9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
T-Shirt Uses, Development and Results
Low Man on the Totem Pole? Not for Long
Conducting a Prescribed Burn
Pair or Foul: Should Umps and Other Rec Staff be Independent Contractors or Employees?
The Customer Comes Second!
Making ERI Work for Your Agency
Organizing and Developing Multi-Sport Events
Teens, Teens, Teens
Teen Camp Ideas/Panel
Simple and Fun Outdoor/Environmental Programming
Senate Bill 1881: A Year in Review
Recreation Lock-Down Procedures
Show Technology the Money
Master's Degree versus Work Experience
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
How to Choose a Bank for Your Agency
IPRA Cooperative Purchasing Program
Eagle Eye Roundtable
Ask the Commissioner
Open Meetings Act/Executive Closed Sessions
Using Work Order Systems
Financing Options for Illinois Park and Recreation Agencies
Parks & Recreation and Essential Services
Networking Idea Sharing Session
Early Childhood...Inclusion 101
Personal Training — How to Increase Revenue
Working With Construction Professionals to Develop a Maintenance Plan
Cleaning Up the Web
The Interview
Customer Training
Market Your Message On The Inside
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Facility Air Quality
My Employees are Organizing a Union! What Do I do Now?
Developing and Implementing Sound Drug and Alcohol Policies
Today's Recreation — "Pre-Med" Awareness
Strategies for Great "Battle of the Band" Competitions
Adapting Cooperative Games
Crafts that Teens and Adults Are Proud to Take Home
Group Fitness — Panel Discussion
Blueprint Basics
This Old Web Site
Planning Ahead: Making Use of Campus Resources
Conflict Resolution — Participants, Parents and Co-workers
Kids Make Cents
Creative Solutions to Housing Interns
2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Become a Better Commissioner
Your Agency is Distinguished — Recognize It!
Park District Credit Ratings in the Current Economic Climate
Senior Advisory Boards and Committees
How Recreation Opportunities Survive in Small Communities
Recreation Programming for Youth at Risk
Customer Retention "Fore" Golf Courses
Top 10 Things Aquatic Managers Should Know
The Truth About On-Line Registration
Creating and Reviewing Resumes —Job Searching
Outdoor Education: Does it Help a Student to Become Pro-Environmental?
How to Know When to Drop Programs and When to Start New Programs
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs, pending approval.
Roles/Characteristics of a Manager
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Terry Schwartz, Director,
Counsilman/Hunsaker and Associates
Chair: Sheila Lowrey, IPRA
Managing systems such as park and recreation operations and
facilities is complex and offers unique challenges. This session
will provide current and aspiring managers insight toward the
skills and traits that will help them be successful
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand a
variety of personal skills and traits that are important to be a
successful manager; (2) Learn internal organization
communication systems that help a manager communicate
information to others.
Let's Make the Water Safe...Jump Into the Aquatic Town Hall Meeting
9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Walt Johnson, Former Director, Great Lakes Region of NRPA and Executive Secretary, National Aquatic Section; Valerie Rawls, President, Hill Rawls Design Ink Marketing Communications
Chair: Michelle Hansen, Wheeling Park District
You are invited to attend an open forum to discuss the issues of supervision, safe water environments, and education regarding the changing needs of the aquatic patron. They have different languages, unique cultures and a misinterpretation of water safety. This session is designed to gather data, exchange ideas and to brainstorm solutions.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Gain insight into the multifaceted strategy of supervision, safe water environments and education; (2) Be able to share experiences and expand their network.
Fishing For innovative Financing
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Robert A. Porter, Special Projects Coordinator and Robert Roiek, Attorney, Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Rolek, P.C.
Chair: Barbara Daudelin, Round Lake Area Park District
Park district finances are not two-dimensional but should be viewed as three-dimensional. Like the movie "Contact," the three-dimensional clue to solve the puzzle to complete the machine came from thinking outside the box. Park districts need to move beyond traditional finance techniques and investigate the possibilities of creative financing. There are no finance problems facing park districts, just opportunities to overcome undesirable events. Come learn how to set your flies on a guided fishing trip for money.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn alternative revenue thinking; (2) Learn to think three-dimensionally — outside the box.
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9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs, pending approval.
Science, Salesmen, and Performance Expectations
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Dr. Edwin Herricks, Professor of Environmental Biology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois
Chair: Bert Gray, Champaign County Forest Preserve District
This session will address critical natural resources management issues relating to detention basins and lakes. It will consider science and fundamental principles, common solutions offered by the sales and consulting community and the reality of actual performance. The session will be problem-oriented, highly interactive and visual.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to make better decisions for long-term investments in the environment; (2) Learn how to implement adaptive strategies.
How To Obtain Land/Cash Contributions
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Greg Petty, Executive Director,
Waukegan Park District; Scott Puma, Attorney,
Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni &
Rolek, P.C.; Greg Bott, Director, Plainfield
Township Park District
Chair: Mickey Macholl, Hanover Park Park
Panelists will share their successes in obtaining
land and cash contributions from developers.
The session will overview the legal basis and
associated steps necessary for obtaining impact
fees and land or cash donations.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn the legal basis for impact fees and
developers' land and cash contributions; (2)
Learn the techniques necessary to obtain
impact fees and land and cash contributions.
Follow Me, The Bold Call of Leadership
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): James Robbins, Management
Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, The Robbins
Chair: Scott Triphahn, Hoffman Estates Park
Our success as leaders lies in our ability to keep
talented people engaged and fulfilled. In this
session we look at what employees want from
their jobs today and why it's crucial that we as
leaders provide it.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
See what the new workforce is looking for in
their careers and be given practical tools and
steps to help create this in our recreation and
parks industry; (2) Learn the qualities, actions
and habits of leaders who are successful at
engaging their employees.
Presenter(s): Jay Rients, Landscape Designer,
Chair: Rob Sperg, Wheaton Park District
Landscape architect and Unilock representative
Jay Rients will discuss the many options using
paving stones and retaining walls.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn the history and uses of paving stones
and retaining walls; (2) Learn how to estimate
and install these products.
Athletic Turfgrass Maintenance
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): John Anderson, Sales Manager,
Arthur Clesen, Inc.
Chair: Corey Zak, Palatine Park District
Turf is your safety surface on athletic fields.
Learn how to maintain on a tight budget as
well as when to call a game when conditions
may damage a field.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn maintenance tips and the differences in
bluegrass varieties; (2) Learn to work with
organizations to help maintain a field.
Wellness Programs for Youth And
Presenter(s): Ann Marie Weber, Management Analyst/ HR, M.S., ACSM Health/Fitness Instructor,® and Michelle La Scola, Program Manager, ACE, Naperville Park District
Chair: Michelle La Scola, Naperville Park District
Statistics show that obesity rates are reaching epidemic proportions, especially in youth. Programs that target obesity and heart disease are popular in health clubs but there also is a need for these program offerings in park districts.
Learning outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn to help their communities in the fight against obesity; (2) Learn how to create heart-healthy, non-competitive programs.
Best of the Basics for Camp Directors - Part III
Presenter(s): Gordon Kaplan, Executive
Director, American Camp Association; Peggy
Dohr, Assistant Director, Round Lake Area
Park District; Daniel "DJ" Newport, Summer
Day Camp & Leisure Education Coordinator,
Chair: Sam Thompson, Crystal Lake Park
Learn what day camp directors need to know
about risk management and camp
administration. Get an overview of the
"operations management" and "health" and
"wellness" sections for American Camp
Association Accreditation.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Increase awareness of critical concepts of
camp administration, risk management and
wellness; (2) Learn about administrative
procedures utilizing the Day Camp Operations
Music Therapy: Music for Expression, Integration and Recreation
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Nicole Allgood, Giant Steps
Illinois, Inc.
Chair: Amanda Matveia, WSSRA
This session is an introduction to the field of
music therapy. The presenter will demonstrate
activities that encourage self-expression and
discuss music-based programming.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn how to use music as a way for
interacting with people with special needs; (2)
Engage in active music making and discussion.
Leading Leaders
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Kurt Podeszwa, Director of
Camping and Outdoor Programs, Timber Point
Outdoor Camp
Chair: Tara Schmitz, NSSRA
This session will focus on the development of
leaders within your organization. We will focus
on how to recruit, train and focus on keeping
good staff while training them to be leaders.
This will be an interactive discussion that will
include small group breakouts as well as
identifying who you are as a supervisor.
Illinois Parks and Recreation - 49
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs, pending approval.
Marketing Your Facility from Top
to Bottom
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Clay Cooper, Creative Partner,
Plan B, The Agency Alternative
Chair: Linda Mathis, Miles Family Fitness
At this session you will learn how to define
your unique position in your particular market.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn how to develop a positioning statement;
(2) Learn how to use their positioning statement.
Putting POWER into PowerPoint Presentations
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Nancy Aldrich, Superintendent
of Human Resources, Arlington Heights Park
Chair: Mary DeGuide, Arlington Heights
Park District
Do your PowerPoint presentations lack
pizzazz? Do you dread using PowerPoint
because you only know the bare-bones basics?
In this session, you'll learn the key aspects of
making presentations more interesting and
how to use graphics, video, music, custom
animation and slide transitions to make your
PowerPoint presentations truly powerful.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Identify the key components to developing a
powerful PowerPoint presentation; (2) Insert
graphics, audio, video, music and custom
animation into their presentations.
Bulls-Eye Marketing
9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Presenter(s): Corporate Partnership Staff,
Chicago Bulls
Chair: Allison Pellegrino, Batavia Park
Consumers are becoming more sophisticated
and so are the marketing strategies used to
reach them. A top sports executive from the
Chicago Bulls will help you envision the future,
embrace sponsorship innovations and share
strategies for getting over common hurdles.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn how partnerships are being developed to
promote greater consumer interaction while
holding on to the original brand awareness
strategy; (2) Learn how to present a tailor-made
partnership package to make your sponsors the
center of attention.
Safety Inspections and Compliance
10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Presenter(s): Mike Buenrostro, Inspector,
West Chicago Fire Department; Al Gorski,
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Chair: Dave Gomez, West Chicago Park
This session will offer a discussion of fire
safety inspections and OSHA regulatory
compliance in buildings.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn how to do a fire safety self-inspection of
facilities; (2) Learn about OSHA regulatory
Sports Rage Workshop
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Presenter(s): Dr. David Royko, Clinical
Psychologist and Gregg Miller
Chair: Brian Kroening, Deerfield Park
Every season we have situations with sports
rage. Learn techniques to disengage from
angry and aggressive people.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Learn to recognize who is at risk; (2) Learn
techniques to manage their own anger.
Aquatic Crisis Management -Keeping Your Head Above Water
10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Presenter(s): Steve Kleinman, General Counsel, PDRMA
Chair: Tami Pareti, Tri-County SRA
This session will provide the aquatic professional with the knowledge and tools necessary to manage a crisis. Attendees will view a videotape of actual television reports following three public agency drownings.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Develop and implement a comprehensive crisis management plan, customized for the aquatic environment and with an emphasis on developing a media crisis plan; (2) Better recognize, appreciate and handle the myriad of consequences facing an aquatic facility following a tragic occurrence, such as the media frenzy, police investigation, staff depression and potential liability exposure.
Referendums That Work
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Presenter(s): Kendall Parrot, Director,
Harvey Park District
Chair: Gail Ito, Chicago State University
This session will offer an overview of the
action steps that need to be taken to develop a
process, that will prepare your agency and
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Discover referendums and how community
cooperation can be revived; (2) Come out with
information on how to start the referendum
process by developing community buy in.
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1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs, pending approval.
Conservation and Forest Preserve Districts in Illinois
1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Dr. Edwin Herricks, Professor of Environmental Biology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois; Brent Manning, Executive Director, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Chair: Bert Gray, Champaign County Forest Preserve District
This session will highlight the activities and accomplishments of conservation and forest preserve districts in Illinois.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn of the contributions to the quality of life for Illinois citizens; (2) Learn the many ways districts contribute to science and to natural resource management and sustainability.
Recognizing and Documenting the Drug-Impaired Employee
1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Bruce R. Talbot, President,
Bruce R. Talbot & Associates
Chair: Eileen Eiden, Elmhurst Park District
Research shows that one-third of American
workers say a co-worker's drug use negatively
impacts their own work performance. With
the important job functions park district
employees are tasked with, it is imperative
managers recognize and document employee
drug use.
Learning Outcomes: Participants-will: (1)
Recognize the signs and symptoms of
employee drug impairment; (2) Review the
procedures for documenting the drug-impaired
209 Butterfly Garden Design
1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Marcy Steward Pyziak, Horticulturist, The Garderner's Tutor
Chair: Dave Richards, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County Butterflies are a wonderful addition to the summer landscape. Learn some good tips on how to design a butterfly garden that is attractive to both people and butterflies.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn ideas on the best annuals, perennials and shrubs to use that provide both nectar and larval food; (2) Learn the maintenance that will be needed for these plants.
Park Signage
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Carol Naughton, C. Naughton
and Associates, Inc.
Chair: Mike Fletcher, Clarendon Hills Park
This presentation will explain the process for
completing a way-finding and information
program. Discussion will include analysis,
design, bid documents and project
management. Projects discussed will include:
Millenium Park, Brookfield Zoo, Canal Corridor, Lake County Forest Preserve and the City of Elgin.
Why Must I Reward You Just for Coming to Work??
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Mike Fugiel, Executive Director, Lombard Park District; Maryfran Leno, Director, Itasca Park District; Keith Frankland, Director of Parks & Recreation, Woodridge Park District and Ron Salski, Director of Recreation and Parks, Wheeling Park District
Chair: Tom Ritter, Vernon Hills Park District
Does a generation gap exist between seasoned parks and recreation directors and our up-and-coming professionals? Do seasoned directors have outdated expectations of their Generation X/Y staff? Do Generation X/Y supervisors expect a fast-track road to the directorship, while working no nights or weekends? Join us for "Recreationally Incorrect!" a Bill Maher-style panel discussion and learn what these different generations of park and recreation professionals really think about each other.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand different expectations held by veteran and up-and-coming park and recreation professionals; (2) Discuss ways the different generations of park and recreation professionals can learn from each other.
Fine-Tune Your Programs with Focus Groups
1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): J. Robert Rossman, Professor and Dean of College of Applied Science and Technolgoy and Barbara Schlatter, Assistant Professor, Illinois State University
Chair: Barbara Schlatter, Illinois State University
Focus groups are an inexpensive and unique way to learn your customer's needs and preferences. The technique provides an opportunity for dynamic feedback from actual or potential users about possible program features as well as identifying a customer's needs and desires.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to organize and conduct focus groups to develop new programs or evaluate and update current services; (2) Provide programmers the background needed to use the technique and demonstrate its use.
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1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs, pending approval.
Behavior Management Through Communication and Teamwork
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Dan Massa
Chair: Laura Bicnck, NRDSRA
This workshop will bring you the tools to help shape behavior and build teams. Discover the value of verbal and nonverbal communication. Learn about agenda driven-speech and its effect on everyday conversation. Discover new methods and skills that help you take groups to a higher level of cooperation and group work.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn about agenda driven-speech and its effect on everyday conversation; (2) Learn activities that will help shape each team and facilitate the learning process.
A Hands on Approach to Sponsorship and Marketing
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Juliana R. Hefter, Park and Recreation Director, Germantown Park and Recreation Department
Chair: Lori Neubauer, Itasca Park District
Are you tired of always hearing that your budget has been cut or your project has been "put on the shelf" due to financial constraints? Then come and explore the exciting world of developing a sponsorship and marketing program for your organization.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to develop and implement a sponsorship and marketing program for their community; (2) Leave with a handbook that will help them get their own program started.
Developing a Community-Based Facility Master Plan
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Daniel Atilano, President, Burnidge Cassell and Associates, Inc.; Rodney Aiken, Executive Director, Glencoe Park District
Chair: Rodney Aiken, Glencoe Park District
Wondering where to begin when developing a facility master plan? This session will assist you in understanding how a community-based planning process can aid a community by working together to define their needs and discover what resources are available to meet those needs.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the step-by-step process and related activities necessary to develop a facility master plan that will keep pace with changing community needs and recreation trends; (2) Learn the lessons learned from architect and owner perspectives.
North American Culture 101
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Catherine Popowits, President, Diversity Training & Consulting, Inc.
Chair: Valerie Pang
The demographics of the United States are
rapidly changing and the increasingly cultural
diversity of our communities
reflects this national trend. Park and recreation staff, as well as staff in other public
institutions, are faced with the new challenge of providing services to community members from cultural backgrounds that they are not familiar with. This workshop will explore the concept of culture and provide practical ideas for working effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds as well as providing services to a range of new cultural groups within a district.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will: (1) Explore how cultural values impact work relationships;
(2) Increase their ability to
build relationships with
communities that have other cultural values.
"Bringing out the Best" Breakthrough Performance
1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Presenter(s): Reverend Donald Luster, Letke
and Associates, Certified Public Accountants
and Consultants
Chair: Lonette Hall, Richton Park Parks and
Recreation Department
This session offers the training designed to
enhance/improve overall effectiveness and
efficiency of organizational key stakeholders
and their direct reports. Understand the
differences between leadership versus
management, communication versus talking to,
and us versus them.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1)
Be able to identify stressors related to poor
performance and the impact it has on the
organization; (2) Be renewed, refreshed and
rededicated to "Peak Performance" via
principle driven "Behavior," "Need - Belief,"
"Behavior Connection."
Illinois Parks and Recreation - 52
Come enjoy Dave & Buster's for a fun night with your colleagues, friends and family, where you can test your skills in the latest in electronic simulators, video games and other attractions.
You will have three chances...
The IAPD/IPRA closing event will be held at the fun and exciting venue Dave & Buster's. Don't miss your opportunity for a chance to win CASH! First prize winner will receive $1500, second prize winner will receive $1000 and third prize winner will receive $500. Winners must be present in person at Dave & Buster's at rime of drawing to win.
Think of it as a futuristic festival of fun.
Illinois Parks and Recreation - 53