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January 27, 2005



As Mayor and on behalf of the City of Chicago, I extend warmest greetings to all those attending the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) and Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) Conference.

Since IAPD's inception in 1928 and IPRA's in 1944, these two nonprofit groups have worked faithfully on issues of conservation, stewardship and the development of Illinois' natural resources. Through their many programs and efforts, the IAPD and IPRA enhance the natural beauty of Illinois and have greatly increased the state's tourism base. Since 1965, their ability to provide outstanding park and recreation opportunities has earned Illinois park districts and special recreation agencies an exceptional number of National Gold Medal Awards.

I commend IAPD and IPRA for your devoted service, education and innovation in the preservation and enhancement of Illinois parks, zoos, museums, historical sites, botanical gardens, golf courses and unique recreational locations.

While you are here in Chicago, I hope you will take time to discover all that makes our city a great place to live and visit. I know you will like what you find. From our great architecture and beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline to our exciting nightlife, world-renowned cultural institutions and Millennium Park, Chicago offers something for everyone.

Best wishes for a successful and enjoyable event.

2005 Conference Program Table of Contents

C9 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

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