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Dear Friends,

The 2004 games of the XXXVIII Olympiad were a reminder of what an inspiration recreation is to the entire world. The Olympics brings out the best in both athleticism and sportsmanship. Just think, those medallists got their start somewhere, and for many, it was through parks and recreation.

Japan's Junichi Kawai, who took first place on Heat 2 of the 100m Butterfly, said it best, "I would like to send a message to young people: The most important thing is to have a dream." The Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association's 2005 Joint Conference is a catalyst to help make those dreams come true. As we work on "Shaping Our Future With Parks And Recreation," we take full advantage of the endless opportunities conference brings our way.

Much like the Olympics, conference has a lot going on at once. Our educational sessions and workshops are swimming with the hottest park and recreation trends. Dive into sessions that can teach you to work more efficiently. Race for that gold medal idea in the exhibit hall, where you can find hands-on demonstrations and commercial opportunities. And, don't forget to practice good sportsmanship. Meet old friends and take the time to make new ones, after all, we're on the same team!

This year's team captains are to be commended for planning and organizing this Olympic-scale event! Millie Keith and Don Scheltens have certainly scored a perfect 10 in chairing the 2005 conference. Both have provided invaluable expertise and given unselfishly of their time to ensure that this event goes down in the record books! Millie and Don, thank you.

It takes teamwork to succeed, and the volunteers who contribute so much to giving this conference a reputation of excellence are invaluable. A heartfelt "thank you" to each and every volunteer who make the pieces of this conference puzzle come together.

Now, let's continue this fine tradition and begin "Shaping Our Future With Parks And Recreation."

Let the games begin!

2005 Conference Program Table of Contents

C10 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

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