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Office Support Luncheon and Workshop

Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Price: $65.00

This fee includes lunch.
This session is targeted for your office support staff!

11:45 a.m. Lunch/Registration in Crystal C Ballroom, West Tower/Green Level
1:00 p.m. Workshop in Crystal B Ballroom, West Tower/Green Level
3:30 p.m. Tour the Exhibit Hall, Riverside Center, East Tower/Purple Level

Get What You Want With What You've Got!

We are all being asked to do more with less. This program gives you the tools to get the absolute best with what you've got! We are all given what we need to succeed, and Christine will help you take those skills to the next level. After this program, you will be able to:

• Communicate effectively by understanding different personality styles
• Learn the secrets to defuse anyone and handle conflict like a pro
• Put the "storm" back into brainstorming - get more done with great ideas
• Discover how humor can increase job satisfaction, improve morale and reduce stress

Presenter: Christine Holton Cashen What makes Christine unique is the "real" factor. Drawing from her varied background as a business owner, university admissions officer, corporate trainer, credentialing agent and broadcaster, she combines a down-to-earth attitude with a colorful artistic streak. She is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and is an authority on sparking innovative ideas to handle conflict, reduce stress and energize employees. Christine is featured regularly as a creativity expert in HOW Designs at Work magazine.

Chair: Mickey Macholl, Hanover Park Park District

Join Christine Molten Cashen to laugh and learn as she shows you the way. You can get what you want both personally and professionally!

2005 Conference Program Table of Contents

C21 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

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