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PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
All p re-conference workshops award 0.3 CEUs, pending approval. Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.

Leadership...Five Practices Mastered by Proven Leaders

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Karen E. Purves, M.A., Innovative Impact
Chair: Sheila Lowrey, IPRA

What do good leaders do? Inspire employees to stretch, bring out hidden talents, ask for feedback and listen and motivate through inspiration, guidance and sharing a vision. Learn the five practices based on "The Leadership Challenge" that known leaders use.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Create a shared vision — listen deeply, find common ground, speak from the heart; (2) Empower others to act - add fun, question the status quo, innovate, give choices, admit mistakes, and open their minds.

Getting Ready to Fund Raise -Establishing a Viable Nonprofit Organization

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Joanne Kepics, Outreach Specialist, The Foundation Center
Chair: John Comerio, IAPD

Don't miss this session limited to the first 33 registrants. Learn the characteristics of a successful nonprofit organization and find out how to conduct an assets inventory of your agency. Attendees will learn how to create fund raising plans for their agencies.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Be able to assess their own readiness to raise funds
and begin the process of working to increase their capacity; (2) Be able to think through the components that comprise a fund raising plan.

The Power of Schmoozing: How to Make Connections that Really Work

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Jodi Rudick, Advisors Marketing
Chair: Jesse Felix, West Chicago Park District

Never discount the value of networking when it comes to building partnerships, sponsorships and support for your agency, programs and facilities. In this session you'll learn how to get more out of every encounter, meeting, seminar and conference—including this one!
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to make a great first impression; (2) Learn where to find the right groups to meet their needs and goals.

Time Management Boot Camp: Fitting a 10-Hour Day into 8..or Less!

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Steve Beck, President, Steve Beck & Associates
Chair: Nancy Aldrich, Arlington Heights Park District

Do you know how to obtain the most efficient and effective time control of your days? Are you aware of the essential steps needed to get more accomplished in the same amount of time? Steve Beck, President of Steve Beck and Associates, will show you how to uncover pockets of wasted time in your workday and offer great tips for eliminating them once and for all. You'll come away with key action steps to save time, decrease stress and eliminate the time thieves in your life so you can be more productive and avoid burnout.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discuss the greatest timewasters and identify the best ways to eliminate them from your day; (2) Learn how to balance professional and personal time demands to be more productive and to avoid burnout.

How the Best Teams are Built and How they Stay that Way!

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Bill Guertin, the 800 Pound Gorrila
Chair: Kelly LaMore, Bourbonnais Township Park District

The New York Yankees... the San Francisco 49ers... the Detroit Red Wings... the Chicago Bulls. Great teams are built much like great workplaces... one person at a time. When everyone understands his or her role in the "big picture," great things can happen. In this dynamic presentation, Bill outlines the key components of great teams and how you can create a "franchise"—a dynasty, a legendary team—at work. Be prepared for lots of interactive exercises and self-discovery during this life-changing session.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Clearly identify and understand the key attributes of the winningest teams in professional sports and apply those attributes to their professional and personal lives; (2) Measure the current level of teamwork in their own work environments and bring home several exercises designed to increase the level of teamwork in their own workplace.

The ABCs of Positive Discipline

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Greg Catalano, Physicans of Phun
Chair: Karla Krones, NSSRA

Raising children under relatively stable circumstances can be difficult these days. Parents are abdicating authority to us to raise their children. Does your staff understand the basics of discipline? Are their discipline management techniques positive? Do they have a variety of techniques to serve the wide variety of participants served? This session will answer these questions while providing your staff with the basic understanding of positive discipline.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the basics of discipline; (2) Learn a variety of positive discipline management techniques that can be used to serve all populations.

Stimulating, Motivating and Influencing Others: The Art of Effective Leadership

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Scott A. Chovanec, President, Scott Chovanec & Associates, Inc.
Chair: Carrie Haupert, Wheaton Park District

This unique workshop allows for interactive involvement, discussions and breakout sessions that focus on those leadership qualities and skills necessary to advance your staff's effectiveness. Learn how successful "leaders" create winning environments and establish trusting relationships that make others feel valued...and walk away with proven strategies and tactics to improve your leadership effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Gain a solid understanding in the essentials of influential leadership that creates "followship"; (2) Learn key strategies and techniques that are critical in interviewing, selecting, mentoring and retaining, as well as motivating, peak performers.

24 Illinois Parks and Recreation

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
All p re-conference workshops award 0.3 CEUs, pending approval. Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.

Mind Play: Tools For Creativity

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): John Irvin, President, Lifestyle Enhancement Services
Chair: Susan McMahon, Wheaton Park District

An interactive workshop that presents creativity as a holistic skill that can be learned and developed.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Experience activities for relaxing the mind and body; (2) Be introduced to creative techniques for creating with self and others.

How to Develop a Successful Internship Program

8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenters: Gail Ito, Assistant Professor, Chicago State University; Nancy Niebur, Internship Coordinator, Illinois State University; Gary Fenton, Director of Professional Services and Danielle Timmerman, Academic Affairs Program Manager, NRPA
Chair: Raoul Gravel, Northern Illinois University

Districts are often in the position to recruit and employ student interns. What is the best structure for an internship that will actually benefit the student, the agency and fulfill NRPA's institution requirements? This workshop will present, from an academic perspective, the requirements of institutions. Proposals of projects for all types of internship programs will be presented. Participants will listen to presentations by NRPA, university professors, agency administrators and students on their expectations of a successful internship program. The participants will then collectively design an ideal internship program.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the requirements of an NRPA-accredited internship and common requirements of universities; (2) Develop an effective internship model to use at the agency level that benefits the student and the agency.

Strategic Plans: Planning for Success

8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): DC Luster, Consultant, DAL Enterprises; Kendall Parrott, Chief Operating Officer, I.N.K. Inc. Foundation, Investing in Kids
Chair: Lonette Hall, Richton Park & Recreation Department

Does your strategic plan address the concerns of your community? Strategic planning is a process that an agency can use to identify critical success targets that set the course for program services and future growth. This workshop is designed to increase accountability to your residents, develop stronger relationships, community ties and effectively communicate the plan.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Develop a strategy to include the community in the planning process; (2) Identify and enlist key-community members who would be the advocate for your mission.

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All pre-conference workshops award 0.3 CEUs, pending approval. Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.

Communicate with Strength: 19 Words that Undermine Your Effectiveness

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Karen E. Purves, M.A., Innovative Impact
Chair: Sheila Lowrey, IPRA

Are you unintentionally turning away new business and revenue? Do you have unresponsive or difficult co-workers? Are people holding up the information you need to do your job? Simply changing some of the words you use will affect your success with others. Your choice of words has the power to enhance relationships, open up the lines of communication, improve your credibility and convey integrity - or do just the opposite!
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Identify 19 words they can remove or reduce from their vocabulary to help increase their influence with business associates; (2) Discover how many words that they use could be costing their collaborative, productive relationships.

Why Benefits? Why Now?

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $40
Presenter(s): Panel of Experts
Chair: Tracy Alden, Western Springs Recreation Department

This session is a must for all professionals, commissioners and students. With this powerful information, commissioners will be stronger community leaders; students will become sought-after applicants; and professionals will gain a healthy new job perspective.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn about ways parks and recreation enhance the quality of life in our communities; (2) Learn who to communicate their benefits message to, how to communicate it and what to communicate.

Raising More Money: Re-igniting the Passion for Your Mission

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Tammy Zonker, Raising More Money
Chair: Rodd Whelpley, IAPD

This session gets staff and board members in touch with their passion for the organization they serve and reminds them why they got involved in parks, recreation and conservation in the first place. Attendees will get an overview of the "Raising More Money" fund raising model and will participate in exercises that show them how they can express their passion and pass it on to potential donors. This is also a rare opportunity for board members and staff from various nonprofits to hear from each other.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn about the Raising More Money Model: a step-by-step system for building sustainable funding from mission-based, lifelong individual donors; (2) Design an "Essential Story" that conveys the essence of their work; (3) Conduct a practice "One-on-One Point of Entry" to introduce a potential donor to their organization's work. September/October 2005 25

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All pre-conference workshops award 0.3 CEUs, pending approval. Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.

Developing a Proposal

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Joanne Kepics, Outreach Specialist, The Foundation Center
Chair: John Comerio, IAPD

This session is targeted to those just getting into grant writing. Attendance is limited to the first 35 registrants. Competition for dollars is fierce. This session will hone your skills so that you are prepared to develop the best possible proposal for your agency. The session will be presented in four modules: (1) Gathering the necessary information; (2) Learning the elements of proposal content, including the budget; (3) Packaging the proposal; (4) Submitting the Proposal.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn the process of approaching funders, which includes writing proposals and cultivating relationships with funders during the review period; (2) Gain the knowledge and confidence needed to develop a successful proposal.

Present Like a Pro

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Jodi Rudick, Advisors Marketing
Chair: Keith Neitzke, Round Lake Area Park District

Learn how to look and sound comfortable and confident in every speaking situation from the boardroom to the television studio. This session will focus on how to make more effective presentations for groups such as park boards, city councils, local service clubs and others. Participants will also get a chance to meet the press and take part in "mock" press conferences and video taped interviews. This session is fun, informational and effective.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to use cameras and microphones to improve pubic perception; (2) Learn where presentation marketing fits into the overall marketing plan.

Follow the Leader: Effective Leadership Skills for Parks and Recreation Professionals

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Steve Beck, President, Steve Beck & Associates
Chair: Rose Devine-Mitchell, Bourbonnais Township Park District

Whether you're a student, a new supervisor or a seasoned parks and recreation veteran, this informative workshop will provide you with insightful perceptions into how successfully you lead your employees. Steve Beck, president of Steve Beck and Associates, will help you evaluate your effectiveness as a leader and assist you in exploring the "10 Rules for Leadership Success." Steve will also show how your attitude can make you a more effective leader.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Evaluate their individual effectiveness as a leader; (2) Explore the 10 key rules for leadership success.

HR Nightmares on Elm Street: Solve Your Scariest Employee Problems!

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Nancy Aldrich, Superintendent of Human Resources, Arlington Heights Park District
Chair: Beverly Wolf, Lombard Park District

In the ideal agency, no one would be difficult, everyone would get along with each other, and you could spend your day doing your real work, instead of taming the fires of your employees' conflicts. But the reality is you will spend a good deal of your time solving a variety of vexing HR situations. In this interactive workshop, we'll use real-life P&R employee case studies to show you how you can reduce and eliminate your most common and troublesome employee problems.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Identify the main types of problem employees in park and recreation agencies; (2) Analyze and discuss the most effective ways to resolve and prevent those difficult employee-related problems.

What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Bill Guertin, the 800 Pound Gorrila
Chair: Kelly LaMore, CPRP, Bourbonnais Township Park District

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? This program has been designed to bring clarity and purpose to hundreds of adults in dozens of different industries. So many people are living without a vision for their own futures. Bill's inspiring, real-world presentation brings an electrifying message of self-worth, new possibilities and inspired thinking. With a blend of stories, examples and on-stage demonstrations, Bill gives his audiences new reasons to create goals, follow their dreams and go for something that's bigger than anything they've ever previously thought possible for themselves.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Recognize and harness the incredible power of becoming "fail proof" and articulate their own life goals in a clear, simple way that makes achievement a near certainty; (2) Achieve a renewed sense of enthusiasm and positive energy in their lives.

2 Much Fun While Cooperating, Communicating and Relating

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Greg Catalano, Physicans of Phun
Chair: Karla Krones, NSSRA

Many of today's children seem to have a difficult time communicating effectively and cooperating with one another. Developing these skills in your program will not only reduce the number of discipline problems you have, but enhance the personal well-being and esteem of the children you serve. This highly interactive session will keep you learning all afternoon.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn a variety of activities that can be used to develop communication and cooperation skills; (2) Learn to help children discover their personal strengths and weaknesses.

26 Illinois Parks and Recreation

PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
All pre-conference workshops award 0.3 CEUs, pending approval. Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.

Discovering Options

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): John Irvin, Certified Speaking Professional, Lifestyle Enhancement Services, Inc.
Chair: Amanda Matveia, WSSRA

Attendees will learn how to enhance their ability to work and communicate with their peers through an understanding of yourself and others in this powerful program based on the work of Dr. William Martson and the Personal Profile System.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discover and capitalize on their own behavioral strengths, thereby improving communication and reducing conflict; (2) Increase their appreciation of different work styles to improve productivity and foster teamwork.

Exceeding Expectations in the Delivery of Exceptional Customer Service

1:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Price: $65
Presenter(s): Scott A. Chovanec, President, Scott Chovanec & Associates, Inc.
Chair: Carrie Haupert, Wheaton Park District

Park districts rarely get a second chance to make a first impression. This session focuses on "first impressions" excellence and long-term customer service satisfaction by investigating service standards that really work! Learn the applications and techniques that will help your district gain a competitive advantage.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Learn how to enhance their "image equity" in the eyes of the customer by investigating strategies and tactics for earning the highest levels of customer satisfaction that ultimately lead to exceptional levels of customer retention; (2) Develop an understanding of the eight-step customer service program through applications of practical concepts directly related to their district goals.

So, You Think That You Have Something To Say!

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Judith Leblein, Operations Analyst, Water Technology, Inc.
Chair: Sarah Holcombe, NISRA

Back by popular demand, Judith Leblein will useher marketing savvy and humor to help delegates understand the secrets to making a great presentation. Could you use some coaching on media interviews? Would you love to be a speaker at a professional conference? Do you think that you have what it takes to get an article published? This workshop will get you started in each of these areas. Most people can benefit from some coaching whether they make public presentations or need to lead effective meetings in their workplace. Let this award-winning communicator motivate and inspire confidence in you.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Discover the tricks to giving a great media interview or preparing for a public presentation; (2) Explore the steps for getting an article published for writing a proposal that will likely be selected for a conference session.

Developing a Stress Management Plan

1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Price: $65
Presenter(s): Felicia Blasingame, President/CEO, South Central Community Center
Chair: Gail Ito, Chicago State University

Managing stress requires a plan and a commitment. This session will assist you in developing a plan that you can stick with in your busy life and provide you with the skills required to reduce your stress on a daily basis.
Learning Outcomes: Participants will: (1) Leave with at least ten techniques for reducing stress; (2) Develop a plan to manage stress while still fulfilling job and family responsibilities.

Office Support Luncheon and Workshop

Thursday, January 26, 2006
11:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Pre-registration is mandatory; registration form on page 42.
Price: $65.00
Location: Grand Ballroom, Second Level

This fee includes lunch.
This session is targeted for your office support staff!

11 :45 a.m. Lunch /Registration
1:00 p.m. Workshop
3:30 p.m. Tour the Exhibit Hall, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest Exhibit Halls, Lower Level

Managing Conflict so that it Doesn't Manage You!
Speaker: Mary Byers
Chair: Mickey Macholl, Hanover Park Park District

Dealing with conflict is a large part of any professional's work. When you know how to manage conflict, instead of letting it manage you, your work becomes easier and you become more successful.

Here's what you'll learn during this program:

• The four basic personality styles
•  Your personal strengths and weaknesses and how they affect your work
•  How to get along with people that aren't like you
• The best way to handle tough communication issues
•  Why little things make a big difference

After this program, you'll approach your work relationships in a whole new way! September/October 2005 27

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