialing up from work looking for information on ticket programs or checking out our ever-changing job bulletin.

If you're new to the site, allow me to suggest a seatbelt as we go on a meteoric ride through our portal. First, a history snippet. Starts, stops and lurches described the IPRA web site's inception. It wasn't until 2001 that our design, focus and linking foundations were solid enough to invite friendly, frequent perusals. Now that we're up and charging forward, our hits grow by leaps and bounds. A million one year. Two million six months later. The sky's literally the limit.

IPRA has placed maintaining and enhancing our web site at the top of our list of priorities.

With increased activity, our menu of offerings has exploded. A quick look at our table of contents tells the story. But if you don't have enough time to explore every listing, consider this your quick navigation guide. Chances are you'll discover something eye-opening that's bound to save you time or money.

There's No Place Like Home -On This Page

There's nothing timid about the IPRA homepage. Headline news fills the midsection. At the left of the screen you'll see the park and rec finder stacked over the most popular button of all, the jobs bulletin, which helps you make your way to a variety of career choices.

Once you peruse current job listings, we invite you to scan the list on the right side of the home page. It's an abbreviated version of the more complete topic listing available by clicking on the table of contents. These are arranged in alphabetical order, so even if you've had a rough day and your brain is fried, you'll find what you need in quick order.

This facet of our communications mix continues to evolve at warp speed.

From co-op to grants and from press releases to training, a speedy scroll down the menu will likely give you the start you need. Our home page is the face we present to the world. Our users find it convenient and easy to navigate. You will too.

For Members Only

Exclusivity is important to our members, which is why not every facet of the IPRA web site is accessible to any set of fingers key-stroking their way in. We create a password (membership number) for every member. Whether or not you take advantage of the Members-Only section is up to you, but know that you'll be asked for your ID number when you get to that screen. You should have received a membership card from IPRA by the time this issue reaches your hands. Use that number and you're in.

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On the Members-Only page, you'll find a remarkable array of goodies: Discussion forums; an up-to-date, searchable membership directory; the ability to edit your personal and agency contact information; information on car rentals and other discount offers; and immediate links to searchable Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine archives going all the way back to 1970. It's the mother lode of editorial reference, and it's yours without ever having to dig your way through your storage room cobwebs to find that article on wetland restoration you're pretty certain led the issue a couple of years back.

IPRA Calendar

September 20
Technology for Commissioners and Directors Naperville Park District

September 30
Technology Day for Park & Recreation Staff College of DuPage

October 2-3
AFO Course & Exam Rock Island Parks & Recreation

October 3
IPRA U - Budgeting 101 IPRA Headquarters

October 7
2nd Annual Youth Symposium IPRA Headquarters

October 30-31
AFO Course & Exam IPRA Headquarters

November 3
IPRA U - Basic Writing Skills
IPRA Headquarters

December 3
IPRA U - Hiring From Start to Finish
IPRA Headquarters

December 4
Creative Programology Laboratory TBA

January 22-24, 2004

IAPD/IPRA Conference Hyatt Regency, Chicago

For details and more events, see

Eye on Jobs

Survey a breakout of specific IPRA web site inquiries and it won't surprise you to find our Job Bulletin is front and forward in terms of popularity. There's never been a more critical time to stress its importance. You need jobs filled by experts in the field, so why spend a fortune on newspaper advertising when thousands of people with the qualifications you seek probe our listings every day?

On the flip side, if you're a park pro looking to move closer to home, an upwardly mobile careerist, a student anxious to locate the perfect internship or a part-timer seeking an expanded role in our industry, you'll find it on Job Bulletin.

Once a paperbound publication slogging its way through your agency distribution system, this vital link to openings changes daily and is guaranteed to keep you in the loop when it comes to the ever-changing job market.

Programmable Moments and Ticket Acquisition

At IPRA, programs are at the heart and soul of our existence. Awards. Training. Purchasing. Mentoring. As these—and more—are publicized, you'll find continually updated program details under the table of contents section. Click on your interest. Delve into the details. Keep yourself informed so you don't miss a thing.

You'll be happy to know that even our popular ticket and youth skill programs can be negotiated in cyberspace, so stretch your limited resources by ordering blocks of tickets on line for patrons, staff and personal use. Whether it's the Cubs, ice-skating, soccer, zoo, amusement or water park discounts you're seeking, speed the process by ordering on line.

Preferred Suppliers

You need pool chemicals fast and you don't have the time to send staffers shopping. There's no time to cruise the Yellow Pages for retail pricing from a vendor who's an unknown quantity. What's a member to do? Access suppliers through IPRA.

Want deals? We've got them—specially negotiated pricing that carries over from everyday shopping to our cooperative buying program to the popular Buyer's Guide (both of which are detailed on the table of contents, too).

Looking to support vendors who help ensure the future of Illinois parks and recreation? Sample our preferred supplier roster. These firms make significant contributions to the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation in terms of special pricing, endowments and more. Make these commercial suppliers a regular stop on your journey to finding the right product for your needs.

By the way, you'll also find a separate click-on for recently added services, such as our innovative collaboration with web site designers, defibrillator manufacturers, grant search businesses and printers. Look for future partnerships as they are developed.

Conference Close-Up

Though it only comes once a year, planning and preparing for Conference begins the day this annual bash ends and doesn't stop until it is time for the cycle to begin anew.

Whether you're interested in who's signing on to exhibit, wish to check the ever-growing list of workshop topics or just need general news about plans-in-the-works for next year's event, find it under the Conference Exhibitor Prospectus section.

There's More

A section of our website is devoted exclusively to the issue of certification. Whether you're interested in knowing whether you've qualified for the coveted designation, need to know where and when to take the exam or are curious about which of your colleagues have recently attained this important status, has it for you.

In addition, if you're following the development of the IPR Foundation you can learn more about this vital arm of IPRA thanks to continual updates.

Before you leave the IPRA web site, you'll want to peruse the main menu for a look-see at current educational offerings (live workshops and our library of video and CD-ROM programs). Don't want to bother faxing or mailing in your reservation for these? Do it in cyberspace and f'getabout leaving a paper trail.

You can also find lists of our affiliates should you need to network with them.

Finally, keep up with section and committee happenings by visiting pages created and updated by these groups. Each details its history, background, meetings, events and more to keep you in the loop.

Before you conclude that I'm a little over-the-top when it comes to broadcasting the virtues of our web site, I will tell you that the site has its limits. It won't make your coffee. And it's unlikely you'll find an answer to the question of the meaning of your life on any of its screens. But if IPRA could take care of these matters, believe me, we would.

The IPRA web site is your source for all things related to being a park and recreation professional in the state of Illinois. I guarantee it.

September/October/November 2003 | 9

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