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8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Your Agency's Identity: Do You Know Who You Are?
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Water Tower
Presenter(s): Jan Buchs, Executive Director, Wheeling Park District; Valerie Rawls, President/Art Director, Hills Rawls Design Ink
Chair: Sheila Lowrey, IPRA
A confused customer is not a long lasting customer. The consistent use of an agency's identity is critical to effective communication and the eventual building of brand equity. An identity can play a part in grabbing attention, getting interest, creating desire and causing action — all the purposes of successful marketing and marketing communication programs. This session will be the anatomy of an agency's revitalized identity, from the mission statement, program guide and newsletters to website, signage and direct mail.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand the importance of how an identity program can be a very powerful component in the agency's marketing mix; (2) Learn how to gain cost savings and production efficiencies by conducting a marketing communications audit.

Raising More Money:
Sustainable Funding For Your Mission
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus G/H
Presenter(s): Tammy Zonker, Coach, Raising More Money
Chair: John Comerio, IAPD
This fast-paced session introduces you to a systematic model for building sustainable funding for your mission. Learn to leave a legacy of passionate, lifelong, individual donors as you tailor the Raising More Money Model to your organization. Participants are encouraged to bring other staff, board and volunteers to engage in this practical and effective new approach. Raising More Money trains and coaches nonprofit organizations to implement a mission-based system for raising sustainable funding from individual donors. This system ends the suffering about fundraising and builds passionate and committed lifelong donors.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the Raising More Money Model: A step-by-step system for building sustainable funding from mission-based lifelong individual donors; (2) Learn three rules for involving all board members in the fund development process.

Crucial Steps for Referendum Success
8:45 a.m. -10:45 a.m.
Location: Acapulco
Presenter(s): Michael Konopka, AIA, Vice President/Architect and Roger Muterspaugh, Senior Architect, Cordogan Clark and Associates; Robert Vaughan, Director, Fox Valley Park District
Chair: Rhonda Mont, Cordogan Clark & Associates
This session will cover the pre-design service and planning process crucial to meeting the goals for a successful referendum and subsequent building program.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the evaluation of crucial professional services in formulating a project team; (2) Identify important steps and decisions in getting from an idea to a cohesive building program presentable to the public for support.

Developing and Maintaining a High Performance Team
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Crystal C
Presenter(s): Arnold C. Bacigalupo, Ph.D., President of Voyageur One Consultants for Organizational Development; Jennifer Prestidge, Voyageur One
Chair: Matthew Ellmann
This session will deal with the steps that are necessary to develop a high performing team. We will also look at the maintenance that is required to keep teams performing at a highly effective level. Attendees will be actively involved in this session in order to give a better sense of how to apply these methods in individual organizations.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Come away with a better sense of team development and the steps that are necessary to ensure success; (2) Learn to better understand team dynamics and the steps that are necessary to keep the team performing at a high level.

C28 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/February 2005

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Incorporating Successful Natural Areas in Your Park
8:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m.
Location: Toronto
Presenter(s): Jack Pizzo, Senior Ecologist, Pizzo & Associates, Ltd.
Chair: Nancy Niebur, Illinois State University
Because natural areas are required as part of development, park boards and staff need help in managing these areas. Learn how to naturalize and manage problem areas with confidence.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn where to naturalize within the park space; (2) Learn how to practically create or restore natural spaces.

Go FISH'n to Boost Employee Morale
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Location: Crystal B
Presenter(s): Rick Hanetho, Deputy Director, Carol Stream Park District; Carrie Haupert, Superintendent of Special Facilities, Wheaton Park District
Chair: Carrie Haupert, Wheaton Park District
"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." - Chinese Proverb. This fast-paced session is based on the world famous 'Fish' philosophy and what that means to you and the people you work with. We will explore the four 'Fish' components along with reviewing several practical tools to get started now. You won't want to miss this wacky, crazy, potentially life- changing good time!
Learning Outcomes: Participants-will: (1) Learn what the 'Fish' philosophy is and what it entails and be exposed to a step-by-step plan to get started on their own fishing expedition; (2) Leave this session feeling re-energized and ready to catch the BIG ONE!

Conflict Management:
Resolving Workplace Conflicts
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Crystal A
Presenter(s): Jane Turrentine, Management Consultant
Chair: Diane Dillow, Warrenville Park District
Conflict occurs when individuals or groups are not getting what they need or want and are seeking their own self-interests. While many people view conflict negatively, it is constructive when it clarifies important issues, triggers authentic communication, builds cooperation among co-workers and helps individuals develop understanding and skills. In this session, management consultant Jane Turrentine will help you to understand the positive impact of conflict in organizations, and you'll learn basic steps that will help you manage conflicts that arise — both within yourself and with others.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand managerial actions that cause workplace conflicts; (2) Use basic skills to better manage internal and interpersonal conflicts.

Are You "Nuts" About Food Allergies?
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus K/L
Presenter(s): Michele Silver, M.Ed., CPRP, Program Manager, Naperville Park District; Steve Kleinman, General Counsel, Park District Risk Management Association; Denise Bunning, Co-founder of POCHA (Parents Of Children Having Allergies) and advocate with the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network; Lynda Wehrli, Naperville Resident.
Chair: Jan Springer, Northbrook Park District
Agencies are continuing to experience a surge of children with severe food allergies, which can occur in individuals as young as two years of age. From peanuts to soy and wheat to rice, how we manage children with food allergies while providing a safe preschool environment is essential.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Be provided with suggestions on incorporating "safe" foods into snack lists and recommendations for "safe play" products; (2) View a demonstration of the Epi-Pen, review emergency allergy action plans and learn about food allergies. A resource manual will be given to each participant to use as a reference following the workshop.

Best of the Basics for Camp Directors - Part I
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus E/F
Presenter(s): Gordon Kaplan, Executive Director, American Camp Association; Peggy Dohr, Assistant Director, Round Lake Area Park District; Daniel "DJ" Newport, Summer Day Camp & Leisure Education Coordinator, NISRA; Graham Little, Director, Triple R Day Camp; Ilise Schwartzwald, Executive Director, Discovery Day Camp
Chair: Sam Thompson, Crystal Lake Park District
Learn the benefits to participants and what could be included in a day camp. Learn to design day camp programming to maximize benefits for participants.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Expand vision of program selection, design and inclusion to maximize benefits; (2) Learn new programming techniques and ideas by using the "resources" and "inclusion portions" of the Day Camp Operations Handbook.

Phun for Little Ones
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus C/D
Presenter(s): Greg Catalano, Physicans of Phun
Chair: Karia Krones, NSSRA
Ever wonder what to do with those little ones? Play is natural for children, but learning to play together at an early age is one of the keys to developing a well-balanced life. Share in the variety of creative games and activities that are geared specifically for successful interaction with the three- to five-year-olds in your program.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn ways in which to build peer interaction and play development of three- to five-year- olds; (2) Learn a variety of creative games and activities geared for three- to five-year-olds.

C29 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Systems Theory - Understanding Human Dynamics
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Grand Suite 3
Presenter(s): Keith Neuber, President, I.K.A.N. Presentations
Chair: DJ Newport, NISRA
This common sense principles systems theory provides a framework for understanding the attitudes and actions of people. This training explores four basic principles. 1) All systems have a power hierarchy that influences decision-making. 2) All systems require structure for operation. 3) All systems have patterns that repeat. 4) All systems seek a state of equilibrium or balance, which can be energy for change.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand the systems theory and be able to relate it to work; (2) Be able to apply the four principles to daily actions and organizational functions.

Dynamic Team-Building Activities for All Ages
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Gold Coast
Presenter(s): Dan Creely, Professor, Northeastern Illinois University
Chair: Carl Maniscaico, Miles Family Fitness
Participants will leave with a host of activities and ideas they can use with staff in-trainings and summer programs.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Leave with practical tools to use at work; (2) Experience the value of sequence in team-building activities.

Training the Technology Trainer
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Columbus I/J
Presenter(s): Ray Trygstad, Director of Information Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology
Chair: Debbie Chase, Bolingbrook Park District
Learn how to effectively communicate and teach new technology skills to end-users.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn tips and tricks to enhance training techniques; (2) Learn to provide better quality technology training.

Where There is Smoke,
There is Media
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Comiskey
Presenter(s): Amy Ritter Cowen, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations, John G. Shedd Aquarium
Chair: Lori Magee, Northwest Community Healthcare
On a summer day at your recreation center, you hear the high-pitched screams of fire engines racing toward your front door. Unfortunately this is not a drill. Within minutes you've evacuated camps, cleared the pool of the senior aerobics class, located all employees, talked to the fire chief and inhaled a lot of smoke. Just as you are catching your breath, the media arrives. This workshop will cover best practices topics for communication in a crisis.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to prepare for and manage their organization through a crisis situation; (2) Learn how to create a useful, low-cost crisis communications kit.

Effective Responses in Emotional Situations

8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Truffles
Presenter(s): Carol Price, President, Professionally Speaking
Chair: Lonna Converse, NEDSRA
This workshop will train you to deal with emotional situations by choosing good, rational responses instead of emotional, limiting ones. Discover the secret of the "roller coaster" and how it can make emotional situations come into perspective.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Identify a foolproof method to choose which situations are worth getting upset over, or "taking the ride," and which ones can be dealt with by using easy-to-learn responses; (2) Create their own personal "roller coaster" strategy that will work, if chosen, in every emotional situation.

Coaching Skills for Supervisors, Managers and Leaders
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Burnham
Presenter(s): Elaine Robbins-Harris, Principal Consultant, Innovative Solutions
Chair: Elaine Robbins-Harris
This is an interactive workshop that enhances participants' ability and willingness to support, coach and direct employees in a more effective manner. Leadership styles and basic coaching skills are presented.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Understand and value the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses inherent in four leadership styles; (2) Gain insight into their own personal strengths and areas for development and how to apply their strengths to basic coaching skills.

Achieve Professional Excellence with Business Etiquette and Protocol
8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Skyway 272
Presenter(s): Gloria Peterson, President, Global Protocol
Chair: Lonette Hall, Richton Park Parks and Recreation Department
Professionalism begins with visual reassurances. How you handle yourself sends a strong message. Get beyond awkward moments by knowing how to present and handle yourself in any given situation.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Have a better understanding of gender and age-related social expectations; (2) Handle greeting, introductions and small talk with ease.

C30 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Transitioning From Intern to Professional - A Panel Discussion
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Regency A
Presenter(s): Nancy Niebur, Internship Coordinator, Illinois State University; Jane Finger, Superintendent of Recreation, NWSRA; Megan Jones, Recreation Supervisor, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District
Chair: Daniel Yoder, Professor, Western Illinois University
The crucial transition from intern to full-time professional will be discussed from various perspectives - that of a university internship coordinator, a park district human resources manager and a previous intern now professional.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn techniques and approaches that will make the transition from intern to professional as smooth and as productive as possible; (2) Learn of potential hazards that can inhibit the transition from intern to professional.

Boardmanship - Leading for the Common Good
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Regency C
Presenter(s): James Robbins, Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, The Robbins Group
Chair: Mary Ann Chambers, Northbrook Park District
A board is only as good as its working relationships. In this session we look at important features such as effective communication, overcoming obstacles, teamwork and building an effective board culture.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn practical skills in emotional intelligence, as we explore the different personality types and how to work best with each; (2) Learn how to resolve conflict and build a strong team; (3) Be able to conduct a culture audit on their own board and use practical steps to build a culture of excellence.

Natural Resources - Getting Down to Basics
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Comiskey
Presenter(s): Dan Olson, Director of Natural Resources, Champaign County Forest Preserve; Derek Liebert, Environmental Steward, Urbana Park District
Chair: Bert Gray, Champaign County Forest Preserve District
This session will define natural resources issues in conservation, forest preserves and park districts. It will explore issues of natural resources planning and management in an interactive and highly visual approach.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how development of natural resources programs are both similar and different for these divergent agencies; (2) Learn how cooperative efforts can be developed and sustained, taking advantage of the different missions of these various types of agencies.

C36 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Drug Abuse and Trafficking Trends in Illinois
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Wrigley
Presenter(s): Mark P. Warpness, DEA Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Administation
Chair: Eileen Eiden
This session will introduce the participants to the criminal underworld of international trafficking of such narcotics as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and club drugs and the risk and dangers these powerful drugs are to our children and communities.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Become aware of the methods used by criminal organizations to distribute illegal drugs in the United States; (2) Recognize the threats drug abuse poses on our communities.

Selecting, Designing, and Maintaining Perennials
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Water Tower
Presenter(s): Janet Macunovick, Author and Landscape Designer, Detroit News Gardening Columnist
Chair: Jesse Felix, West Chicago Park District Janet Macunovich, author and landscape designer, will speak about perennials.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn about perennials; (2) Learn how to design with and maintain perennials.

Designing Your Parks & Playgrounds to Meet ADA
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Gold Coast
Presenter(s): Cindy Burkhour, MA, CTRS, CPRP, Access Recreation Group, LLC
Chair: Richard Schram, Winnetka Park District
This session will teach you the ADA design requirements, the plan review process for ADA compliance and how people with disabilities use recreation environments.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Have a better understanding of accessibility barriers in recreation environments; (2) Recognize responsibility for evaluation of access in all plans and designs.

Who's Responsible After Your Facility is Built?
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Columbus G/H
Presenter(s): Tom Tristano, AIA, Principal, Williams Development; Tom Rohner, Facility Maintenance Supervisor, Bartlett Park District; Frank Parisi, Project Architect, Williams Associates
Chair: Tom Rohner, Bartlett Park District
This program is designed to explain the roles of architect, contractor and owner at the end of a project with emphasis on warranties, punch-lists, resourcing and planning.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn about punch-lists, warranties, the transitional phase of a project and the roles of all parties involved during a project; (2) Discuss facility management techniques, resourcing and planning to help develop successful transition and operational programs that can work.

Managing for Creativity and Innovation
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Alpine Ballroom at the Swissotel
Presenter(s): Kathie Hahn, Marketing Supervisor and Nancy Aldrich, Superintendent of Human Resources, Arlington Heights Park District
Chair: Nancy Aldrich, Arlington Heights Park District
More than ever, creativity and innovation are critical to maintaining a competitive edge. And within our agencies lies our most tremendous innovative potential: our employees. Discover how you can awaken the creativity of your employees and explore ways to create an environment that encourages innovation and inspires staff to achieve goals.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to encourage your staff to be creative and innovative in their thinking; (2) Discuss how to evaluate and implement winning ideas.

"The Hero Within"

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Truffles
Presenter(s): Carol Price, President, Professionally Speaking
Chair: Sarah Winkel, Bourbonnais Township Park District
Once we understand the power in our everyday behavior and decisions, our lives become easier and more complete. Each of us has traits that make us heroes. You can find those traits!
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Use five of the strategies from the book "2 Minute Miracles;" (2) Learn the skills necessary to keep those traits acknowledged, celebrated and visible.

Creating & Maintaining a Successful Performing Arts Program
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Toronto
Presenter(s): Alyson Selling and Danny Singer, Performing Arts Coordinators, Buffalo Grove Park District
Chair: Kim Cashmore, Buffalo Grove Park District
Learn how to develop and expand your performing arts program through musical theatre, children's theatre, dance classes, summer camps, private music instruction, and community ensembles.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discover what possibilities exist for a performing arts program at the community level; (2) Learn to communicate ideas about arts development regardless of previous arts knowledge; (3) Be aware of what qualities one should look for in hiring performing arts supervisors and instructors.

Best of the Basics for Camp Directors - Part II
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Columbus E/F
Presenter(s): Gordon Kaplan, Executive Director, American Camp Association; Peggy Dohr, Assistant Director, Round Lake Area Park District; Daniel "DJ" Newport, Summer Day Camp & Leisure Education Coordinator, NISRA; Graham Little, Director, Triple R Day Camp; Ilise Schwartzwald, Executive Director, Discovery Day Camp
Chair: Sam Thompson, Crystal Lake Park District
Learn about the keys to successful day camp staffing; recruitment, interviewing, selection, training, supervision and evaluation. Learn proven ways to increase staff professionalism.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Expand vision of staff professionalism and evaluation to maximize benefits; (2) Utilize the "personnel" and "evaluation portions" of the Day Camp Operations Handbook.

C37 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/ February 2005

3:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.
All workshops awarded 0.2 CEUs. No pre-registration or CEU fees necessary.

Defusing Verbally/Physically
Aggressive Children
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Crystal B
Presenter(s): Greg Catalano, Physicans of Phun
Chair: Karia Krones, NSSRA
Being confronted with difficult situations in the work place is almost a daily occurrence. Handling these situations requires confidence — confidence that comes from knowing proven techniques and strategies as well as how and when to apply them.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the distinct levels of behavior and how to respond to each level appropriately; (2) Learn how to anticipate and respond to the behaviors of participants while maintaining a positive rapport with the acting-out participant.

What's Right with Our Children Today
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Suite 3
Presenter(s): Keith Neuber, President, I.K.A.N. Presentations
Chair: DJ Newport, NISRA
The more common question is "What's Wrong with Our Children Today?" People in our society have a tendency to focus on the negative. This presentation will focus on the assets, strengths, contributions and potential of our young people.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Have a better understanding of today's young people and their attitudes and actions; (2) Have a better understanding of what your community can do to positively affect the choices and attitudes of today's youth.

Schematic Phasing in Designing a Community/Recreation Center and Park
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Columbus K/L
Presenter(s): Greg Calpino, Principal, Smith Group/ JJR; Tom Poulos, AIA, Principal, Williams Architects; Mark Westermeier, Director, Carmel Clay, Indiana Board of Parks and Recreation
Chair: Kate Ditchman, Williams Architects
Recreation professionals who have master-planned a community/recreation center and parks must then determine a schematic phasing model that will work within budget parameters. This session will present information on the approach being applied to the development of a 130-acre, multi-featured park in the Midwest.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Gain insight into how aspects of a master plan are translated into schematic building plans; (2) Learn how a strategic plan can be implemented for realistically aligning budget, construction timeline and programming opportunities.

Corporate Sponsorships Go Public!
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Acapulco
Presenter(s): Judith Leblein, CPRP, Marketing and Operations, Water Technology, Inc.
Chair: Fred Gusel, Bolingbrook Park District
This session will show you how to develop creative ways to promote your aquatic operation to acquire alternate and sponsorship revenue.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discuss creative ways to promote your aquatic operation "cheaply;" (2) Learn different strategies to sell your facility and what value it may have.

Unlock The Secrets of Successful Marketing Plans
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Grand Ballroom III at the Swissotel
Presenter(s): Kim Smith, Marketing & Communications Specialist, Bolingbrook Park District; Kiley Thiele, Marketing Coordinator, Oswegoland Park District
Chair: Cheryl Crisman, Plainfield Township Park District
Feel overwhelmed with pressure to develop effective marketing plans with a park district budget and limited staffing? This workshop will help park district professionals unlock the secrets of developing marketing plans that will work regardless of budget and manpower limitations.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Gain an in-depth understanding of what a marketing plan is and why it is vital to your operation; (2) Come out with a working model to take back and build a marketing plan.

Build Teams by Crossing Cultural Barriers
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Regency D
Presenter(s): Gloria Peterson, President, Global Protocol
Chair: Anthony Arrington, Richton Park Parks and Recreation Department
This seminar will help participants overcome a cultural bias, rebound from awkward situations and handle unusual names confidently. A team building must!
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Be more comfortable when working for or with someone culturally different; (2) Overcome personal judgments and have better team interaction.

2005 Conference Program Table of Contents

C38 Illinois Parks and Recreation January/February 2005

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