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7:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.
Registration Desk Open

8:00 a.m. -9:15 a.m.
Educational Sessions

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
CEU Workshops

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Open

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Educational Sessions

11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Opening General Session with John Powers

12:00 p.m.-2:15 p.m.
All Conference Luncheon and Awards Show

IAPD and IPRA will present top awards to elected officials, legislators and professionals during the 2005 IAPD/IPRA All Conference Luncheon and Awards Show. Back again this year.. .reserve a table for the show! After the luncheon, bring your legislator down to the Exhibit Hall and support the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation Silent Auction.

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Student Luncheon

2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Open

3:00 p.m. -4:15 p.m.
Educational Sessions

3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
CEU Workshops

5:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.
IPRA Annual Business Meeting

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
IAPD Commissioners' Reception

6:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
University and Affiliate Hospitalities

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

How to Use the "Benefits Tool Box"
8:00 a.m.-9:15a.m.
Location: New Orleans
Presenter(s): Sandy Gbur, Executive Director, WSSRA; Tracy Alden, Director of Recreation, Village of Western Springs Recreation Department
Chair: Barbara Daudelin, Mundelein Park and Recreation District
This session will be a great help for any professionals who have been trained in the Benefits Are Endless Program and simply need some tools to bring it back successfully to their district or to re-motivate all levels of staff. Attendees will receive a "Benefits Tool Box" chalked full of helpful tools including speeches, sample resolutions, brochure blurbs, sample facts sheets etc.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Acquaint themselves with the materials in the Benefits Tool Box; (2) Be reminded of the power behind the Benefits message and learn how it has been used successfully by other agencies.

Legal/Legislative Part I

8:00 a.m.- 9:15a.m.
Location: Columbus A/B
Presenter(s): Robert Bush, Attorney, Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni and Roiek, P.C; Steve Adams, Attorney, Brook, Adams and Tarulis
Chair: Peter M. Murphy, IAPD
A panel of legal experts answers your questions and discusses recent Illinois legislation and court cases that impact park districts and forest preserves. If you have a legal issue on your mind this session is for you.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Become more familiar with the most current court cases that impact park and recreation agencies, conservation districts and forest preserves; (2) Be able to discuss their specific legal questions.

How the Other Half Lives
8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.
Location: Columbian
Presenter(s): Bill Nelson, Executive Director, Rock Island Parks and Recreation Department; Scott Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation, Charleston Parks and Recreation Department; Garry Little, Director of Parks and Recreation, Normal Parks and Recreation Department; Jerry Hayner, Director of Parks and Recreation, Pontiac Parks and Recreation Department
Chair: Ann Austin, Rock Island Park and Recreation Department
This workshop is designed for park and recreation professionals and board members who represent city park and recreation agencies/departments. Although the mission of a city park and recreation agency is the same as a park district, the manner in which it provides the service differs from that of a park district. This roundtable format will allow professionals from city park and recreation agencies an opportunity to share their success stories and address the challenges that face municipal agencies.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Discover the various types of governing systems and structures that administer municipal park and recreation services; (2) Gain knowledge of the IAPD municipal park and recreation task force and how the IAPD can help municipal park and recreation agencies become more effective within a community.

C26 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005


8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

No pre-registration necessary.

Avoid Investment Pitfalls to Safely Maximize Interest Earnings
8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Location: San Francisco
Presenter(s): David Baccile, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager, IPDLAF+/PFM Asset Management
Chair: Don Jessen, Addison Park District
The discussion will focus on some of the common myths about investing general operating funds on bond proceeds, from forecasting interest rates to investing in callable securities to avoiding credit traps. Senior portfolio manager David Baccile, CFA, will address the typical pitfalls and detail the analysis required to make sound investment decisions.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Achieve a better understanding of investment terminology and economic statistics; (2) Learn to maximize interest earnings by avoiding some typical investment pitfalls.

Old Facilities - New Ideas

8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.
Location: Wrigley
Presenter(s): Claude Rodgers, Project Designer, Water Technology, Inc.
Chair: Jesse Felix, West Chicago Park District
Looking to upgrade an older aquatic facility? This session will give you new and innovative ideas to update your facility.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Look at older facilities and see what was done to update them; (2) Learn to determine if a facility is too old to update and when to propose a new one.

Real Savings: Improve Your District's Bond Rating
8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Location: Atlanta
Presenter(s): Red Wiora, Director of Finance, Scott Silver, Business Department Manager and Kristen Jungles, Commissioner, Naperville Park District; Eric Anderson, Vice President of Finance Division, Harris Bank Public Finance
Chair: Red Wiora, Naperville Park District
The focus of this session will be on three main areas: The impact of fiscal control and the board's role, the importance of banking relationships and meeting and reviewing district operations with bond rating people.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Gain insight on the process and potential savings; (2) Get ideas on the roles of the board, staff and banking partner.

Programming to Pique the Interest of Seniors
8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Location: Buckingham
Presenter(s): Lorraine Haberkorn, Program Manager, Diane Squires, Program Manager and Betty Roth, Program Manager, Naperville Park District
Chair: Betty Roth, Naperville Park District
Seniors are an ever-growing target market for recreation agencies. This session will focus on programming to meet the needs and interests of your senior population. We will discuss and give examples of what works well, how to market your programs to seniors and how to go about getting seniors to become more involved through volunteering with your organization.
Learning Objectives: Participants will (1) Gain insight into popular senior programs; (2) Discuss marketing strategies geared towards the senior population; (3) Identify ways to get seniors more involved through volunteering with your organization.

The Benefits of Bringing Adventure Recreation to Your Agency
8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.
Location: Field
Presenter(s): George Hallenbeck and Donna Sebok, Recreation Coordinators, Outside the Box
Chair: Kelly Rathke, Clarendon Hills Park District
This session will outline specific programming options available for a variety of ages and abilities, how to pick a guide service or outdoor recreation professional, dealing with risk management issues and the inherent benefits of adventure recreation for all ages and abilities.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn what adventure recreation is; (2) Learn how to pick a guide service and deal with risk management issues.

Marketing Yourself Upward

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Location: Skyway 260
Presenter(s): Scott Chovanec, President, Scott Chovanec & Associates
Chair: Linda Mathis, Niles Family Fitness
Preparing yourself in a professional manner is a skill that takes time and experience to hone to perfection. However, few are ever taught the techniques that separate the "good" from the "excellent" in terms of advancing professionally and winning an offer. Learn "beyond the basics" and gain the secrets to successful "personality marketing" that has proven results. If you are interested in advancement, then you cannot afford to miss this one.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn the power of using very specific "action leadership and result oriented" words that get noticed in your resume, written portfolios, oral presentations and interviews; (2) Learn how to prepare for an interview, act during the meeting and keep control by constructing responses that make an impact.

C27 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Aquatic Special Events and Programming
8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.
Location: Stetson Suite E
Presenter(s): Jill White, President, Starfish Aquatics Institute
Chair: Molly Hancock, Oak Brook Park District
Learn how to create new and exciting programs for your aquatic center and revitalize your existing programs. Learn where to find new ideas for programs and special events and how to get them started.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn how to create new programs and special events and get them started; (2) Learn where to gather ideas and how to apply them to their facilities.

Networking Skills for New Professionals
8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Location: DuSable
Presenter(s): Ginny Bateman, CPRP, Director or Leisure Services, Oswegoland Park District; Gail Johnson, Face to Face Communications and Training
Chair: Loriann DiMaria, Illinois State University
This session provides an opportunity for the development of essential networking skills for the new professional. Theory will be infused with hands-on role-playing to provide attendees the opportunity to practice networking skills. Topics include: how to meet professionals, phone etiquette, the importance of doing the "little things," eye contact, shaking hands, staying in touch and much more.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn how to use the information and skills provided to advance their careers; (2) Learn how to deal with real life networking situations through role playing.

C28 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005


9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Professional Certification:It's Your Choice

9:30 a.m.- 10:45 a.m.
Location: New Orleans
Presenter(s): Kai Wahlgren, CPRP, Community Center Manager, Bolingbrook Park District
Chair: Gina Racanelli, Villa Park and Recreation Department
Learn about the benefits of being certified and what certification is all about. Find out what it takes to become certified and how to maintain your certification.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn the history of professional certification and development of criteria used for the certification process; (2) Gain an understanding of the exam process and certification maintenance.

Rural and Small Town Agencies' Roundtable
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Field
Presenter(s): Nathan A. Schaumleffel, MS, CPRP; Jerry A. Sauerwein,Jr., CPRP, Director of Parks and Recreation, Kingsbury Park District
Chair: Joe Stanfa, Chicago Heights Park District
This roundtable session will be a facilitated forum to discuss issues and find solutions to problems that are unique to rural and smalltown agencies.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Have multiple opportunities to ask questions and discuss issues related to public leisure service delivery in rural and small-towns; (2) Discuss the need for a more formal network of rural and small-town park and recreation professionals.

How and Why Good Projects
Get Funded
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Buckingham
Presenter(s): Scott Triphahn, President and Craig Talsma, Director of Finance and Administration, Hoffman Estates Park District
Chair: Wendell Howell, Hoffman Estates Park District
Great project.. .No money.. .Project dead.. .Not necessarily. This session will offer funding solutions for all your projects.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Identify good projects and what to add and or revise to open up alternative funding options; (2) Learn creative funding options.

The Things We Do to Trees

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Wrigley
Presenter(s): Jim Schuster, Extension Agent, University of Illinois; Doris Taylor, Plant Clinic Manager and Edith Makra, Community Tree Advocate, Morton Arboretum
Chair: Steve Tinnes, West Chicago Park District
This will be a panel discussion of the selecting, transplanting, pruning and fertilizing of trees. Insects and diseases will also be discussed.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn about the maintenance of trees and the risk assessment of trees; (2) Learn about current insect and disease problems.

Leadership Theories and Practices
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus A/B
Steve Gulden, Director of Parks and Recreation, Romeoville Park District
Chair: Margaret Resnick, Bolingbrook Park District
Leadership methods and skills are a vital component to the overall success of a park and recreation agency. This workshop presents an analysis of contemporary and historical models of leadership, illustrates typical practices and focuses on actual leadership situations.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Gain knowledge and understanding of a broad range of theories from various disciplines that help clarify the dynamics of the interaction between leaders and followers in a group setting; (2) Gain insight into one's own natural leadership style, skills in using that style more effectively and methods to adjust that style.

You Interview for Your Next Job Every Day
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Picasso
Presenter(s): Joe DeLuce, Director of Recreation, Champaign Park District
Chair: Jameel Jones, Champaign Park District
Park and recreation professionals need to know the keys to being successful in the interview process, including both conducting and participating in interviews. In this interactive session, you will learn the keys to conducting an outstanding interview and how to answer the toughest interview questions.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn how to conduct and participate in a group interview; (2) Identify the keys to interviewing for their next jobs.

C31 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Open Forum - Before- and After-School Programs
9:30 a.m.- 10:45 a.m.
Location: Atlanta
Presenter(s): Melissa Lewis, Recreation Supervisor, Buffalo Grove Park District; Cheryl Keilson, Leisure Services Supervisor, Oswegoland Park District; Susan Reissinger, KASPER Coordinator, Schaumburg Park District
Chair: Tracy Cook, Rolling Meadows Park District
Three school-age professionals will describe before- and after-school programs. Each speaker will share their unique programs and experiences including working with a large program, a medium size and "zoning." This panel of experts will share the commonalities and unique characteristics that set their programs apart from others. This is a great session for a new professional and a seasoned veteran to share information.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Gain new programming ideas and problem solving techniques; (2) Gain knowledge from professionals and learn from an IPRA committee how to reach out for support and new networking techniques.


Finding Funding for Cutting- Edge Communication Technology
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Skyway 260
Presenter(s): John Gragnani, Sales Consultant, Dynovox Systems
Chair: Mike McNicolas, SRS
This can't miss session will discuss ways to find funding for assistive technology devices and discuss how to integrate these resources into recreation, leisure and everyday life.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Become familiar with premier resources in communication technology; (2) Access resources that help in purchasing communication devices for participants.

Green Technology - Kermit Was Wrong! It is Easy Being Green
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Stetson Suite F
Presenter(s): Steve Grassi, Architect, Edwards & Kelcey; Mike Pasteris, Executive Director, Will County Forest Preserve; Alice Eastman, Manager/Natural Resources & Interpretive Services, Downers Grove Park District
Chair: Becky Lambert, Oak Brook Terrace Park District
Learn how "green" technologies can be incorporated into re-construction and existing facilities. This introduction will cover the architect's input, user's experience and costs. Lessons learned and suggestions for future projects will be shared.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) See applications of green technology in Illinois; (2) Get a basic introduction to Earth- friendly building.

Balance Your Personal and Work Ecosphere
9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Location: DuSable
Presenter(s): Karen Purves, International Speaker, Innovative Impacts
Chair: Sandy Harris, Schaumburg Park District
Can you afford not to create more balance in your life? This engaging, content-driven workshop offers a myriad of stress reducing tools to create more balance at work and home. Learn skills in prioritizing, setting limits and what three options you have every time you are interrupted. Gain tools for getting back on track. Leave with a commitment to implement specific changes leading to increased balance in your life.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Articulate what is most important; (2) Identify specific actions to take.

Approaching Corporations

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: McCormick
Presenter(s): Jerry Handlon, Retired Executive Director, Schaumburg Park District
Chair: Sandy Harris, Schaumburg Park District
Learn successful steps and techniques to approach businesses, industries and individuals within your community for the purpose of fundraising and attracting sponsorships. Learn the advantages of having a foundation and how it can assist the process.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Investigate and recognize sources of revenue within their communities; (2) Leave knowing the fourteen major errors made when soliciting businesses and individuals as well as what possible contacts and sources of revenue within those communities may have been overlooked.

C32 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/February 2005

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Family Aquatic Center Design
9:30 a.m.- 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbian
Presenter(s): Panel of Experts from Water Technology, Inc.
Chair: Fred Gusel, Bolingbrook Park District
After 25 years in the business of providing parks and recreation programs, Water Technology, Inc. has been there and done that! The panel will explore new and emerging markets as well as trends that will keep your agency on the cutting-edge of providing services to your clients, guests and citizens. Their sense of humor and abstract look at how people spend their leisure dollars is sure to challenge you.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn what new markets are developing within the industry and learn how to communicate and market to these new markets; (2) Learn how to best spend marketing dollars and devise a new marketing approach.

Resume Roundtable

9:30 a.m, -10:45 a.m.
Location: Stetson Suite G
Presenter(s): Panel of Experts
Chair: Sheila Hawk, Illinois State University
Should a resume be one page or two? Should education or work experience be emphasized? Wondering if your resume could be improved? This session will give you an opportunity to have your resume critiqued by park and recreation professionals from around the state and in all areas of the field.
Learning Objectives: Participants will (1) Expand their professional network; (2) Improve their resume with rips from the experts.

Supporting the Nontraditional Student Intern
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: San Francisco
Presenter(s): Gail Ito, Assistant Professor, Chicago State University; Peggy Holmes-Layman, Assistant Professor, Eastern Illinois University
Chair: Gail Ito, Chicago State University
The average age of students is steadily rising. To continue recruiting them to our wonderful field, we need to support and accommodate them. Many nontraditional students work full time and are students part time, but our internship structure has not changed to accommodate or attract them. This session will identify the simple changes both agencies and universities can make to ensure these nontraditional students succeed.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Identify the simple changes their agency can make to accommodate nontraditional students; (2) Discuss the nontraditional students and how their needs may differ from the traditional Student.

C33 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Speed Mentoring

3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Hong Kong
Presenter(s): Tracy Alden, Director of Recreation, Western Springs Recreation Department; Carrie Haupert, Superintendent of Special Facilities, Wheaton Park District; Diane Hilgers, Superintendent of Recreation, Salt Creek Park District; Ryan Risinger, Superintendent of Recreation, Buffalo Grove Park District
Chair: Tracy Alden, Western Springs Recreation Department
Students and young professionals meet with seasoned professionals in a fast-paced, face-to-face four-minute interview/conversation similar to the notion of "speed-dating". Everyone will meet eight to ten new contacts. Mentoring pairings may follow.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Expand professional networking opportunities; (2) Experience a fast-paced fun event to get you to think quickly and look toward the future.

Legal/Legislative Part II
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Columbus A/B
Presenter(s): Robert Rolek, Attorney, Ancel Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni and Roiek PC; Ken Kubiesa, Attorney, Kubiesa, Spiroff, Goddelar, Acker and Kern, P.C.
Chair: Peter M. Murphy, IAPD
This session will feature legal issues involving the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information requirements, board powers, recommended rules and procedures and policy manuals do's and don'ts.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn about critical information on new legal issues affecting policy manuals, personnel and more; (2) Gain up-to-date information on the powers of the president of the board, treasurer, secretary and committee chairs.

How to Develop Marketing Strategies That Work
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: New Orleans
Presenter(s): Sue Olafson, Marketing Manager, Hoffman Estates Park District
Chair: Scott Triphahn, Hoffman Estates Park District
Marketing strategies that bring customers requires creative thinking. This session will illustrate through example what park and recreation agency marketing personnel should consider when developing marketing strategies that will generate interest while adding numbers to program registrations and bottom-lines.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Understand how to identify their market; (2) Learn how to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and place that information into a strategic plan of action.

The Design Process From Start to Finish
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Skyway 260
Presenter(s): Bob Hamilton, President, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc.; Mike Williams, Principal, Williams Architects
Chair: Jon Johnson, Canton Park District
This session will focus on the different phases of a new construction project. The discussion will include team design, use of construction managers versus general contractors and the use of citizen advisory councils.
Learning Objectives: Participants will (1) Understand the design process for recreational site improvements, from development of initial concept through design development and construction documents.

Everything You Wanted to Know About GFOA Certification
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Picasso
Presenter(s): Marianne Shank, Executive Director, Illinois GFOA
Chair: Maria Pineiro, Vernon Hills Park District
The Certified Public Finance Officers Certification Program is a broad educational self-study program designed to verify knowledge in the disciplines of government finance. Learn how to earn the designation of CPFO by passing a series of examinations covering the major disciplines of public finance.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn eligibility requirements for GFOA certification; (2) Get an overview of the content found in the five examinations required to earn the designation of CPFO.

Helping Volunteers Help You!
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: San Francisco
Presenter(s): Megan Melendez, Special Events Supervisor, Schaumburg Park District; Laura Gallagher, CRC Manager, Schaumburg Park District
Chair: Megan Melendez, Schaumburg Park District
Need volunteers? Find out where to get them, how to utilize them and how to keep them. In this session, discover the many places and ways to recruit volunteers. We will discuss how to make the most of them based on their strengths and talents. Learn cost effective ways to reward them for their time. Hear how the Schaumburg Park District utilizes and rewards over 500 volunteers each year.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn cost effective ways to reward volunteers for their time; (2) Learn creative uses of volunteers' time.

C34 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

3:00 p.m. -4:15 p.m.
No pre-registration necessary.

Preschool Directors' Forum

3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Regency B
Presenter(s): Karen Rude, Preschool/Tot Coordinator, Palatine Park District; Martha Westerberg, Early Childhood Supervisor, Buffalo Grove Park District; Susan McDougle, Early Chidhood Recreation Supervisor, Gurnee Park District
Chair: Colleen Farrell, River Trails Park District
Join us for a panel presentation from various agencies about their preschool programs. Bring your questions on issues because rime for an informal discussion will be allotted.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Receive information from several agencies about their preschool programs; (2) Receive support from other recreation professionals in handling problems and issues.

Teens, Teens, Teens
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Crystal C
Presenter(s): Michelle LaScola, Program Manager, Naperville Park District; Lynn Nolan, Student Activities Director, Naperville Park District
Chair: Michelle LaScola, Naperville Park District
Teenagers are an under-served population in most communities. Teen program ideas are always a topic of conversation among park and recreation professionals. This is valuable when creating programs for this population. Join us to get your creative juices flowing.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Be introduced to the successful Youth Ambassadors Program; (2) Receive easily adaptable teen program ideas.

T-Shirt Uses, Development and Results
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Haymarket
Presenter(s): Roger Repsolo, Owner, Identity Sportswear
Chair: Greg Ney, Buffalo Grove Park District
Have you ever looked at a t-shirt and wondered what message they are trying to get across? Learn the real purpose for t-shirt designs, its uses and what it means to have the correct layout to get your message across. How should you use your agency logo? How can you identify your group easier? These questions and many more will be answered.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn how to advertise for their community and agency; (2) Learn identification purposes and bid specifications.

Crafty "Innovators" Take Flight
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Stetson Suite E
Presenter(s): Jacky Connelly, Instructor, Oak Lawn Park District
Chair: Kelly Rathke, Clarendon Hills Park District
When is a nametag not a nametag? Come find out and discover new ways to look at craft projects that are presented with helpful lessons, concepts and ideas that may aid you and help you to look at all your own craft projects and programs from an entire new view.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Re-discover new multiple uses to expand your own arts and crafts along with the presented ideas; (2) View the craft world from the eyes of our children again and have fun.

Inspiring Enthusiasm Among Your Staff
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Columbus C/D
Presenter(s): Gail Johnson, Owner, Face to Face Communications
Chair: Angie Harms, Itasca Park District
How can you inspire new and old staff? Get them motivated and excited about their job. This session will give you the tools and principals to keep your staff upbeat and fresh.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn ways to get their staff motivated; (2) Walk away with ideas to keep their staffs' enthusiasm.

Marketing Tools for Your Day Camps
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Stetson Suite F
Presenter(s): Jenny Leech, Public Information Coordinator, Crystal Lake Park District; Sam Thompson, Recreation Supervisor, CPRP.Crystal Lake Park District
Chair: Kayla Linden, FVSRA
This session will address the special challenges in successfully marketing your day camp program. Specific marketing tools including print, web, video, photo and staff will be discussed and their use for getting the maximum impact from each of these individual tools. Examples of how other organizations have utilized these specific tools will be shared as well.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn the pros, cons and other considerations for the use of different marketing tools and how to utilize them to retain existing campers and recruit new campers; (2) Learn that it is possible to maximize your marketing strategy on a minimal budget.

Organizing Solutions to Save You Time and Money
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: DuSable
Presenter(s): Karen Purves, International Speaker, Innovative Impacts
Chair: Sandy Harris, Schaumburg Park District
Are you drowning in a sea of paper and email? Are you caught in a seemingly endless cycle of meetings and meeting related activities? Can you easily find the files, information and phone numbers you need? The hidden financial impact of disorganization can be surprisingly huge. This program will help attendees move beyond putting out fires and leave you equipped with twenty essential organizing tips to implement immediately for improved results.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn hidden ways time is used; (2) Identify effective techniques for prioritizarion and goal setting.

C35 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

Developing and Applying a Creative Theme in Water Park Design
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Crystal A Ballroom
Presenter(s): Tom Poulos, A.I.A., Principal, Williams Architects; Dan Garvy, Superintendent of Parks, Lisle Park District; Sean Barrett, Director of North American Sales, KoalaPlay Group
Chair: Peter Suhr, Williams Architects
More than swimming pools, water parks offer an array of recreational aquatic options. Beyond choosing among these, some park districts are adopting or have adopted themes to enhance the park experience and reputation as a fun venue to visit.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn about the array of aquatic component options available beyond traditional swimming pools; (2) Gain an understanding of current and future trends that can enhance revenue and help make a water park a memorable venue.

The Interview: You Are Hired!
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Wrigley
Presenter(s): Kevin Romejko, Human Resources Manager/Safety Coordinator, Palatine Park District
Chair: Abby Schoolman, Illinois State University
Could you answer the question, "What is your personal mission statement?" Or how about, "If you could be any piece of office equipment, what would you be and why?" Then there is the end of the interview when you are asked, "Do you have any questions for us?" In this eye-opening session we will explore key interview techniques to help you land that first or perfect job. Discover how to give yourself a competitive advantage through preparation and follow-up, along with the essentials of how to conduct yourself when in the "Boardroom!"
Learning Objectives: Participants will (1) Learn how to best prepare themselves for the interview process; (2) Learn to anticipate the interview questions they will ask, why they are being asked and strategies to provide an effective and complete answer.

Please Your Palette With PR
To Go
3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Location: Columbus I/J
Presenter(s): Pam Sanhamel, Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator, Woodridge Park District; Kathie Hahn, Marketing Supervisor, Arlington Heights Park District; Allison Pelligrino, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Batavia Park District
Chair: Allison Pellegrino, Batavia Park District
Whet your appetite with strategies from the biggest public relations success stories on the planet. Leave feeling full of innovative ideas you cannot wait to put into action. We will cover effective writing, PSAs that get results, crisis communication plans, newsletters both in-house and for the public, plus other topics suggested by audience members.
Learning Objectives: Participants will: (1) Learn how to write more compelling and effective press releases, newsletters, crisis communication plans and public service announcements; (2) Understand and take ownership of the media/consumer connection.

C36 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

2005 Conference Program Table of Contents

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