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With unimaginative headlines like "Wow," I won't be winning any awards too soon. But there is simply no better way for me to describe the quality of articles and photos IP&R. readers have been treated to over the past year. On behalf of the IAPD/IPRA joint editorial committee, I thank the photographers who sent us more than 100 images for the 2004 Give Us Your Best Shot photo contest. As always, there were more photos worthy of winning than there were prizes. But, did you know that every person who enters the photo contest helps make IAPD and IPRA publications better? That's because contest photos (even those that aren't "winners") often appear on the cover and in the pages of this magazine, as well as on the cover of the IAPD/IPRA Membership Directory and other publications. I've spent some time behind a camera, so I know how difficult it is to get a picture to turn out. I've spent many more hours banging away at a keyboard trying to coax my thoughts into intelligible, useful articles. That's why my heartfelt thanks and admiration go out to all of those who contributed stories to Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine last year. I'm glad that Dr. Nick DiGrino of Western Illinois University; Dr. Regina Glover of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale; and Robert Espeseth and Dr. Cynthia J. Wachter of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign served as judges for this year's writing awards. I'm not sure I ever could have awarded the prizes: I was proud of every story we published last year. I hope that the 2004 winning photos and articles will inspire others to contribute to the magazine. The park and recreation community in our state is a talented and giving bunch. There is so much we can learn from one another, and I know you have a lot more Wow! left in you.
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"And Then I'll Teach My Dog to Sing: Adventures in Pool Staff Care" Rick Missing Buffalo Grove Park District July/August issue, page 22 Judge's Comments: This article is not only well written but also has valuable information for the reader. It is a wonderful article, and one I plan to use in a class on working with part-time and young staff. What a delight to read a positive article about part-time, young staff.
Best Facilities Management and Design Article
Best Legal Article
"You're Never Too Old to Play: Field Notes on Starting Up a Senior Softball League" Vance Barrie Rockford Park District November/December issue, page 13 Judge's Comments: A vibrant article that captures the excitement and articulates the benefits of an outstanding program. The author does a fine job of tracing the evolution of this successful service to older adults.
"Stretching Small Town Budgets" Nathan A. Schaumleffel University of Illinois Dr. Deborah Smith Southern Connecticut State University Dr. Irma O'Dell Kansas State University September/October issue, page 22 Judge's Comments: This is a well-written article on a topic affecting a large number of communities in the state of Illinois. Based on the findings of their research, these authors provide explicit information on the ways in which small communities are maximizing programs and services with minimal budgets. The strategies provided by the small community recreation programs involved in the study speak to the inventiveness and creativity needed to meet the recreation needs of communities of all sizes.
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