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IPRA Chairman and Director of the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association, Jane Hodgkinson, was on hand to provide the surprise of the afternoon during the IAPD's 76' Annual Business Meeting held January 24' at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.

Hodgkinson, acting on behalf of the state's special recreation associations, presented IAPD General Counsel Peter Murphy with an IAPD/IPRA Outstanding Legislative Leadership Award for his tireless efforts to cultivate legislation benefiting park districts, forest preserves, conservation and recreation agencies with the successful overrides of the governor's vetoes of Senate Bill 83 and Senate Bill 1881.

Murphy's impromptu award was one of many handed out at the meeting. Stan Budzinski, Peoria Park District commissioner, and Mary Garrison, Winnetka Park District commissioner, were each presented with IAPD Outgoing Board Member Awards from Chairman Dennis Flanagin. Budzinksi leaves the board after serving two terms, while Garrison departs after four terms.

Flanagin presented incoming IAPD Chairman, Clint Hull, commissioner of the St. Charles'Park District, with an IAPD gavel. In turn, Flanagin was recognized with an Honorary Life Membership Award and a past chairman's pin for the many hours of service and support given to IAPD throughout the year.

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